NAA mini revolver accuracy?

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Jun 7, 2006
North Louisiana
Ok folks, I've been thinking of getting one of these little beasties. The one thing that I'm still wondering about is the practical accuracy. I don't mean group sizes, I mean how far out can one hit, say, a golf ball, or a playing card with one? I'm looking for firsthand experience here, not (no offense) something a friend of a friend of a friend said.
Respectfully, you are asking a bit much if you expect to hit a golf ball or playing card at any distance with a NAA mini. Because of it's miniscule sight radius, one-finger grip, and having to contort your hand to get it on-target, accuracy is not its strong suit. I can hit COM on a silouette target out to about 7 yards with one but hitting a playing card at that distance for me would be a result of luck and the law of averages. It's really an up close "get off me" gun.
I typically carry one in 22 Mag in a holster in my pocket when I'm wearing some tight fitting pants (I normally carry a 357 Mag in a pocket holster). Take a look at the muzzle energy comparison between the 38 Special and the 22 Mag. No, I don't consider the 22 Mag a defensive round. However, it is better than nothing. The good news is: if there was a negligent discharge, I probably couldn't shoot myself in the foot with it.:) Oh, and I'm only 5'7" tall.

Incidentally, after years of study I've found that ice-cream will shrink your pants.:evil:
Well you need to stop putting ice cream in your pants.

And practical accuracy certainly isn't measured in golf balls or playing cards with that gun. Although it would be interesting to see how close you had to be to hit a golfball or playing card, I suspect gator is correct though.
The best I have been able to do is keep 5 rounds on a 81/2" X 11" sheet of paper at 21 feet.
I have not tried it further than that but it did well at the 21 feet mark.
I agree it is not ideal but is better than harsh words.
I have taken up moutain biking and carry one with me as opposed to nothing. Before I was carrying nothing and as I look for a CCW for bicycling this will fill in.
I have only shot mine at about three- four yards. Rapid fire is COM on a Pie Plate sized target.

It fills a niche. I have a pocket holster, but am ordering one that I can wear on a chain around my neck. Good carry on my bike.
It fills a niche.
A wee teeny tiny niche

As noted, they are not highly accurate little guns, but they are more accurate than a lot of folks can shoot them. As noted, part of the problem is a short sight radius and that is coupled with fairly crude/gross sights for the size of gun and sight radius. So, the sights are such that it becomes difficult to actually aim at the exact same spot every time with any confidence. Combine that with strange little grips, a fairly heavy trigger, lack of trigger time and experience with the gun, and this results in folks having a much larger group size.

I like mine. I consider it my BUG's BUG.
Bought a used NAA Black Widow last weekend at a gun show. Gets kinda hot down here in SC, and I wanted something small I could carry in the pocket of my shorts in the summer.

I was very pleased when I took it to the range. First 15 rounds, 5 each from 3, 5 and 10 paces, 13 in the "A" area, 2 in the C of the ISPSA/IPSC practice target (center of mass shots.)

Head shots from 7 paces 3 "A" and 2 "B".

Very comfortable, recoil is nill (but it IS LOUD!!), pointed very naturally. This would make for a real nasty little surprise for someone who wanted to do me harm.

"Say hello to my lil friend!"
there's combat accuracy and target accuracy. the NAA mini revolver is a "get the hell off of me gun". it will hit center of mass at a couple of arms' lengths away no problem, and hit a person a few yards away. it is combat accurate.
Okay, I can comment on this. I hit a very small snake with a NAA 22mag with that tiny-short barrel. Range was maybe 18 inches and I pulled the trigger with my splinted broken trigger finger. Must have some accuracy. Still, I don't look for much outta those little things.
At the range they are meant for they are the most accurate guns on the market.

Of course they are meant for contact range.
if you can learn to point shoot it.......
try with a box of CB's. start at 3 feet to get the feel for it, than progress to standard lr's. if ya can do 3 or 4 out of 5 in 5 inches at 15 feet.....i'll be scared of you. good luck
I've got a 22mag PUG, and it's a good little gun. Like someone else said, it's good for when I ride my mountain bike. The PUG has some decent sites on it, and the grips are oversized Hogues.

I've only shot it twice, and I can hit a paper plate with all 5 shots at about 10 feet away. That's all the gun is meant for. You don't pull out a NAA mini in attempt to stop a robbery. You pull it out to save your a**.
I dunno why people complain about triggers. Maybe I was lucky. Mine was about 3 pounds, like any other revolver in SA.

I could get all my shots in about a 4-5" circle at 7 yards, most of the time. Shot a bit low, though.
I have one in 22 mag. It's basically a "belly" gun, stick it into their belly then pull the trigger.
Borrowed one in .22 LR once, a standard short-barrel unit.

Soda can, 10 yards, 4/5 shots hit with ease.

Same distance, A-Zone pointshooting using visual index (have to see the profile of the handgun in my field of vision, within 1 foot of the line of sight), 5/5 all the time.
i got the one with the 1-5/8 barrel and from say 21 feet i can put em in a 3 to 4in group
I can hit the head of a rattler at 10 feet with a Federal Lightening. Reckon a golf ball would be no problem. I can hit the inside part of a paper plate at 25 yards with mine 5 for 5 off hand. I have a holster grip on it. It's got a 1 5/8" barrel. No, it's not a bullseye gun, but find the ammo it likes and regulate the sight for it and it'll hit an eyeball at 10 feet, a face at 21, a thorax at 75 easily enough. It's not a FAST gun to get on target with, though, not your best combat weapon, but it sure beats nothing if it's all you can pack due to dress or something. At close range, I've taken out snakes, racoons, possums, and even a large feral dog at 20 yards with a head shot. Feed the gun what it likes and regulate it (it will shoot low out of the box) and it very well could amaze you if you can shoot a handgun at all.

I can't shoot one at all without the holster grip, can't grip the thing. I don't know how people shoot those things with that little bird's head.

BTW, here's your standard sight adjustment tool. :D

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