NAA Mini Revolver temptation...

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Well, I, for one, said either defective gun or operator error.

Anyway, and especially with the NAA mini-revolver, I think that it's more prone to operator error than other guns.

While I'm commenting, I've been practicing decocking from a full cock. I'm too lazy to check my owner's manual at this moment-I'm not even sure that it's mentioned.

First do it without live ammo a few times. Make sure gun is pointed in a safe direction at all times, loaded or unloaded.

This I believe to be the safest way to do it without incident on a live round:

First, from the side, get a good grasp on the hammer with your non-firing thumb and index finger, pull the trigger with your other hand's index finger (your usual trigger finger), SLOWLY lower the hammer with your non-firing hand grasp while releasing trigger shortly after you start to lower that hammer, and lower it to half-cock. The hammer should never fall of its own accord. And it should stop at 'half-cock'.


Does anyone know why? ;)
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