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NC Senate bill proposes the elimination of handgun permits


Mar 27, 2022
Actually three bills consolidated into one



The permit section of the bill has received support from NC sheriffs who feel that enhanced mental health checks and background checks are redundant with point of sale federal background checks

Cooper will veto it....again. he vetoed the repeal of the purchase permit alone a couple year ago. Why would he not veto the same but with even more pro gun added to it

Most of us just get a concealed carry permit and never have to get the purchase permits again.

If we ever add permitless concealed carry though, it will complicate things. We will have to either keep the carry permit just to forego the purchase ones (which is my choice) or go back to buying 4 purchase permits at a time again. Lol
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And wth is that. For the past 20 years we have to sign a paper saying we will keep any gun securely stored and/or away from ammo. Then they tear the paper off and give you the half that says it all. Seems like they already "launched" that a long time ago. Plus they have gave out free locks for 20 years. I have then hanging on every barn door or hinge I have actually. Lol.
Valid points but I’m still pleased to see the legislators not taking a knee to the anti’s and continuing their efforts to eliminate the permit requirement
Valid points but I’m still pleased to see the legislators not taking a knee to the anti’s and continuing their efforts to eliminate the permit requirement

No doubt. I agree.

Just pointing out to anyone not familiar with the situation though, despite the sheriffs support for the last bill in 21 which was ONLY the repeal of the stupid pistol purchase permits...Cooper vetoed that bill. And he is still in office. I'm betting this new one which is that same bill but even more tacked on, gets the same fate. Maybe not. Cooper also won by more in 2020 than he did in 2016 so I can't imagine he is having any change of heart

And for anyone wondering, in NC you have to go to the local sheriff and get a permit to buy any new handgun (but not to buy a 50 BMG rifle or a new M2 shotgun....). They used to be 5 bucks per permit and you could buy 4 at a time and keep them in your wallet using them when you wanted to. No limit to how many you buy in any given time frame. They do have to be from YOUR sherif. So if you seen a gun at the coast and you lived in tellico.... was a good drive to get your 5 dollar permit to buy it. If you have a concealed carry permit then you show them that and you don't need the purchase permit.

The permit can't be denied if you meet the normal background checks. If you are denied you can appeal it but Unlike the carry permit in some of the less friendly counties, I've not heard of pistol purchase permits being held up by a sheriffs whim.
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The locks aren't "free", the cost of the lock is borne by the seller, who passes it along to you hidden in the purchase price.

Nope. They are free. Or at least bought by your land taxes. You go to any sheriffs office and they give you all you want in NC. We keep a box by the door. Beside the "drop your unwanted baby off" box that thankfully nobody has ever used. I believe it was part of the safe storage stuff passed years ago before I could buy guns. Same time they started making you sign that "it is unlawful to store a firearm......blah blah" paper with every gun and tear the bottom off and give you the top. Been that way since 2000 at least.

The ones bundled with the guns that come from Colt/ smith/ Beretta etc are added to the price im sure. But I meant that NC has been doing that plus the "storage of a firearm papers" for years, not sure why they threw that in the bill to "launch" another campaign when we already do more than the surrounding states. I used to use those factory locks for my barn doors and such but now I leave them in the original box. May add value someday. Idk.
And wth is that. For the past 20 years we have to sign a paper saying we will keep any gun securely stored and/or away from ammo. Then they tear the paper off and give you the half that says it all. Seems like they already "launched" that a long time ago. Plus they have gave out free locks for 20 years. I have then hanging on every barn door or hinge I have actually. Lol.
Where is this in NC law?
It's odd that the gun laws in North Carolina are more antigun than in Virginia, which is a bluer state. And South Carolina, which was the heart of the old Confederacy, traditionally has been even worse in its gun laws.
It's odd that the gun laws in North Carolina are more antigun than in Virginia, which is a bluer state. And South Carolina, which was the heart of the old Confederacy, traditionally has been even worse in its gun laws.
Look at CO, NM, OR, etc.

“the times, they are a changing”
Pistol permits are last vestige of the old Jim Crowe laws and need to be abolished. We finally got rid of our pistol permits or commonly called purchase permits when we passed concealed carry here in Missouri back around 2005-2007 time period.

County Sheriffs used this to keep people they did not want armed from buying handguns. And in Missouri it was really hard to get permits in the heavily Democrat controlled cities and counties such as St Louis.
Maybe started off as a Jim Crow law.
Bingo. If you were buddies with the sheriff (i.e., white), no problem. Otherwise...

This followed a pattern of selective enforcement of gun laws in the Old South. They weren't meant to apply to the "good ole boys." The sole purpose was to have laws on the books that could be used to oppress minorities.

In the North, for example in New York, the same pattern applied, except that the purpose was to suppress immigrants, rather than Black people. Heaven forbid that the Irish or Italians should have guns.
Yes. The Sullivan laws in NYC were created during an incredibly corrupt period. It was said that permits to carry were not issued to certain immigrant groups. If the police of the time wanted to have cause to arrest one of them, dropping a pistol in their jacket pocket and arresting them for lack of permit was a thing. Or so I am told. But it was most definitely applied on a selective basis to target specific disfavored groups. Today NYC is an equal opportunity denier of the right.
It's odd that the gun laws in North Carolina are more antigun than in Virginia, which is a bluer state.
Virginia has only become more left-leaning than NC very recently. For much of my life, NC tried hard to be the Massachusetts of the South, with regard to taxes, gun laws, etc. Until NC passed carry licensure in 1995 (part of the backlash against the 1994 Clinton/Feinstein bans), the gun-control lobby ranked NC has having the 13th-strictest gun laws in the United States. There was no carry licensure, you had to go to the sheriff’s office and beg permission to buy a pistol, open carry is partially at the discretion of local LE, etc. There was no legal way at the time to even have a gun in your glove compartment in your vehicle. You could have one lying on the seat or dash in plain view, or visible in a gun rack, or you could put it in the trunk or otherwise out of anyone’s reach. Even open carry of pistols was prohibited on deer lands, etc, even outside of hunting season, as I recall (with a couple of very niche exceptions for hunters).

The backlash against the 1994 AWB changed all that, thank goodness. We are still stuck with the Jim Crow purchase permit, but you can avoid that by getting a carry license (although the process is intrusive, and expensive in time and money).

It did. And the law gave sheriffs a blank check to deny a purchase permit to anyone they did not deem to be of “good moral character”, which (until relatively recently) could mean anything the sheriff wanted it to mean. The sheriff could deny you for having the wrong ethnic background, or for living with an intimate partner without being married (I seen to recall a court case on that one), or for anything else that could be crammed into the “moral character” term. I think the overt racial discrimination would be legally discouraged now, but it still denies handgun ownership to those who cannot afford to travel to the county seat on a workday between 9:00 and 4:00 or whatever. Criminals do not feel bound by the permit requirement, of course, but it is a pain for the law-abiding.

Some leftist sheriffs turned the purchase permit requirement into a de facto handgun ban in some counties by refusing to process permits during Covid, but the courts have recently slapped that down.
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It's odd that the gun laws in North Carolina are more antigun than in Virginia, which is a bluer state. And South Carolina, which was the heart of the old Confederacy, traditionally has been even worse in its gun laws.
I don't know how things in SC used to be before I lived there in the early 2000's but I remember being able to walk into a store and walk out with a handgun no problem but now I live in NC and need a permit
The Sullivan laws in NYC were created during an incredibly corrupt period. It was said that permits to carry were not issued to certain immigrant groups.
So the Italian community in NYC, being denied the chance to own guns legally, turned to the Sicilian Mafia (who had guns illegally) for protection. And then the role of the Mob was cemented under alcohol Prohibition. These were unforeseen consequences of ostensibly "well-meaning" legislation. Except that the motives weren't really "well-meaning."
The backlash against the 1994 AWB changed all that, thank goodness.
Yes, the 1994 AWB changed the whole landscape regarding guns. The net result was that, in the end, the country had more "assault weapons" than if the AWB had never been enacted in the first place. Again, this is an example of consequences going contrary to expectations. Are the antigunners so stupid as to not see this?
So the Italian community in NYC, being denied the chance to own guns legally, turned to the Sicilian Mafia (who had guns illegally) for protection.

Only problem being those were the people they needed protection from.

Immigrant groups are generally preyed upon by their own people.

Cooper will veto it....again. he vetoed the repeal of the purchase permit alone a couple year ago. Why would he not veto the same but with even more pro gun added to it

Most of us just get a concealed carry permit and never have to get the purchase permits again.

If we ever add permitless concealed carry though, it will complicate things. We will have to either keep the carry permit just to forego the purchase ones (which is my choice) or go back to buying 4 purchase permits at a time again. Lol
I've read that there is some bipartisan support on the bills this time. Don't know the numbers off the top of my head but I'm hoping that they can over ride a veto
“ Yes said:
more[/B] "assault weapons" than if the AWB had never been enacted in the first place. Again, this is an example of consequences going contrary to expectations. Are the antigunners so stupid as to not see this?”

Having lived in CA for a long time and having to listen to one sided discussions at work - the answer to your question is yes. They see something that they don’t like and want to legislate it away. Things like career criminals having plenty of guns is simply caused because they are too easy for you and I to get. I’ve asked them that since we can’t stop the flow of drugs over our borders how will we stop illegal guns? All I got was blank looks…
Well moving back to NC is a little more appealing now.

I bought my first handgun there and had to get a permit to purchase from the Sheriff of my county. This was before instant background checks. Can one just buy a handgun now? I keep seeing articles on how this eliminates some background checks. How does it do that? It’s still the same check I have to go through in SC.
Well moving back to NC is a little more appealing now.

I bought my first handgun there and had to get a permit to purchase from the Sheriff of my county. This was before instant background checks. Can one just buy a handgun now? I keep seeing articles on how this eliminates some background checks. How does it do that? It’s still the same check I have to go through in SC.

Present your drivers license and store runs a NICS check and you’re good to go
It's hot off the press and I don't think anybody knows for sure, but to my understanding I guess you can buy a handgun now just like you do a rifle/shotgun. NICS check, allow or deny.

I am surprised this passed, to be honest.