NEA vs NRA Actions after Katrina

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My hunch is that the NEA, the BATF, the state of Louisiana, Jefferson Parish, and the city of New Orleans would be very upset if the NRA handed out free guns. I'd bet that the NRA's insurers would cancel all of its policies in a skinny minute for assuming such liability.

But that doesn't mean you have a bad idea, only the wrong channel for it.

This project is ideal for the Gun Owners of America! It's the perfect opportunity for GOA to show its superior concern for those poor people in New Orleans who have lost everything. In fact why hasn't GOA done something like this already?
The NRA has given guns away in its history: During the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War, the NRA armed many different black groups in the South so that they could both protect themselves and polling places from racists (some of whom were law enforcement officers).

The situation with Katrina is entirely different. The NRA really has no call to arm the citizens of the South with close to 10,000 troops and assorted law enforcement in the area.

Your arguments for the NRA "giving something back" sound a lot like the whining of the entitlement generations of New Orleans i.e. the denizens of the 9th Ward.
I didnt join the NRA to make it into a large socialist organization to solve every gun owners problems. If you want insurance then buy it yourself. I dont want to buy it for you. The NRA should lobby, sue and provide education opportunities. I dont expect big brother to bail me out. I take care of my own and carry insurance. I also hope that if the SHTF that the first thing a person with a brain would grab would be their guns.
Well said.
Your arguments for the NRA "giving something back" sound a lot like the whining of the entitlement generations of New Orleans i.e. the denizens of the 9th Ward.

How many NRA members in the south really need the NRA to give them a gun? I would bet money that they have plenty of guns otherwise they wouldn't be NRA members living in the south. Why don't we find out what they really need. Guns I am guessing is not something they are short on.

Again, let the NRA continue to lobby for gun rights. If you want to donate money for disaster relief, go to or I am going to make my donation right now.
Hey what about all those guns that was looted? Sure if you need it for selfdefense (at the time) then it’s a nesscesity. I don’t have a problem with that, but you know as well as I do that most of those weapons will never be returned to their rightful owners.
The federal government already collects money from me in the form of taxes that are being used to aid both NRA and non-NRA members in the Gulf Coast area.

In addition, my donations to the American Red Cross serve much the same purpose.

Now, I don't send money to the Red Cross so they can protect my gun rights in Congress and I don't send money to the NRA so they can give welfare to people in New Orleans (NRA members or not).

If the NRA would like to set up a separate program relying totally on donations specifically for that purpose, I have no issue with that; but they had durn sure better not take the money I sent them for protecting the Second Amendment and use it on welfare/cheap political grandstanding.

However, I would like to nominate this thread for the "Best Really Reaching to Criticize the NRA" award.
Being a teacher is great, no work, no standards, no tests and big bucks for 9 months work 6 hours a day,
I wish someone would contact my boss and explain to her that she's not supposed to hold me to the standards, I'm not supposed to have to do any work, I should be getting paid big bucks, and I shouldn't be working evenings and weekends. She doesn't seem to have gotten the memo.
My brother is a teacher. Its crap pay and loads of stress 9 months out of the year. On the other hand no one else wants your job and it is pretty hard to get fired.

The way it currently is set up, teaching only attracts the truly dedicated or the medicore.

The NYC public school system was medicore on a good day if I remember correctly. The involvement of the parents and the work ethic of the students was what saved the day at my high school. And there were a few good teachers.
"this is by far the weirdest anti-NRA thread I've read on THR."

That's what I was thinking.

Here's the question though. Should the NRA provide locks with the free guns? :scrutiny:

How about a cleaning kit? I mean their cleaning kits probably got ruined too, right?

Targets, they need targets.

And ammo. Are we going to give them guns and no ammo?

Maybe the NRA could contribute flare guns to New Orleans residents, so when the Mayor and Governor order the next evacuation, those that can't evac can signal the Mayor and Governor! :rolleyes:
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