Neal Boortz figures out why to vote Repub this time around.

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Jul 10, 2003
The link below is valid for today only. So I cut and pasted the text.



OK ... all bets are off.

Don't get me wrong ... I still have this deep felt desire to see the Republican's get punished by the electorate in next week's midterm election ... but suddenly the stakes seem to be too high.

What turned the tide for me? John Kerry, that's what. That insipid, haughty, pretentious jerk uttered another one of his absurd statements about our men and women in uniform ... and in a flash my fear of Democrats and their disdain for our military services overcame any desire I had to put Republicans over my knee.

You did hear what Kerry said, didn't you? Come on now .. surely you have. For the few of you who might have been in a 48-hour coma, The Poodle was talking to a group of college students in Pasadena, California (where else?) on Monday when he said: "You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

So there you have it. There's your choice. According to Mr. Band-Aide Purple Heart, you either become smart, or end up serving in our armed forces.

John Kerry seems to have a deep-seated disdain (bordering on hatred) for those in uniform. Remember, please, that it was John Kerry who, many years ago, talked about our troops in Vietnam regularly committing atrocities against innocent women and children. It was also John Kerry who remarked earlier this year about American troops in Iraq "terrorizing" women and children. How dare that pompous ass suggest that it is our troops who are doing the terrorizing over there?

For the record, Kerry is dead wrong. Not that he cares. Just four days ago The Heritage Foundation issued a report by Tim Kane entitled "Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003-2005." You have the link, go and read the report for yourself. If you do you will find that a higher percentage of military recruits have graduated from high school than the general population. In 2004 82.7% of recruits were high school graduates while another 7.03% had their GEDs. The national high school graduation rate that year was 79.8%. Even today, in 2006, the high school graduation rate for recruits is still higher than the high school graduation rate for the civilian population. Looks to me like the recruits are doing pretty well. You'll also find that "the Department of Defense reported that the mean reading level of 2004 recruits is a full grade level higher than that of the comparable youth population."

Clearly John Kerry had no idea what in the hell he was talking about .. the arrogant putz.

So .. the firestorm erupts, and here comes Kerry to the microphones to set the record straight. Did he apologize for his insult against our troops? Are you kidding? Not only did he not apologize, but he actually had the stones to try to tell us he wasn't talking about our troops, he was talking about Bush! I would ask just how stupid Kerry thinks Americans are --- but the very fact that he thinks we should have made him president indicates what his answer, were he to be truthful, would be.

These men and women are on the front lines, giving up their lives, to defend us from Islamic fascism -- and Kerry is back here talking about what intellectual failures they are. Intellectual failures that terrorize women and children in the night.

Do we hang the sins of John Kerry around the necks of all Democrats? Well, let me ask you. Did you hear of one single Democrat .. just one .. anywhere .. stepping forward to repudiate what Kerry said? Maybe some Democrat did, but I sure as hell haven't heard anything about it. Have you? A Democrat congressional candidate in Iowa has gone so far as to say Kerry's words were "inappropriate." Hardly an apology .. but he did ask Kerry to cancel a planned campaign visit to his district.

In other words ... these gutless wonders who just love to tell us how much they truly do support our troops won't even stand up to be heard when our soldiers are slandered by this rich woman's boy toy.

This is such a gift to the Republicans. It's as if Karl Rove himself paid John Kerry a large amount of money to read from a script. It couldn't be better. Here we are, on the even of the 2006 mid-term which the Democrats are poised to take over the House and maybe the Senate. Now here comes John Kerry, standard-bearer of his party in the last presidential slander our troops. Bad move....even the most anti-war politician never blames the troops. It's political suicide.

So .. that's it. We're six days out, and I've come unglued. Sure, the Republicans have become just another party of big government and pork barrel spending ... but at least they don't slander the very men and women who are shedding blood every single day to defend our country.

Give me the big-spenders who support our troops over the big-spenders who slander them any day.

I'm voting Republican.

We'll just have to figure out another way to take these Republicans miscreants to the woodshed.
Kerry isn't running for re-election. He will never be president. His political career is maxed out. He is a moot point.

He said something profoundly stupid, and as the author described. He certainly is a pompous ass. He was a ridiculously poor choice for the Democrats to have run in 2004, and he lost, and the country is better off for him having lost.

Now, that said, its a shame that the Republicans are not able to run on their own record, but have to stoop to simply reminding Americans they are not as bad as the Democrats, especially when the Democrat they are referring to is a political has-been. The Republicans haven't accomplished much that they are proud of, I suppose.
LoneGunman, that there is exactly the point you have hit upon.

The Repubs aren't very good.

But Kerry shows what Dems think.

Nationally-prominent Dems are anti-military, almost reflexively.

Remember Zell Miller's speeches for the 2004 Presidential campaign?

He was a Dem. He said there was no longer any room in the Dem party for people who think like he does.

Nationally-prominent Dems are almost reflexively anti-military, anti-gun ownership, pro-higher taxes, pro-deeper government involvement in every single aspect of your life.

Lately, the Repubs have increased government and spent like the proverbial drunken sailor on shore leave.

However, they are no where as bad for the country, especially in time of war, as the Dems would be.

Boortz is saying you can eat stale porridge (vote Repub) or eat stale porridge with maggots crawling in it (vote Dem).

Given the choice, I don't think there is much of a real choice.

Unless, of course, you are one of those non-sheeple rugged Randian uber-individualist who will, by gosh, vote Libertarian to send a mesage.......which means you're voting for the Dems by default.


Since both political parties are taking us in the wrong direction, albeit at different speeds, I think the best solution is to split the power in Washington between the two, so they have to fight each other, compromise, and ultimately grid lock the political process. As bad as it sounds, I think we might actually benefit from the Democrats having more power, just so they can put the breaks on the runaway agenda of the Neo-Cons.
We'll just have to figure out another way to take these Republicans miscreants to the woodshed.

How? By voting Democratic in '08????:what: By *not* voting???:scrutiny:

If there's a better argument for viable third party candidates, I've not heard it. The Republicans can hardly be chastened when they win by default. They can be if their victory is in danger because a really good third party candidate is chosen over *either* "business as usual" party candidate.

So if Kerry "misspoke" wouldn't he have apologized almost immediately?


He jutted out his jaw and bellowed down upon us, as a god from Olympus that he owed apology to no one.

Are there any Democrats getting on TV to opine that Kerry is a buffoonish gasbag, and please please don't take his words to indicate anything about Democrats in general feel about our servicemen and women?

Golly, no.

I somehow think that the reluctant republicans will turn out for sure, now.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that Kerry is a GOP plant. That man is unbelievable.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that Kerry is a GOP plant. That man is unbelievable.

I'm sure that somewhere on DU is a thread asserting exactly that, and blaming Rove.

The thing that makes me very frightened for our Republic is that 47% of our electorate thought he'd be a fine president, and simply could neither see nor comprehend what to most of us are blatant, self evident defects of character and judgement and ideology.

I wouldn't trust JK to mow my lawn, nevermind be captain of state.
Kerry is undoubtedly less than presidential material, and I'm not a fan. But looking at his comments in context, it's clear that he was taking a swipe at Bush - a poor student who's 'stuck in Iraq' - and not our troops.

The whole thing is ridiculous and despicable - Kerry's comments and the GOP response. But ridiculous and despicable is what modern politics has now become.

This is just one more example of a broken system that seems to be beyond repair.
it's clear that he was taking a swipe at Bush - a poor student who's 'stuck in Iraq' - and not our troops.

Sure--that makes perfect sense?;) Since he(Bush) has a BA in History from Yale and an MBA from Harvard!:confused:
Sure--that makes perfect sense? Since he(Bush) has a BA in History from Yale and an MBA from Harvard!

It makes even more "perfect" sense when you consider that Kerry voted for the use of force, and has alternately supported/opposed the war, depending on which day (hour?) of the week it is.

So what's that make Kerry? A kid that cheats off different papers depending on who he's sitting beside?
There are times when a bystander can only nod appreciatively of good work. My hat's off to Karl Rove for his sheer brilliance as a political operator. I don't know how he did it but somehow he was able to get to Kerry and flip 'em. I want to know why Rove is wasting his talents working in politics. The dude could be trying to flip the Nork Kim or Awannabeanutjob of Iran. I enjoy artistry as well as the next guy but what Rove just pulled off is of historical proportions. :evil:
There are times when a bystander can only nod appreciatively of good work. My hat's off to Karl Rove for his sheer brilliance as a political operator. I don't know how he did it but somehow he was able to get to Kerry and flip 'em. I want to know why Rove is wasting his talents working in politics. The dude could be try to flip the Nork Kim or Awannabeanutjob of Iran. I enjoy artistry as well as the next guy but what Rove just pulled off is of historical proportions.

The far simpler answer is that this is who they really are. They just think that it is safe for them to express themselves. In Kerry's case, it's because he thinks the country is going left-wing and thus he's got political cover to say anything and everything he wants. Iran and North Korea know the world won't do anything to them (Iran because of its financial ties and North Korea because of China) so they can act in any manner they please and believe is beneficial.
Treason of the Clerks

I posted this in APS, already.

Quite a lot of ink (& pixels) have been spilled over Kerry's remarks. I think the part I highlighted in maroon gets to the heart of it: our elites are alienated from America. This is why they go on about how America is the problem in the world, how they want to hand over power to organizations staffed by their kind (UN, ICC, etc), & the like.

It is a serious problem, IMO.

Oh, and there have been posters here in THR who deride our boys in uniform and stupid or as being so pathetic as to have no alternative other than military service. said:
Kerry, etc. [Michael Ledeen]
It's always interesting to see psychological projection at work. Kerry and his allies—obviously the Dems are defending him, aren't they?—are blaming the troops for the Dems' own ignorance and stupidity. I mean, it's hard to imagine anyone stupider than Kerry. Only a total buffoon would attack the troops at a key moment in the campaign. It makes it possible to say that the Dems really are the party of Kerry, Murtha, and the other appeasers. Must be Rove hypnosis at work.

Secondly, it underlines the near-total alienation of the American intellectual elite. I dare say that the leading news and editorial rooms, like the offices of the major universities, are full of people who quite agree with the notion that our troops are stupid and underprivileged. Each time one of our children ships out to the Middle East, we get condolence calls from friends and relatives. They simply cannot fathom it, it is so totally removed from their own experience and from their own narcissistic lives. They do not know uniformed people, they have only a totally misleading stereotype.

Third, I believe that the percentage of veterans in Congress is under fifteen percent. That makes it difficult for them, as a group, to understand military virtue or war. Obviously military service is not a panacea, as Kerry and Murtha have demonstrated. But I do think that in times of war it would help to have more veterans in the legislatures.

Finally, we know lots of military people, from bestarred generals to lance corporals. We've spent plenty of time with them, especially those who have been shot up and blown up. It would help the elite to spend some time in military hospitals, they'd be quite surprised at the intelligence, thoughtfulness, and good character of most of the men and women in uniform nowadays.

Quite aside from the politics of Kerry's buffoonery, this is a serious matter. The war is almost surely going to get worse, and we need leaders with a grasp of what it's about.
Boortz is finally "getting it".... trying to spank the Republicans for their move towad bigger government would only result in a potentially worse situation. Regardless of what the Democratic leadership say, they do not like the military and they do not like private citizens being able to own fireams. It is all about self preservation to the Democrats. I hope this Kerry statement is played to the hilt, as it reflects how the liberal side of the Democratic party really feels. Get them out of there!!!!!

You have noticed that the Democrats are very quiet about criticizing Kerry. This is not Republican behavior as they overall take the high road. I think Kerry should resign..... hey, that is what the Democrats would say if it were a Republican saying it. :)

Deplete our military's ability to defend our country.... next time we have a Katrina, large regional earthquake, volcano... why not call China to send in a couple million troops to maintain order? I doubt that anyone is going to say that China won't send in enough troops (comparison to Iraq). I'm tired of this stuff, we are the good guys!!!!
I really can't see myself voting for a "split government".

My policy is simply to vote for the best candidate I can and let things sort themselves out. I can't vote against Kerry or Pelosi, all I can do is vote for my representatives. In my case, it is Ron Paul, John Cornin, and Hutchison. Nothing to really complain about there. Governor is another issue I am still considering.
vote Libertarian to send a mesage.......which means you're voting for the Dems by default

Suppose the Republicans have x number of votes and the Democrats have Y number of votes, if I vote Libertatian both Republicans and Democrats both have X and Y repectively.

A vote for a Libertarian candidate is a vote for a Libertarian candidate, end of story.

Boortz is finally "getting it".... trying to spank the Republicans for their move towad bigger government would only result in a potentially worse situation

Maybe if the Republicans got spanked in the short term they'd change their ways, by supporting big govt Republicans all you're doing is telling them you agree with their policies.

Why not call China to send in a couple million troops to maintain order?

China lacks the naval ability to take Taiwan by force, and we have nukes:neener:

Even though the Republicans hold both chambers of Congress, the Presidency, and a majority on the supreme court, we DO have a split government.

It's "split", particularly in the Senate where it takes a 2/3 vote to do anything meaningful, because the Republicans don't have enough of a majority to pass truly conservative bills without bargaining with Democrats.

Republicans are also guilty of "going along to get along" with regard to spending as not to be cast as heartless bastards by their liberal opponents and pathetic media.

The answer here is getting a true Republican majority and all the ground work that entails - not a further fracturing of the government.
DeskJockey said: Kerry is undoubtedly less than presidential material, and I'm not a fan. But looking at his comments in context, it's clear that he was taking a swipe at Bush - a poor student who's 'stuck in Iraq' - and not our troops.

The whole thing is ridiculous and despicable - Kerry's comments and the GOP response. But ridiculous and despicable is what modern politics has now become.

I don't think it is so clear actually. He is still thinking Vietnam and the swift boats. During Vietnam we had a compulsory draft. We don't now.

The Kerry statement is consistant with what people of the Vietam era thought about the military and Kerry has not gotten past that. My brother's son graduated from college with an engineering degree. He is a certifiable genius. He also was an athelete during high school in multiple sports. What does he choose to do.... ? In his Junior year he qualified for the Navy Sub program (officer). The government paid him monthly to go school which more than covered his costs. Graduates, and he is off to Pensacola. Finishes the Officer Candidate training, was No. 2 in his class. He is just finishing up the sub training now and will be assigned to a nuclear sub soon.

The Navy picks one person per year to go to Med School. He is hoping to be that person. But until then, he is making a pretty darn good salary in the Navy and if he chooses to opt out of the Navy after his enlistment is up, he is almost assured of a job paying $100K per year at today's salary levels. Not a bad deal.

Another example. Friend's child is at West Point. Will be graduating this year. He is certainly no dummy. He's just about as All American as you can get.

To infer that only the sub-level of the population joins the military is pure hog wash.

You need to take Kerry's off hand comment as fact. It is what he believes and it reflects the liberal Democratic leadership. You need to factor this into your voting choices. And Yes, some Democrats are okay and reflect my values. But, those Democrats vote with the PARTY time and time again.
sKerry... still in the news:banghead: :fire:
He's an empty-headed gold-digger who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread.
Yeah, he was intending a swipe a Bush; the trouble is, through inference, he insulted the United States Armed Forces. And, it's a valid inference, too.
His brain is clearly unable to keep in front of his mouth.
You know, one sure way a republican candidate WOULD win in '08 is if sKerry is the Democrat candidate again. :what:
* S I G H *​
Kerry's Freudian slip, even though he's not running, crystalizes the whole issue: Democrats in general think military options are for idiots.

No (D) up for election has a solution for finishing up in Iraq or stopping terrorism.
They will do nothing, except talk, to resist physical manifestations of evil.

Kerry's "joke" perfectly embodies the emotion of a very important, and frequently obfuscated, issue. Most people vote on emotions.

Yes, Republicans are worthy of severe criticism. Democrats, more so.
When voting for the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.
Just because the lesser of two evils is evil doesn't justify voting for the greater evil.
Sure--that makes perfect sense? Since he(Bush) has a BA in History from Yale and an MBA from Harvard!

Apparently that didn't help him understand that there were 2 primary muslim sects, Sunni and Shiite, before going to war. But then again he was never very big on 'nuance'. To be fair, he probably does understand that $100 invested in the Dow index when he took office would have a return of about $1 today. :rolleyes:
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