Nebraska Progress on CCW

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Aug 22, 2004
Small Town, Nebraska
Our CCW statute is a joke. However, we were very lucky to get any CCW law at all a couple of years ago. My home state's political structure is stodgy, at best. At least we only have 1 legislative body to contend with.

We have a ray of sunshine in LB 430 that is on the cusp of winning passage, and will be signed by our governor. LB 430 amends our CCW law to allow reciprocity (presently there is none), pre-empts a few city's local anti-CCW ordinance (Yep, that's right, towns can supercede state law in our system of government.), allows CCW holders to carry in Church (with permission of the Chruch), and de-criminalizes concealed carry on school grounds if the CCW holder leaves the weapon locked in the vehicle.

So far the votes (takes 3 readings for passage) have been 40-4 in favor with minor attempts to amend the bill negatively, so it looks good for passage soon.
Never understood why such a red state as Nebraska was so anti-gun. Are you guys still getting over the 1958 Starkweather Incident?
Pass that, and do something about the permit to purchase. When I drive to Sidney every year to blow some cash at Cabela's, I'd like to carry and be able to buy a gun.
I don't get the view that NE is antigun. Yeah, it was late to the "shall issue" party, but it is getting straightend out.

Some people look at the fact you have to have a "handgun purchase permit" to buy a handgun as an issue, but I preffer it to the alternative. I got mine in two days, and it removes the need for a background check for the three years it is valid. With it, I walk in, buy a gun, and walk out.
The problem with Nebraska has been for years we had (and still have) some anti-gun senators out of Omaha. The worst by far was Ernie Chambers. For decades he bullied the rest of the Legislature into doing what he wanted. If you opposed him, he labeled you a racist and would personally see that any bills you introduced were filibustered into oblivion. Few Senators had the cojones to stand up to him. Term limits were instituted a few years ago mainly for the purpose of kicking him out.

Chamber's replacement is a carbon copy of him, pretty much his puppet as far as I can tell. She's anti-gun, but doesn't have the rest of the Senators under her thumb like he did, so she's not very effective. About all she's good for is giving the newspapers asinine quotes to print.

Senator Ashford is also from the Omaha area and is also quite antigun. He actually tried to pass an "assault weapons" ban last year. Luckily the good people of the state burned up the phone lines to their Senators and got it stopped.
We have several anti gun people in the unicameral.

When I was watching the discussion on LB430 on tv. There was alot of people that don't have a clue about current laws. I forget the ladies name, but she kepted saying concealed and carry. Lots of the people were having trouble saying reciprocity, one guy finaly gave up on the word.
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