need a Manufacture date for a Smith

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He probably looked in Supica's book The Standard Catalouge of S&W's. It gives date ranges by serial number although they are shipping dates and not manufacture dates.
Does it matter?

If he wants to know everything there is to know about it, he will have to pay S&W $30 bucks to get it lettered.

Ship date is all you can expect for free, and probably answered his question perfectly!

Yes - Jim Supica and Richard Nahas Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, 3d Edition, Gun Digest Books, available through multiple online sources is an extremely handy reference to have around if you collect Smith's. Along with the above mentioned serial number charts the illustrations, most in color, are excellent, as is the background and info given on the models. The SCSW has made if clear to me what type stocks (grips) should be on a given revolver, how old it is (think C&R) and how rare it is. When purchasing collectable Smith's it really helps, but it also, I fear, strongly encourages mine and a lot of others addiction to buy these things - they are just so darn interesting.
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