Need advice on mosquitos

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Being that I am from the country and all we used to sit on a log stripped down to nothing but the Lord and let those Skeeters bite us clean through to nothingness and the next time one bit me they so much as never raised a bump.:neener:
The new Off sprays with the ingredient "Picardin" worked pretty well for me this this past weekend.

Being 50% Italian descent, its likely my blood contains a high percentage of garlic anyways.

I also use Permethrin sprays on shoes and outer clothing. Be careful with it as I am sure it will make body parts start falling off or something if you are not.

The critters were pretty thick this weekend, but I only got one bite.
but I am NOT going to smoke cigars. Ewwwww.

I'm with you on the cigars.... I've never smoked and don't intend to. Seen too many, couple in my family, die young from it and besides, it's revolting.

What!?! you all don't know what you are talking about! Smokin' cigars not only keeps the skeekers away, but you get a "cure all too" Cigars cures what ails ya! I don't doubt that when a deer smell a fine cigar he will come in to see what smells so good! :D
The female of the species is the deadlier of the two -Kipling

springmom is going to ask me to hold a target for her so she can test her new pistol If I am not careful. :D

Small town diner: "ya'll shoulda seen that gal in yeller bikini out deer huntin' this mornin. Smoking a cigar, munching on garlic, and had this burlap tater sack she was wearing like a toga..."

<running and duckin'>

<out of hiding for a second>

One does not have to smoke the cigar. Just light it, let it burn, let it go out, and either set it down, or stick it in a shirt pocket.

Yes I am serious. I had Mentors that rarely actually smoked the cigars, or a pipe, just always had one.

I am not taller than a kitchen table heading out with mentors, and they stick this short stub of a cigar in my shirt pocket.
"Skeeters down this way, this will help keep them away from you".

They were all doing the same thing, seemed to work.

I wish I could recall the herbs, it seems to me ladies would put a certain type of flower or something in their hair to repel skeeters while working in the yard, outdoors and such.

I just cannot remember.

<back to hiding>
Hey Art, Steve....want to go target shooting? Y'all can be the targets first...:D

J/K. If I ever put on a bikini, the deer would disappear from all the hunters' hysterical laughter...or vomiting, not sure which.... You all do NOT want to go there!!! :neener: :neener: :neener:

Maybe I'll pass on the cigars and get some of this:

Made from the natural oils and herbs Steve-The-Target :p was talking about in one of the original replies. This link was sent to me by one of the ladies over on Women and Guns where I also hang out. All in all, I'd rather smell like lemongrass and teatree than tobacco, anyway :barf:

Y'all are the bomb. Thanks for all the ideas!

I appreciate your sense of humor.

Eucalyptus, was the dad-burned thing I could not think of the other evening when I PM-ed you. I also see on your link above , the other herbs and natural repellents, I was trying to find for Dave Markowitz, another THR member , in regard to more natural repellents with his very young kids at home and playing in the yard.

These natural repellents have been used forever, long before DEET and other Chemicals came about, and so naturally will work for hunting.

These also are great for anyone with asthma, respiratory problems, allergies or those with cancer.

Thank you ma'am and again, I appreciate your sense of humor.

Probably the first darn time a Skeeter has actually done some good...this thread has been educational.

About that target holding bit, since I respect my elders, I am going to let Art go first.

Cigars and Hunting

"There's nothing quite like tobacco: it's the passion of decent folk..."-- Moliere Don Juan, 1665

"On a cold winter morning a cigar fortifies the soul."
-- Stendhal

Your first cigar (with coffee) wakes you up in the morning...2nd cigar draws the buck in..3rd cigar is a victory cigar! :D


I have a recipe for natural repellents (but they are just for sprayin around the house, not on your body) pm me if you want it. BTW one of the main ingredient is tabacco juice! :)
I know if I was a deer the smoldering cigar/cigarette would put me off. And that's coming from a person who's father and grandfather smoke cigars and pipes.
Sorry I am slow, I missed this. I was told by a girl that worked for a vet that vitamin B1 would repel fleas and most biting bugs. Her instructions were, take two a day, for a week, and then one daily after that.
I moved out of my apartment and into a big camper at a Kansas lake in August of 2005. Walmart shopping showed me 100 B1 tablets for four bucks, so I tried it. They do not stop biting flies, and I got stung three times when I stuck my hand on a wasp nest under a picnic table. I have not been bitten by any thing else, and it is now November of 2006.
I asked my doc when I was in for something else, and he said take all you want, your body will eliminate any excess B1.
This has not been a bad year for bugs in Kansas, but at three months for four bucks I am still taking them.

Please, if anyone else tries it, let me know if it works for you?
Don't believe it about the skin so soft. I doused my daughter in the stuff, and didn't wear any repellent one day and she got MOBBED! I could barely see her for all the bugs. And while it was nice that they left me alone, the trip ended early 'cause she couldn't stand it.

Garlic does work. I figured it out for myself while stationed in Korea. We Americans were getting ate up and the Koreans had none. So I got to wondering what was different. Well, get on a non airconditioned bus in August with a bunch of Koreans and you'll know! They reek of garlic! I upped my intake and they started leaving me alone. However, I do believe that deer react to any smell out of the ordinary so avoid it during hunting season.

The thermocell is awesome! I set up in a swamp this year and couldn't barely breath without getting one in the nose or mouth. Turned on the 'cell and in 15 minutes they were gone. All hail the mighty thermocell!
Permethrin (on clothing) and DEET is what I swear by and I deal with more than just a discomfort issue. If you buy the "bug gone" clothing at the outdoor stores it's permethrin treated.

The B vitamins have shown some hope in the past. However, you have to take such a huge dosage that you start to smell. Not a good path for me.
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