need advice

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I would take a .22 definitely. I have taken a date shooting for the first time, and she caught on to the four rules really quick. I was really nice because I didn't get too serious about the shooting for the first trip -- I backed my truck up to where the firing line would be (in the Utah desert), and we sat on the tailgate with my Mom's .22 six-shooter and had a blast.

If your date is anything like mine was, she'll get interested in other, bigger guns. So, be sure to bring your BHP and Python, too -- this was before I had my BHP, so I was kind of sunk. As mentioned, take some light .38 Spl loads for the Python.

The AR-15 can be really fun if she doesn't tire too quickly.

Now, as for the dating advice being offered by John Ross, the man knows what he's talking about. Don't get me wrong, the tips he offers sound terribly cruel in writing, but when done correctly, they work great. The trick is to get to a situation where you can both comfortably tease and pick at each other without offence.

When I did all of this (I'm on a hiatus from the dating game currently :uhoh: :evil: ), I only had the brain/spine/????s to do some of the "radical" tactics, and the areas where I didn't were the areas where I fumbled the ball.

I can tell you, though, I have tried several different angles in dating, from "indifferent" to "naming the terms" to "drop-jaw all over the girl."

Ogling all over the girl (read: treating them like royalty, being the attentive sappy boob) is an immediate failure.

Indifferent works until they figure you out, usually at the end of the second date.

Being *in the driver's seat* is what keeps them on the edge of their seat. PLAY HARD TO GET AND HARD TO NAIL DOWN.


My first date with my Wife was taking her shooting. We have been married for 5 years now, and have two wonderful kids. I love my wife.

I just have to interject one thing here. If you have to play all sorts of complicated mind games with somebody to get them to like you, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with that person?

Just relax and have fun. Be yourself.

If it is meant to be, she will like you for who you are. If you have to go over a mental check list of how you need to act, what you need to do, what are the correct answers, if she does A. I need to do B. Then I can pretty much tell you that the relationship is going to suck after awhile.

If you can go and be yourself, and she can go and be herself, and you both have fun, and you are equally screwed up in compatible ways, then good. Otherwise move on.
First, borrow Skunkabilly's collection and roll up in a Ryder truck with same. Show her the arsenal and say "Let's rock and roll, baby!". If you don't hear screetching tires, hand her the .454 first, and tell her to hold it one-handed and rip off 6-shots at the target as rapidly as possible. :) Just kidding - good advice above.

You'll have a good oppurtunity to stand behind her an wrap your arms around her to "show her the proper grip" with both rifle and pistol - be sure to use it! :)

Dammit, why can't I find a girl who likes shooting. Hell I'd be happy if they had an keen interest in just ONE of my 4 major hobbies at this point. :(

And justashooter - good advice - but you may want to, ummm, tone down your description a tad....and most ranges don't allow rapid-fire, but if they do, I guess that might make an impression - where's our resident "gun chicks"? - THEY'RE the ones to ask - pardon, but CatsDieNow, you of the female persausion, I take it?
Futo Inu,

Yup, I am female ( :scrutiny: ). The rest are probably just being smarter and wiser than I am and staying out of this mess.

Who resurected this thread? I just noticed this is from July.
Having had to deal with WAY too many broken relationships (as a pastor and counselor to those involved), may I suggest that you forget the mind games? Be yourself (if you don't know who or what you are, forget I said that... :D ). Don't try to create a false persona, 'cause sooner or later (probably sooner) the real you is going to show up beneath the mask, and she'll spot it so fast you won't know what hit you.

Relax and be natural. If she doesn't like you in that state, you haven't lost anything. If she does, and you like her in the same state, then let things progress from there. Slow and easy does it.

Also, remember the ancient and time-honored advice... "A man chases a woman until she catches him!"

:p :D :what:
hey guys

I just wanted to stop on by and give you all an update on the situation. I told John Ross this earlier, but I figured you all should hear as well. This girl totally flaked on me, and never wound up going. I think, as John Ross suggested, my biggest mistake was getting to head over heals for this girl waaaay to early. She probably knew it, which would explain her sudden turn around and disinterest.

So, I decided to throw a party at my place and now I'm steadily getting more involved with someone else I met there. Slowly, though... that's the important thing. She's a model, so yeah, she's really beautiful, but I don't say anything about that. She recently got her degree from Princeton, but I don't go on and on about how smart she is. I treat her nicely, but not really any differently than I would any of my other friends (well... almost :eek: )

The bottom line seems to be, just be cool. Relax and refrain from getting to excited or anxious. Quiet competence *is* by far the way to go. And the best part is, unlike most other women I've gone out with, I feel as if I can be more like "myself" with this girl than ever before. When you start bending over backwards and doing things for a beautiful woman that you would never normally do... that's when you are really screwing yourself. My ex girlfriend and I broke up (after over 2 years of dating!) for exactly that reason; I was initially doing all these things to please her and make her happy, when what I should have done was realize we weren't really compatible in the first place and just moved on.

BTW, thanks again for the shooting advice, I'm sure I'll be taking this new girl to the range shortly, and when I do, I'm sure all these shooting tips will come in handy. Thanks,

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