Need help on a Dillon 650

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Jan 16, 2007
Concord, CA
I am having a bit of trouble with my Dillon 650. When adjusting the powder bar I will cycle the bar 10 times and then weigh the charge just to make sure it is accurate. When I finally get the correct charge weight (6.0 grains) I double check the charge by combining 10 charges and weighing again. Everything is set and I begin loading. After 50 or so rounds I weigh another charge.....6.2 and then I weigh 5 more. All the same. The powder bar is traveling it's full distance and I re-read the manual but can't find anything wrong. Dillon says that the deveation is acceptable, that .2 grains is not that far off. I am using Unique powder and have not tried anything else. HELP!!!!! Thanks, Sammy :banghead:
Well, mark the charge bar adjusting screw with a Sharpie to be sure, but I don't think that's it.
You may laugh, but I always smack the press sideways between strokes. A love tap if you will. That way you don't have to worry about variations in vibration the press sees on each charging of the charge bar. You know it sees substantial vibration, and it is consistent. A friend taught me that 29 years ago when I first started reloading for shotshells. I can weigh charges after any number of rounds, even after the powder gets to the bottom of the baffle, and I will get the same reading. When I use my powder measure, I do a "double tap" at the bottom of the rotation for the same reason.
I just re-read your post. If you are just cycling the powder bar by hand, the cause is exactly what I thought. When you are operating the whole maching the powder measure is seeing more vibration and that settles the charge fuller.
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