need help with local police

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Dec 9, 2010
OR. / State of Jefferson.
I live in S.OR. It is leagle to carry openly here,yet in the last week I have had the local police point guns at me & threaten to shoot me all with out just cause.The fact that the law says we may carry openly is ignored& guns are pointed at you as they scream how they will shoot you ! If you speak up about your rights you are threaten evan more! As a fomer police OFF.& disabled vetran I cannot belive That evan tought I have done nothing wrong that the police can tresspass& threaten to shoot me at my home! This is not the place that we should have to fight for our freedom, But it is come to that! I live in fear that I will be shot by the police for exersizing my RTKBA! What do I do? I cannot live like this! If I am going to be shot by the police,please keep fighting for our rights & do not belive the lies that will be told to coverup my murder,Ever notice that everyone they kill is crazy?Long live the Republic! & help!:confused: P.S.Please ignour spelling,Its hell getting old & liveing in pain 24/7.
Consider consulting with an attorney. Having done that, consider asking for a meeting with the Chief of Police. DO NOT bring a firearm to the meeting, or anywhere near any government building.
So. Oregon Carry Permit

I also live in Southern Oregon. Why don't you just get a carry permit from the County Sheriff. :confused:
why don't the cops believe that you can have a gun and not be a criminal. It has nothing to do with a permit.
Why don't you just get a carry permit

krupparms, screw it, sue them, make a public embarrassment for their silly policies and willful ignorance. Check on the legality of recording po-po in your area, and nail them to the wall, threatening law-abiding citizens takes them from the realm of peace officers and into the realm of bullies and thugs.
Are there any state RKBA organizations there? Maybe reach out to them and get some suggestions. Sometimes in the most extreme cases these groups will step in and help with legal issues like this.

Okay so you're POSITIVE (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that the law governing your carrying of handguns is that 1. you do NOT require a permit and 2. that open, NON-concealed carry of firearms, is a right you and other citizens have.

Once you're certain of these issues get yourself an inexpensive video camera, one of those flip type cameras are cheap and as small as a pack of cigarettes. Carry it with you and the next time you have the police draw their firearms on you and threaten to shoot you be sure you shout out loud that you are videotaping them and their actions. Then SUE the pants off of them and encourage others to whom this is happening to do likewise. Get a few solid lawsuits against this crew of thugs and maybe they'll review their policy towards handgun law enforcement.
Of course be sure to secure an attorney that will work and accept payment based upon the settlement of the suit. Contact the NRA and ask for a list of gun friendly lawyers in your area for representation.

I am all about obeying and adhering to the laws but that goes two ways. The police also should adhere to the same laws we as citizens must abide by.
Eh, where I live the cops have video/audio, too....We need to hear the circumstances regarding why he was in a situation involving the police before we can start making assumptions that they violated anybody's rights or any laws.
Need help!

Thanks to all of you that gave me advice! I am going to speak with the Dep. Chief about this,(they will not let me speak to the Chief !).As to the cercumstances, I was sitting in my home.Some one knocked on my F.door,The police did not say it was them,When I open the door & saw that it was (2) po-po,I put my hands in f. of me and stated that I had a gun in a holster on my hip.At this point only (1) off. started screaming at me & pulled his Glock,pointed at my head & stated he was going to shoot me.I put my hands behind my head as told,The screming off. then took my gun & kept yelling he was going to shoot me! As I had no reasion to be treated this way,I started yelling back for him to back off & lower his Glock & tell me what was going on! They were looking for someone I do not know or have had at my home.Seems they were at the wrong address.The other police off.was leaning on my fence in my yard,She never pulled her gun , nor did she take part in the drama,she just kept looking at the screamer like he was crazy.I told them to leave & place my 1911 on the ground,instead he entered my home without permission,and started to look around.At that point he still had his glock in his hand! I started yelling at him to get out &leave my home &yard ! As he left he started calling in to find any way he could get me! As I had done nothing wrong,he had to leave.Some of my naibors spoke to the police about their actions &asked for the screamers card! At this point he gave them cards ,but made them show I.D.s & calling them in over the mike.At this point he started making his case about pulling a gun on me no one wanted to here it & left ASAP.As I stated I will be talking with his super.BUT I will also be speaking to an Att. ASAP.I will try to keep this posted as long as I can for the people out there that care.Thank you to all that responded.LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC !!:fire:
Assuming that things happened as you say, file a formal, written complaint against the officer.

  1. FOIA request ALL materials relating to the incident, including the LEOs' field notes.
  2. Do NOT waste time with verbal complaints.
  3. Do NOT let anyone talk you out of the complaint.
  4. If you believe that witness intimidation was involved, make SURE that that's stated EXPLICITLY in your complaint.
  5. Consult with an attorney.
  6. If possible, have the attorney accompany you to your meeting.

If they will not allow you to file a formal complaint (and maybe even if they do), your next step is a 1983 Federal civil rights suit.

The odds are that this was NOT the officer's first misconduct, nor if you do not act (and maybe if you do) will it be his last.

If you want more bad cops, let this one misbehave without consequences.
I've heard of this happening before. Even though my city/county/state is pretty pro gun rights the local PD is not. I'm a big fan of having a lawyer on speed dial... Letters to your favorite local newspaper, including the officer's name are always a great way to draw attention to your case.
any idea what brought them to your house in the first place?
It could be anything or nothing at all.

Not too long ago, I got a knock on my door. I asked who it was. They said it was the police. I asked them (without ever opening the apartment door) how I could help them. They said that _I_ had called them. I said, "nope". They asked if I was <name>. Again, I said "nope". They asked if I knew <name>. Once more, "nope". Whoever it was then said, "Then disregard", and left. I never opened the door.

I can't say for sure why they were there (assuming they were really cops), but a day or two previously, my upstairs neighbors played rap "music" loud enough to rattle pictures on the wall until 3:00am. That day they had done it again. My supposition is that somebody else in the building called the police, but were too cowardly to use their real name or apartment number, substituting a phony name and my apartment number.

The neighbors made a lot of noise one more time, then apparently moved out. I haven't seen or heard from the police since. During the entire series of events, I neither called the police nor gave anyone ANY reason to call them on me.
A good idea is to always record interaction with police, provided you have the equipment handy(most modern cellphones record voice and video) and are able do so in an unobtrusive manner. However, this practice is being willfully persecuted in some places :banghead:, as cops realize that recordings hold them to a high standard of conduct and they have to tread more carefully; they just can't allow that to spread.
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