Need help with my Mossy 590

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Nov 25, 2003
Dear All,

I have a mossy 590 (not the 590a1). I've done some research and it seems that the mossy 5xx series of shottys all have the same receivers but different mag. tubes, barrels and on the 590a1, different trigger housing and safety. Here's my simple question: besides dragging it to the gunsmith, how can I screw out the mag tube on my 590. I believe it has loktite. I've tried to heat it up, and I've tried to muscle it out, but to no avail. I used to own a 500 and that mag. tube unscrewed with just a little muscle. I wish to have the option of changing mag. tubes, and thusly, the barrel on my mossy for hunting and skeet, and no, I don't want to buy another shotgun and no, I've done the math and it would necessarily be cheaper to get a new shotgun (even a used Remy 870) over the new barrel and mag. tube. Thank you for your suggestions.

I am a bit under the weather so I did not go dig out my 590, but I was told that to change the barrel out you have to undo and then redo the silver soder job connecting it to the mag tube. This was explained to me by a gunsmith when I asked him about doing a similar thing. I believe the block at the far end of the barrel and mag tube is where it is silver sotered, I would expect them to be screw in at the points where they go into the receiver.

The 500 is a hunting shotgun and therefore expected to need to have stuff removed.

Since I did not go dig out my 590 this is all just what I recall from asking a gunsmith about it.

One thing I did was to make a plug to stick in the mag tube so that it can only hold the maximum number of rounds for ohio. I think 3 for deer season. That is 2 in the tube and one chambered. Works fine with rifled slugs and is fun to compare with all the old wood shotguns when out and about.
Corrected as I misunderstood the first reply.

As for the mag, since it won't unscrew, I'm not sure what to do at that point. Have you tried one of those strap wrenches?
thanks for the replies

Hey guys,

Thanks again for the replies. I'm curious as to how a gunsmith would take off that silver sodder in there. I'm sure the mag. tube can be removed seeing that if ever one needed to change the spring, or follower: you just gotta take that puppy off. Any gunsmiths out there willing ta' help out?

On my mossberg 500, all it took was two people and a lot of leverage.....It should unscrew, if you can get it unstuck. I would also recommend a strap wrench.
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