Need help!

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Jun 3, 2009
Orange County,CA
so i live in cali and gun laws suck crap. so im moving, and what i want to know is what state is awesome in terms of VERY LAX gun laws ( mainly rifles. i want to buy an AR and AK) wheather, temperature does not matter. i just want to enjoy my 2nd ammendent rights with the least amount of red tape. im thinking either arizona or montana, but would like input.
ARs and AKs are legal in almost all states except a few on the east coast, California, and Hawaii. So your choices are pretty broad if that is all you want. Even Illinois has no problem with semiautomatic rifles.
well i live in TENNESSEE and couldnt be happier by modern standards. and cant go wrong with beautiful cheap property to shoot those guns on.....:D:D:D:D
Montana is currently trying to tell the Feds to get bent with the federal NFA laws.

Almost anywhere but CA will be better. Although there are a few that sometimes suprise you. Basically if there is a large liberal city in the state, then the gun laws may suck.
its easier to name the states you shouldnt live in
New Jersey

as for gun friendlies

bottom line you could live in a thrid world country with commie b@$7@)$ runnin the place and still have more lax gun restrictions than california

Arnies hypocrocy knows no bounds considering HIS movies are the reason alot of us like guns
I would like to suggest Texas. I don't know what you do for work, but there is a fair amount of work to be had here and the gun laws are much better than Kali.
Illinois is a MAJOR bummer.

Cook County/Chicago is bad for gun owners. The rest of the state is pretty decent for gun owners for a far left state except for the FOID card and waiting periods, and no CC in the state at all.

If all you really care about is owning an AR or AK, CA only bans some of them. Some are perfectly legal. There are some hoops to jump through and restrictions on magazine size.

There is a vigorous grass roots gun rights movement going on there spear headed by the Calguns foundation. Before you give up on CA, I urge you to head over to forum and poke around. You may be surprised at what is legal now and what will almost certainly become legal in the fairly near future, short of some calamitous legal event.
Texas is following Montana's lead, although I don't know if that one will pass. Montana is a fantastic place for the 2 months that it is not snowing, otherwise, you'd better like snow and cold. Same with Wyoming. TN, FL, TX, AZ, UT are all great places with great gun laws.
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