Need Some Input From The Women

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Jun 4, 2005
League City, TX

Both my wife and I have our Texas CHLs. I carry whenever I can, often with BUG etc.

My wife takes hers along in her vehicle. She has a S&W 642 with a DeSantis pocket holster. I bought her (at her direction and request) a crossdraw holster and gunbelt, but she has never carried with the holster.

I have asked her what she thought she needs to increase the frequency of her carrying. She has mentioned a purse but does not seem real keen on the idea.

There are lots of options for her to consider. She has no aversion to handguns or concealed carry. She is not as comitted as I am, but then I hold that the framers of the constitution didn't go far enough.

I digress.

She is 5' 7". 126 lbs. She dresses conservatively, with warmth in mind since she is cold natured. She love the summer months.

I need some honest input on what works for you in your daily dress and "Sunday" dress. I really do not want to get into the "purses are unsafe because" or "Fanny packs scream gun" thread.

Please tell me what works for you with regards to your mode of dress and carry style and what you do to stay concealed. What contributes to successful concealed carry for you? What habits or changes have you done to compensate or assist your daily carry?

I carry IWB and have been known to do so in shorts and miniskirts even...not much gets in my way.

So long as the shirt is long enough, you can cover it. Most people will look right at the slight "bulge" and assume it is a cell phone. The only person who ever spotted me point blank was a saleswoman at VS who caught me with my shirt off. I think most people in a crowd would look around and assume a MALE carrier rather than a female. I am the least possible suspect.

Naturally, carrying in winter is easier than summer. More clothing, all makes it easier for me.

I've never tried to carry in Sunday best because I don't go to church (okay, bad me). I have carried in a pantsuit though, which was easier with the jacket on.

(I know you don't want to hear this) I would NEVER NEVER use a purse. Purse snatchings in Memphis are all too common and by the time they got away with my $200 handbag w/a pistol in it and the usual contents I'd be out almost $1K.
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