New Book with lots of guns!

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Jan 14, 2008
Illinois, but not Chicago
Hey all,

Just wanted to plug my new book series White Flag of the Dead. Its a story of a man and his infant son finding themselves in the middle of a virus-induced plague, trying to survive the apocalypse. Plenty of guns and mayhem for everyone!
Good reviews on Amazon, in case anyone was curious.

Book One - Surrender of the Living - is available now on Amazon and Severed Press, with Books Two and Three being released this year.

Thanks for looking!
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Sounds like a good read. I'll definately try to get y hands on a copy!

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
Hmm looks like we'll be in competition on lots of zombies and guns, got my own in the works with a literary agent. Got told up front the process takes months, and sometimes more months. Plus mine is....controversial to say the least. Yes there are zombies, yes it is highly Pro-2nd Amendment, and it is full foul nastiness that'd make Chuck Palahnuik become sickened.

All the same I hope to grab it up in March after the Florida Bar, looks interesting.

Good luck with your book, you'll have to let us know what the title is when all is said and done. The process is long, but not so long as waiting for a publisher or agent to pick up your work!

Again, good luck.

Got a message from my publisher. Book Two is in the final editing stages and the artist is finalizing the cover art. Should be rolling out in a couple of months, so get up to speed soon!
whats the point of tis so called "genre"? a fetish for legalized snuff? cant anger the censor board if you weedwhack little zombies from hell instead of cute little coeds?
Put it on Kindle or some other ebook format, and I'll probably buy it. I'm staying away from paper now a days. Just don't need the clutter around the house.

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