New conservative movement?

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The conservative movement started by Reagan is dead. Bush and his cronys killed it. Hopefully this will be an end to the Republicans and the conservatives for a very long time. They always where always better as a balance to the more exterme parts of the Dems when they where in control.
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The rest are just trying to use the pro-gun issue to get your votes, - TRH

Well, they also use the pro-gun issue to keep votes, and they earn them. They have at least held the Democrats at bay. If you refuse to play, then the Democrats simply take over, and that's the end of game. You cannot quibble about whether a party suits you perfectly. There is only one that has a chance of winning and which does in fact support gun ownership. There need to be other ways to fine tune the party besides withholding votes. In any case, those farther to the right will always be griping, because only an essentially moderate party in practice has a chance of getting elected.
I am NOT happy with several events and trends in our government, but I will guarantee that I would be ENRAGED by what Gore or the "war hero" would have done.

I can't think of a better political reality for this country than one where about 10% of American gunowners are 'ENRAGED'.

That would be 8 million armed Americans mad enough to fight.

I think we could take 'em...they wouldn't want the bad press they'd get for shooting at all of us.
I've said before: Untill local Libertarians can field viable candidates at the local level, they are not credible as a political party. Absent a Ross Perot type--with billfold--who can come up with a message that resonates with the electorate, no third party can be viable.

So: Control of Congress will continue to remain with either the Dems or the Reps. Period. No alternative. Such an idea is wishful thinking. Poop in one hand, wish in the other, and see which fills up first.

Generality: Pro-gun people tend to place some value on the concept of personal sovereignty. Anti-gun people generally are Statist.

History: The Democratic Party Congresspeople have instigated the federal anti-gun legislation and many have verablized their opposition to the private ownership of firearms. Further, those most vocal against my interest are high in seniority in the Congress.

The Republican Party Congresspeople have shown neutrality or mild pro-Second Amendment leanings.

Finally: I've seen nothing from any Democrat indicating any ability to do anything about the decline in buying power of the dollar or the problems with energy. I've seen nothing to indicate any lessening of the evils I see as being built into such legislation as the Patriot Act. Nor have I seen any "plan" for making things all better in the Middle East. Same for the illegal immigration problem.

So, simplest put, I still vote for my guns, because that's the only issue where I see any distinct difference between the parties.

I'm not sure that a new conservative movement would be successful.

True conservative principles require personal responsibility and sacrifice. That isn't what most Americans want, and that is why the Republican Party has moved to the left. They have learned that unrestricted unlimited pandering to various groups with "free" give-aways is the easiest and most effective way to get votes from the ill-informed, self-centered masses. Liberals have been doing it for years.

If all of us true conservatives stay home to punish the Party, do you really think they would learn anything?

I'm afraid the slide to the left is an inevitable progression that can only be slowed down, not stopped.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back into bondage."
Alexander Fraser Tyler- "The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic" 1776
The times have certainly changed from when, as I understand it (not old enough), conservatives in the party were critcizing Barry Goldwater for not being conservative enough. Personally it is time for someone like him to be elevated in the party. Perhaps because of his libertarian beliefs, this would never happen. I see always a lot of talk from many republican officers on issues of true conservatism and liberty in our government, but so little walk.

The problem I see it is that the religious groups in the "conservative" republican party are so obsessed with a few issues (abortion and gay marriage) that as long as you meet their criteria for this, much else is negotiable. Sad to say, but this is exactly what the left is like too. You play that game long enough and I personally believe what you gave up will surround you enough that you lose the whole battle.
Didn't the terrorists start this war?
No, my friend. The war with Iraq was started when forces of the United States military crossed that nation's borders with intent to overthrow their government and put one in place more to Mr. Bush's liking. Like the Romans of old, the American Empire defeats other nations to bring their peoples under our influence and control. We justify it by saying we are giving them the inestimable gift of Democracy. The Romans justified it to themselves by saying that they were giving the inestimable gift of Roman law and order. The distinction escapes me.
The distinction escapes me.

Well on one level it escapes me too, but on another I could say that theirs lasted many times longer and actually DID help bring peace and stability to their dominions for quite a long time in most places.

We'd be lucky to be half as successful.
The war with Iraq was started when forces of the United States military crossed that nation's borders with intent to overthrow their government and put one in place more to Mr. Bush's liking.

Actually it started when Saddam crossed the border into Kuwait.

He didn't keep his end of the bargain spelled out in the cease fire agreement.

He didn't account for the WMD and assorted programs. This was Saddam's responsibility, not some French, Spanish, German etc.. inspectors responsibility.

After 9/11 our government decided to make sure the region understood what it means to be against us.

Stupid Saddam, depending on the French to protect him!

Now that we are in our staging area(s) it is up to SA, Iran and Syria which direction we go next. If they play nice we go home.

It is the non conservative Republicans who are in power that bear the blame for any Republican losses in 06.

There always seems to be a Bush riding into power on the coat tails of the conservative base turnout.

GW has one more SC Justice to name probably. It is in our best interest to keep as much of a Republican majority in the Senate as possible.

GW is no conservative, but I believe he has been unfairly maligned.

We put the smack down on the middle east and we haven't lost an embassy, a ship or suffered a state side attack since 9/11.

Thank God we had him as president and not Al Gore.
A SCOTUS which is neo-con in it's original set of beliefs is only not quite as scary as a liberal prominence. Look, until the Republican Liberty Caucus gets votes, I say screw the whole lot.

Although I have to admit, the Republicans getting back to their principles would be better than the last two terms.
will our nation survive if we wind up with a completely commie congress instead of just a half commie one? Plus Hitlery in the White House?

Will our nation survive sixteen years of open borders?

What's going to happen when 30 million criminals receive citizenship courtesy of Jorge Busho? Do you think they'll want to sponsor any of their families that are still in the third world?

What do you think is going to happen to the United States once we're dominated by mexicans? Have you ever been to California? LA?

Bush, and his sister, William Jefferson Cartoon, have already destroyed America. We just haven't turned out the lights, yet.

That's your govt in action.
There are a number of alleged Republicans who simply can't keep their big mouths shut, diagree with leadership often and for little reason, and make speaking their differences to the media a career path. For them we will blame any Democrat wins in 2006 elections! While I and others may disagree with minor GOP leadership planks, there is a forum for such disagreement and it is not the media...Supporting the party is first and foremost, even though minor planks may be subject to discussion internally. It may be time for the GOP to shed itself of the fair-weather conservatives who are simply Democrats in GOP skin... simply disgusting that these alleged Republicans not convey their ideas through proper channels but rather use the media to massage their ego.

I just finished watching a documentary about Joseph Goebbels' diaries on Public Television, and these were all themes he touched upon consistently: Silence the opposition, control the message, demonize the opposition, monger fear to get the electorate to vote for your position, support the party first and foremost, purge the party of fair weather National Socialists, control access to the media.

Scary stuff, Camp David.
The Republican party has left us, we didnt leave them.

I had a serious discussion with a friend of mine yesterday. The two of us represent the most loyal of the Republican Party, and yet, we both came to this very same conclusion. Unlike some drastic changes happen in the next six months, we will either be staying home or voting for the Constitution Party.

This may be the first example in U.S. history of an entire Party committing suicide.
GW is NO Conservative and thank the Rubber Stamp Congress too for the situation this Country is in. Never voted for him, I knew better. Whats really funny there are those that will still defend this moron!! We need a viable
3rd Party !!!!!! This could be the Constitution Party if all true conservatives unite with them and contribute!
I do not get how people still claim "terrorist's started this war."

I am no Democrat and no liberal. But it is insanely easy to see that justifying the war in iraq or the one on terror as "they started it first" is asinine.

It is not a war that was started by an event or a person.

It is a global conflict between two cultures and religions (I do not mean Christianity vs. Islam. I mean Islam vs. everything else) that is and always has been unavoidable.

It is an unavoidable and long term conflict between two cultures that cannot co-exist on the same increasingly small planet.

It is worse than the cold war, because we have even less in common.
Lobotomy Boy,

Are you alluding to the fact that only Republicans are doing this? I hope you are including a wider brush with your comment.

I'm a conservative with libertarian leanings as well as a social conscience. It seems to me that prominent Democrats have been not very gentle in their actions and speech. I've not seen much truth get in the way of a photop and an opportunity to smut on the administration while putting forth nothing as an alternative; plus they want to disarm me. I'm 62 years old and I've never heard such venom from the left; and from elected ones at that. The right may have some abrasive voices, but they seem more in the private sector. I haven't heard the President call by name, any Democrat a traitor, as he has had to endure.

What I see are individual politicians as well as collections of them putting the needs of our country aside in order to promote the politics of power in order to be in control of the purstrings of our nation. I fear more the Socialism of the left (and that includes rino's) than I do those who would defend our language, culture, borders and way of life.
Are you alluding to the fact that only Republicans are doing this? I hope you are including a wider brush with your comment.

While I don't disagree with much of what you say, I was painting with a narrower brush, not a wider one. Much narrower. I was specifically referring to Camp David and his comments that I quoted. CD's comments showed such a striking similarity to the passages from Goebbels' diaries I had just heard read on television that I had to point it out.
Well, I just went back and read his post again. I thought about it for awhile.
Imho, you could just as easily substitute the word Democrat for republican in his comments and it would not change the reality of it one whit. That's my point,

CD says what he says, but our elected officials on both sides of the aisle are actually doing it.
I'm with you 100 percent on that. Imagine if all the people who were as fed up as us voted third party. I've seen it happen once before, right here in Minnesota in 1998.
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