New conservative movement?

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I dont think I want to be apart of any "new conservative movement" who's membership seems to want Hillary Clinton to be elected President.
Let's just fragment and give Hillary the Oval Office in 2008. That'll advance our cause.

It very well might advance our cause, over the long term. Telling the Republican Party "we'll support you, no matter who you tap as candidates" has led to razor-thin presidential victories, conservative disillusionment with the party, and little Federal progress on some conservative issues and even setbacks on others. Sure, four years of Hillary would suck probably beyond our worst imaginings, but in 2012 we'd have a galvanized conservative electorate, and politicians that understand we're willing to let them be defeated if they continue telling us that the best reason to vote for them is "my opponent is evil". Your opponent may well be evil, but sorry, we're still looking for competence, integrity, (those two will get a lot of swing voters) and commitment to conservative ideology and positions (those two will lure back the voters who are defecting to the Libertarian and Constitution Parties lately), not just an R after your name where your opponent has a D.
McLib and Ghoulianni

Let's just fragment and give Hillary the Oval Office in 2008. That'll advance our cause.
will be worse then hitlery, especially for gun owners if any of those freaks
get near the oval office TS*Has*HTF
Sure, four years of Hillary would suck probably beyond our worst imaginings, but in 2012 we'd have a galvanized conservative electorate, and politicians that understand we're willing to let them be defeated if they continue telling us that the best reason to vote for them is "my opponent is evil".

Your mistake is in assuming that you'll be voting in 2012, or that your vote will mean anything, or that you'll have popular support through talk radio or Internet forums like this one (off the air, Fairness Doctrine applied). With Hillary in the White House the vise will tighten. And if you think the Republicans are going to do much to stop that, you need only look at what is going on in D.C. right now with the immigration legislation.

A lot of people on this board talk as if we are still in the realm of traditional politics, American-style. I'm afraid the model needs to be USSR politics.
the tech wreck started on March 4th 2000. (My wife is in the industry and we felt it "up close and personal" we were very aware of the time this happened)

Malone LaVeigh: I'm "on the Right of Center" and I agree with everything you posted!!

"new Conservative movement":????? nothing new about it....conservatives(voters) where always conservative......its the politicians that changed and walked away from the people. The current GOP has gotten fat and lazy and have forgotten there principles (but now I wonder if they really had any to begin with)

George Bush has helped me "see the light" on where I need to be (partywise) to help protect the Bill of Rights. IMHO nothing else matters most than protecting them. Everything else is a debate for second place.

Its about Limited Govt, stupid.
/*Let's just fragment and give Hillary the Oval Office in 2008. That'll advance our cause.*/

Our country can survive four years of Hillary. Heck, we survived 8 years of both Bill Clinton and Harry Truman, it would be worth it to get the attention of the Republican party...again...
Purchasing power is better than ever thanks to cheap foreign labor

You must be kidding, right? The purchasing power of the dollar is worth 15% of what is was in 1960 and 2% of what is was when the Federal Reserve Bank was established. Unless you are 90 and don't plan on living much longer AND you have no children or grandchildren you should be highly worried about the future of your dollars in the face of massive (and ulitmately unpayable national debts). Just to delay the ultimate death of the dollar the Fed has to engage in deliberate and significant inflation. Why do you think the Fed stopped publishing the broad money supply data in February; they don't want us to know how frantically they are printing the stuff. Don'f forget the old truism: all fiat currencies ultimately return to their intrinsic value -- zero.

We don't assassinate leaders of foreign countries

Yes, just dangerous terrorists like Vicki Weaver:neener: Seriously, what makes that such a good policy? It could easily be changed and the cost in American lives and dollars would often be drastically less. We shouldn't have to invade a country every time there is a need for a regime change at the cost of American lives and foreign citizens and infrastructure.
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The purchasing power of the dollar is worth 15% of what is was in 1960

You should have mentioned how many more dollars you have than in 1960. Rather than refer to "purchasing power" of one dollar in any academic sense, how about considering what you can actually buy with what you have. Maybe a quick trip to WalMart might help. You are cramped for purchasing power if confronted only with the price of American made goods.
It doesn't really matter how many dollars you have, you better rush out and spend them quick because they'll be worth a lot less tomorrow and even less the next day. Your original point claimed that investments are doing so well. My point is simply that if you can purchase less down the road with that money than what you could have when you first invested it, then the "growth" of your investment is a chimera.
I don't know of a third party definition that has a healthy balance of all the best thinking on what government should be.

There is one:

The America First Party. And Jim Gilchrist is becoming involved with them, so rumor has it.
You should have mentioned how many more dollars you have than in 1960. Rather than refer to "purchasing power" of one dollar in any academic sense, how about considering what you can actually buy with what you have. Maybe a quick trip to WalMart might help. You are cramped for purchasing power if confronted only with the price of American made goods.

You're right. And to top it off, those damned American-made goods last practically forever in comparison to foreign crap, so I don't get to visit the store so often! See, the Chinese stuff breaks after ten uses or so, which keeps me out and about. Remember: pushing that shopping cart burns calories!

Wasn't really trying to single you out, I just get aggravated by people around me who see complex issues like the economy as "economy good-Clinton good, economy bad, Bush bad", without taking other factors into account, such as Congressional actions, effect of the world economy on ours, market forces, etc. Such is the nit-wit sound bite society we live in. If only people put as much thought into the things that effect their lives as they do sports/TV shows/hobbies, we'd all be much better off. I agree that the Presidents have had some impact but that it is often overstated.
My point is simply that if you can purchase less down the road with that money than what you could have when you first invested it, then the "growth" of your investment is a chimera.

That I get, keeping in mind that the savings were tax deferred.
And to top it off, those damned American-made goods last practically forever in comparison to foreign crap, so I don't get to visit the store so often!

More legend than reality.
Reagan architect declares war on GOP

Viguerie says withhold money, stop calling yourself 'Republican'

World Net Daily | August 8 2006

WASHINGTON – One of the architects of the Reagan Revolution is calling on fellow conservatives to withhold support of the Republican Party establishment – including most GOP incumbents in Congress this year.

In "Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause," Richard Viguerie, the man who invented the idea of using direct mail as a means of going over the heads of what he considered to be a biased establishment press, says it's time for radical action to save the Republican Party from itself.

His plan includes the following actions, which would spell bad news for the GOP in the 2006 midterm congressional elections and in the 2008 presidential election:

Withhold financial support from Republican committees and most Republican incumbents.

Withhold support from all 2008 presidential candidates.

No longer call yourself "a Republican" but rather a Reagan Republican or a Reagan conservative.

And work for wholesale change in Republican leadership.
While not advocating GOP defeat, Viguerie says conservatives should not fear the loss of Congress in 2006, since the biggest gains usually follow a defeat. He points to 1976 when Gerald Ford's loss made possible Ronald Reagan's victory in 1980 and to 1992 when George H.W. Bush's loss made possible the Republican congressional victories in 1994.

Viguerie helped transform American politics by pioneering the use of direct-mail fundraising in the political and ideological spheres. Dubbed by some as the "Funding Father of the conservative movement," Viguerie motivated millions of Americans to participate in politics for the first time.

In his new book, Viguerie shows federal spending under the Bush administration has grown five times larger than that during the second term of the Clinton administration, painting the president as a traitor to his party.

Viguerie compares spending by the federal government, adjusted for inflation, during the Clinton years vs. the Bush years. In Clinton's first term, federal expenditures rose 4.7 percent. In his second term, they rose 3.7 percent. In the first term of the Bush administration, however, spending rose 19.2 percent.

"If ever there was a case for divided government, here it is," writes Viguerie. "The lesson for many Americans is that today's Republicans cannot be trusted with the keys to both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government."

No matter how you slice it, Viguerie says, Bush makes Clinton look like a spending piker by comparison. For instance, the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University in New York keeps records that show how much the federal government spends on average each year for each person in the country.

When this standard of measurement is used, the comparison between the two administrations is even more pronounced.

Cumulative growth in federal expenditures, adjusted for inflation, during the Clinton years actually shrunk by 1.1 percent. Yet, in the Bush first term, it rose 15 percent.

"During President Bush's first five years in office, the federal government increased by $616 billion," Viguerie writes. "That's a mammoth 33 percent jump in the size of the federal government in just his first five years! To put this in perspective, this increase of $616 billion is more than the entire federal budget in Jimmy Carter's last years in office. And conservatives were complaining about Big Government back then! How can Bush, (Dennis) Hastert, (Bill) Frist and company look us in the eye and tell us they are fiscal conservatives when in five short years they increased the already-bloated government by more than the budget for the entire federal government when Ronald Reagan was assuming office?"
Yes, over 2000 years ago and will still be going on after I am dead.
That's a generality that is so vague as to be less than useless in the current situation. The wave of terrorism that we are seeing right now has very definite root causes in our very recent history. Israeli occupation of Palestine and Lebanon gave rise to Hamas and Hezbollah. U.S. meddling in Iran gave rise to the current Shiite theocracy that supports these terroristic organizations. The U.S. occupation of Iraq has created a hotbed for terrorism. To blame these situations on some non-descript ancient something-or-others is a sure-fire recipe for disaster.
Looks like the Republican Party is ready to implode.
It's about time. I was wondering when critical mass was going to be reached.
These neo-conservatives are nothing but insider radicals. Somehow someway they've fanagled their way into power and prominence. And have people believing that most Republicans think like they do. They do not. Traditional Republican values seem to have been thrown out the window.
The Democrats need to only distance themselves from the more loopy set like Howard Dean, and Hillary Clinton to retake power. I could even see myself voting for the likes of Joseph Biden. To me, Senator Obama on a Democratic ticket would be admirable.
The biggest problem with image is with the current association to the energy industry. Republicans are just too comfortable with it. When I heard about the new energy policy I slapped my palm to my forehead. My only thought was you fools. We need not so much a radical change but a dramatic change on the energy policy of this nation. Where is the implementation of new infrastructure?
Also, the domestic auto manufacturers just can't seem to pull their heads out of their you know what on innovation to try to compete with foreign automakers on "green" vehicles. Toyota and Honda are going slap GM and Ford around. Such what happens when you depend too much on cash cows rather than innovation to remain in existence. Laws of capitalism in full effect, to whom whoever has the best idea and the wherewithal.

I am in line with a lot of traditional Republican values, but on the issue of abortion I believe it should be a womans right to choose and be control of her body.
It seems to me the longer you are a politician the more your core values are compromised, and you are willing to deal. Ultimately becoming a diluted version of yourself. I'd imagine that it is hard to stay potent in such a town as Washington D.C. with so many lobbying for your vote. You'd have to have amazing mettle to withstand the interest groups and the sibilance of an angered voter base.
Those who do the dance of compromise should be watched not so much as sell-outs, but people who have found a good racket and don't want to give it up.
I am extremely interested in what is going to happen to the Republican Party in the next few years. It will either be a rebirth or a further slide into redundancy and fringe radicalism.

And of course the gun issue. Guns don't kill people. People do. Let's tend to the people. We must move back to personal responsiblity and knowledgeability. Bring opportunity to inner-cities and reinstill the values of discipline and hard work. Hypotheticals are just a crutch for already weak arguments.
Firearms are a part of this nations tradition and a bulwark against tyranny. Any item or office of power can be abused. The majority of the good should not be punished for the malefaction of a few misguided souls.
I am willing to vote into office a candidate who can move this nation into the 21st century with vision and innovation. And will be willing to meet them on the political field of battle with forbearance if they are for gun control. I think there are enough gun laws on the books. It is only a matter of enforcement.

There is malignancy in this world, and it is a new breed of fascism. Islamofascism is a term that I've heard to describe the phenomenon and it seems accurate. There is only one way to deal with fascism for those who will have none of it. Destroy it. There is no co-existence, no compromise, no surrender. It must be met with an unmerciful hand.

As a neophyte to the whole matter of politics I go in with these concerns and values and hope that others can see my point of view.
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I will be amazed if the Republicans hold on to either house of Congress.

Prepare to be amazed. The odds favor them losing the House right now but you have to remember who their opponents will be. Look at what is happening with Liebermann. One of their members they can actually be proud of and they are sacrificing him just to be more "anti-Bush." It wouldn't surprise me very much if the Democratic Party blows the House votes in 2006 just like they did in 2000, 2002, and 2004!

And don't forget that "all politics is local." Especially when you get to the House. It's darn hard to unseat an incumbent. Democrats have to somehow pick up Republican seats while not losing any (or many) of their own seats. I'm thinking it is basically 50-50 right now whether they will be able to do it. Actually I'm thinking it is more 55-45 towards the GOP based on the performance of the Democratic Party in the last three elections!

The Senate is a whole 'nuther deal. I'm the one that would be amazed if the GOP gave up their control there. I just said it is hard to unseat an incumbent House member. Triple that for an incumbent Senator!

Check out what the money is saying:

Currently an 82.9% chance the GOP will retain control of the Senate.

They are forecasting a 45.3% chance the GOP will retain control of the House. Not 50-50 but not bad. Not nearly enough to "be amazed" if they hold on!

I think someone said it best when they said, " United we stand, Divided we fall."

If we forget that we will surely be divided and conquered by the Dems and soon after that all this good RKBA news is going to fly right out the window..

Now, who here will be the first in line at the ballot box to exchange their EBR for a bolt action rifle? Or even better lets just deactivate all those evil rifles right now! :rolleyes:
Not the one in Iraq!!!!!
Seems that it is clearly an ego trip for our "chicken hawk" pres and his "chicken hawk" enterauge.
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