New Jersey becomes first state to require 'smart guns'

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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2002
Los Gatos, CA,0,3950762.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire

New Jersey becomes first state to require 'smart guns'

Associated Press Writer

December 23, 2002, 2:56 PM EST
TRENTON, N.J. -- New Jersey on Monday became the first state to enact "smart gun" legislation that would eventually require new handguns to contain a mechanism that allows only their owners to fire them.
The law will not go into effect immediately because the technology is still under development and it could be years before it becomes a reality. But supporters hailed it as an important milestone in the campaign to reduce handgun deaths.
The law will not go into effect immediately because the technology is still under development and it could be years before it becomes a reality.
A clever fact, such a reliable piece of machinery will never be available, which epitomizes the hypocrisy of the "representatives" of the People's Democratic Republic of New Jersey. They are willing to force impossibly-verifiable technology on the commonfolk but legislate exemptions for LEOs and state representatives for liability purposes.

What contempt!
Can't argue Zander/Sven.

A bold step! Better than Kali's "prove-it before you can buy" program.

No sense side-stepping any impied state-level constitution, if any.

Just by-pass the whole thing through "safety" legislation.

Fed-level commerce clause come to mind, any one?
OK, I'll bite, having spent a couple of years down there in the pit.

Can they pass, by referendum, a law requiring "smart legislators"?
One thing's for sure. Evan Nappen is going to get two more orange books out of this: one now, and one when some maker is stupid enough to try to sell a "smart" gun.

Both rich in detail on ways to get around this lumpen law and purchase firearms that really operate.

- pdmoderator
MD is almost as lame as NJ

MD has legislation that becomes effective on 1 Jan 2003 that prevents a new handgun being sold in the state that does not have a built-in key-lock. So no new Ruger MkII, Kinbers, CZs, BHP, Hammerli, Pardinis to name just a few. Looking over a case full of Kimbers at a local shop, I wondered if they were going to have a sale next Tuesday.

Seneca, MD
Originally posted by benewton

Can they pass, by referendum, a law requiring "smart legislators"? [/B]

Probably not but they can always vote themselves a raise.:mad:
Zander, fact, such a reliable piece of machinery will never be available,

Not so sure I'd say "never".

I'd feel pretty darn confident about saying "probably not in our lifetime", however. ;)

Lord save us from legiscritters who think that the laws of physics or the state of the design and manufacturing art can be moved forward or altered by a show of hands...
smart guns

"Smart" guns? Why stop there? I expect to see legislation requiring ethical guns - the gun will be capable of debating with you before it fires.
Ethical weapons

Originally posted by rick_reno
"Smart" guns? Why stop there? I expect to see legislation requiring ethical guns - the gun will be capable of debating with you before it fires.
POWELL No, no, Doolittle, you talk to it. Teach it Phenomenology, Doolittle.


POWELL: Phenomenology...

- pdmoderator
HOW SMART DOES A GUN HAVE TO BE. It fires when I pull the trigger. The mag ejects when I push the mag release button. Guns do what they are told to do. How much smarter do they need to be. We need SMART OPERATORS.

"New Jersey on Monday became the first state to enact "smart gun" legislation that would eventually require new handguns to contain a mechanism that allows only their owners to fire them. "

Now there must be a fail safe somewere. With guns used for home defense how would our love ones be able to use them?How would our friends at the range be able to use them................................. DANGER WILL ROBINSON......

It would be like the guns from the Movie LOST IN SPACE
Originally posted by 45R
Now there must be a fail safe somewere.

I particularly like the "which mode" fail-safe dilemma: If (when) the "smart" technology fails, does the gun default to "fire" or "don't fire"? Either way presents tremendous implications.
We're working on it...

Can they pass, by referendum, a law requiring "smart legislators"?
Surely you jest. We "common folk" here in NJ (the Serfs) attempted to inject Referendum and Recall, but it was rejected. The universally consistent characteristic of politicians, particularly in NJ, is that they have a unique talent for protecting their power. In most other jobs, you can get fired... but in NJ Politics, it seems an Act Of God is required to get one of these parasites off of the body politic.
Smart Guns?

Even though the technology doesn't exist yet? Geez, what's wrong with THIS picture? How about we do away with automobiles altogether and use THE TRANSPORTER instead? Even though THAT technology doesn't exist yet? After's just common sense. God, how I loathe the gun grabbers.
Good ole, S&W participation..

Didn't see anything about this in the thread.

"Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson was awarded a $1.7 million federal grant last year to work on developing the technology and has spent $5 million on development since 1993. "

Federal grant???? Our tax dollars to S&W??

Forget the states, the feds are working on it!!
So now, criminals will be forced to just chop off the user's hand and use it to fire the weapon until he can get to somewhere where he can take the thing apart and hotwire the firing mechanism! GREAT IDEA! Next it'll be debit/ID cards in the right hand or forehead like the fundamentalists predicted.:p (Mao...see tongue!) :p ;)
Humble Texan,

If I'm not mistaken, your tax dollars have also gone to Colt and SIGarms for "smart gun" development.
I am not sure I would want to be the first gun manufacturer to come out with a working smart gun- if I owned the company.
I might have the jump on gun sales in NJ, but the "backlash" from gun owners in other states might be substantial and very costly.
I very well may be missing the big picture on this issue, but it's hard to believe S&W would want to be the leader in this instance.
How many times do you need to be hit over the head!!
Originally posted by 45auto
I am not sure I would want to be the first gun manufacturer to come out with a working smart gun- if I owned the company. I might have the jump on gun sales in NJ, but the "backlash" from gun owners in other states might be substantial and very costly.
To say nothing of the liability issue. The "fail safe dilemma" alone practically guarantees that any firearms manufacturer will be sued and sued hard -- UNLESS gun manufacturer liability is limited!

The PRNJ market is frankly not worth the risk and effort.

- pdmoderator
The cops have an exemption, of course. They will continue to carry the old stupid guns that work.

One day a cop will "accidently" shoot an innocent and the state will be sued blind for ordering them to carry unsafe weapons. Should be entertaining. :)

Not often one see's a reference to DarkStar in a Gun Forum ... wait let me amend that. It's not often that one see's a reference to DarkStar ANYWHERE!

Although the reference was certainly appropriate...

Speed Racer
Well the law specifically forbids sale of ANY handgun new or used after the magic date without the magic technology.

This will kill more people than it saves as we have had a VERY low incident of accidental kid shootings in our state. Which is in theory what it is supposed to prevent.

Plain and simple, it is a handgun ban, as normal guns are banned from sale in 5 years regardless of smart-guns existing.

Oh, and as far as smart legislator's, we have a bill that got out of committee that basically states that projects/cotnracts can't be awarded on the basis of monetary contributions to campaigns. The general response from those in government was that the political system would grind to a halt if it passed. They don't even make a pretense that they aren't corrupt scum.
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