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Feb 22, 2007
I was out and about today stopping by the local gun shops just to see what they had as far as guns, primers, ammo, powder, etc. Each shop is in the same situation where the shelves are low, but they are getting orders in and whatever they get in goes fast. One shop, I ask about small pistol primers, he says don't have any today, are expecting some in the next week, will be about $40 per thousand. Sounds good and fair. Next shop, which is new in the last few months, small pistol primers, he says he won't get any until April of 2014. He quotes me a price of $247 per thousand. Wants to know if I want to get on the waiting list.
WOW!!! I declined, thanked him kindly and left. Anyone else hear anything like this??
I don't need a lecture on the political situation, but thought it was wild how different the story was between two shops only a mile apart.
If someone is charging 60+ dollars per 1000 I would never go back. And tell them I'd never be back. And tell everyone I know to not go

Sent from my CZ85 Combat
If he was serious about that price, I doublt that he will be in business too long. Only someone with ro regard to price would pay that or ever go back to that store.
He pulled something up on his computer to show me that he was telling the truth. Whatever he showed me (very briefly I might add) did say $247 but I couldn't tell how many primers that was for. He pulled it away too fast. It didn't matter to me what it actually was cause he was trying to sell me a 1000 for the $247 dollars, which means I am not going back.
I wouldn't be going back to the shop that charges double or triple, let alone that outrageous price.
I reload so I can afford to shoot, not to reload just for the fun of it.
If he was serious about that price, I doublt that he will be in business too long. Only someone with ro regard to price would pay that or ever go back to that store.
Sounds like a price for a carton of 5,000:confused:. But the April of 2014 :what: raises my eyebrows.

I don't think he will be in business for long, but not because of his pricing or attitude but because of his inability to read a computer, or a calendar.:rolleyes:

Lost Sheep

edit: 2/9/13 Went to my local Sportsman's Warehouse this afternoon. For large pistol, small pistol, large and small rifle, $43 for 1,000 primers according to the sign on the shelf, which was empty. Six months ago it was $33, but not very many on shelves then.
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$247? Really? If it were me, I would wait a few days and go back and ask the same question, preferably to someone else, just to see what they would say. To be clear, this is not because I would want to do business with them, but just for the adventure/curiosity.
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