New Libertarian....question about 9/11

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Sep 8, 2005
Under tyranny in Midwest
I'm pretty much in the LP camp, I am still learning about the party and the Libertarian Philosophy. This question is for the elder LP members seriously. What is the LP take and response to the 9/11 attacks?

I have read the LP foreign policy statement on their website....and I must say the first sentence is wonderful. I know they dont want to be in Iraq right now but what is the view on being attacked and what would be the LP response about what to do? Thanks.

(L. Neil Smith's book "Lever Action" is a good read) his beleif that "the LP party is the only legitimate heirs to the Founding Fathers." IMHO is philosophically true in today's choices.
I'm not familiar with the Libertarian Party platform on 9/11. I do know that the opinions of libertarians vary widely on that subject.

My opinion, as a long-time libertarian - the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were a crime of enormous magnitude, and the perpetrators of the crime (to include the planners and paymasters) should be hunted down, tried, and ideally put to death, just like any other common murderers. The 9/11 attacks are not justification for invading a couple of tenuously-related foreign countries, nor an excuse for crushing our civil liberties or driving the economy into the gutter.

- Chris
good threads...very interesting..... Its funny how so many people confuse Anarchist with a Libertarian...they are not even related.

Some on those threads need to setting down on the fears of becoming too Libertarian.......hell if this country could just LEAN towards the Libertarian Philosophy what a better situation we would have.
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