New London property thieves demanding rent. (Kelo)

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Someone should just flood thier property and add a bunch of frogs and swamp critters, maybe some endangered creature, call Greenpeace and claim that the Gov't in new London is trying to destroy wetlands and animals, and watch how fast the Gov backs off, swamp bugs have more rights than the homes of tax paying citizens, especially in NY jr. I mean CT.
Good lord, i cannot imagine the rage that i would feel at this were it my property in question (it ticks me off now and i have ZERO actual involvement). I would not be AT ALL suprised if this ended in bloodshed at this rate.
The sheer arrogance of the City is absolutely astounding.

It probably is a one party city like St. Louis. Run a city with one party for forty years and you get arrogance and corruption. Doesn't matter which party, either.

The rent charge for my own property after I followed the laws of the land to the Supreme Court would be a last straw.

The 2000 value would be the final straw...

damn if I just ran out of straws...

what else might I have around here??
The town reminds me of that Evil Villain you used to see in the silent movies, you know, all dressed in black with a tophat and a thin mustache!

"You Must PAY THE RENT!!"

"But I CANNOT pay the rent!!"


"But I CANNOT..."

What are they going to do next, tie them to a railroad track??

Imagine the nerve, you've kicked people out of their lifelong homes for a stinking convention center and now you want back rent. I smell lawyers with dollar signs in their eyes. Nothing good can come of this.

I don't think that's how it works. In fact, the flagrant re-interpretation of the 5th amendment shows that 'rules' and 'rightness' and 'legitimacy' mean less than dog spit. Facts, evidence, logic, truth, righteousness, they have no effect on the outcomes - the decisions are made and set in stone before the 'deliberation' ever begins.

Yep, thus making this quote all the more relevant:

“Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes the law-breaker, it breeds contempt for laws. It invites every man to become a law unto himself. The lawless government invites anarchy, to declare that in the administration of the criminal law, the end justifies the means; to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retribution.”
–Justice Brandeis
This is all so unbelieveable. I've pinched myself ... I know it's all real. But this all reads like just another urban legend that one would be a fool to believe.

While the reasons are different, what's happening is the same thing that went on recentely with farms in Zimbabwe. No - this hasn't yet been violent like that was. But how much are the homeowners willing to bet that if they resist - even peacfully - that the JBTs aren't going to show up and break the door down?

"Come out with your hands up! We're here to build a hotel!"
It's a new definition of chutzpah: Confiscate land and charge back rent for the years the owners fought confiscation.
Maybe they were inspired by the Red Chinese . . . when they execute a dissident with a shot to the back of the head, they bill the familiy for the price of the bullet.
HankB, I stole your "Maybe they were inspired by the Red Chinese . . . when they execute a dissident with a shot to the back of the head, they bill the familiy for the price of the bullet." and emailed it to O'Connell.

:), Art
I thought long and hard about this one trying to figure out a legitimate Devil's advocate position...nope, can't do it. :banghead:

Seems like some people are in dire need of a large bulldozer and a lot of steel plate.
And some people wonder why we have such a low opinion of the govt.

It's pretty clear to me that this is about punishing anyone who would challenge the actions of the local pols. Any cash they get will just be gravy.
"It's pretty clear to me that this is about punishing anyone who would challenge the actions of the local pols. "
Absolutely. The government is nicking them for punitive damages and trying to word it to sound like something different.
"Was it like this? No; it was not quite so handsome. As to rules and regulations, we had no Red Book, and knew nothing about them. We were out fighting the Boers, not sitting comfortably behind barb-wire entanglements; we got them and shot them under Rule .303."

I had a teacher in high school for Western Civilization who maintained that the surest way to drive someone to an act of desperation was to take or destroy his home. It is something that you work most of a lifetime for, and to take it away is to essentially tell someone that they have been nothing more than a slave. Such an act destroys all hope, and the absence of hope has led to assassinations and revolutions for a long time.

One day, someone's going to push too hard, and they will deserve the results, whatever they may be. It looks like New London's city fathers are trying to find the very limit of tolerance for government heavy-handedness. The thing is that in order to find out the where the line is that can't be crossed, you have to actually cross it at least once.

I wouldn't throw a party if one or more members of the New London city council end up with premature funerals, but I'm quite sure that I won't shed many tears about it, either.
Jadecristal said:
I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but something dark just uncurled inside me.

"If you are hearing this, there is nothing I can do
Something has grown in my chest.
And I have seen it.
It is hard and cold.
It's been dormant for many years. " - Marilyn Manson
...from all us stoneless sheep.

People who have something to lose (i.e. those with some hope for a better future) can generally be persuaded not to engage in desperate acts. Not so with someone who's lost everything. These people not only have lost their homes for a fraction of their value, they have already spend a ton of money on lawyers to defend their property, and are now looking at far more money being paid to lawyers to fight the "rent" assessment.

OTOH, ammo only costs about $0.50 per round.
Under Federal law, the owner of a property is responsible for the cleanup costs if any sort of toxic waste dump is found on it--no matter who did the dumping, IIRC. Now, given all the things that constitute toxic waste, and since New London says it owns the property, wouldn't it be an interesting coincidence if a lot of used motor oil, dry cleaning solvent, etc. happened to show up spilled all over the place?

The owners wouldn't get to keep their property, but it sure would be a lot less attractive to the people who stole it from them, don'tcha think?
I am stone cold flabberghasted, furious, and sickened. Do these politicians and landgrabbers actually expect to continue to get away with this garbage? Is there not one state legslator in that state with the iron to stand up to this communist town? Is there no federal legislator, in this state or out, with the stone to change the law to prevent this? Is the governor of this state so cowardly or corrupt as to allow his state to be "sold down the river" like slaves in the 1860s? When did I fall asleep, and awaken inside the Soviet Union?
Under Federal law, the owner of a property is responsible for the cleanup costs if any sort of toxic waste dump is found on it--no matter who did the dumping, IIRC. Now, given all the things that constitute toxic waste, and since New London says it owns the property, wouldn't it be an interesting coincidence if a lot of used motor oil, dry cleaning solvent, etc. happened to show up spilled all over the place?

Actually, anyone who dumped on the property or ever owned the land is at risk for the cleanup. So the former owners would still be on the hook. So this is a really bad plan.
+1 Crackedbutt +1 Pax

I have a philosophy though. I have always stood by it and applied it a few times however not on quite such a large scale. "If someone steals or takes something/costs me something, ALWAYS cost them so much more that it becomes not worth it for them to have taken my property." I trust that we don't need to go into details. IT can be quite costly and if it becomes a constant thing (it will take many people to do this) then new owner's cost to overhead ratio is too narrow they lose out big.
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The arrogance and utter detachment from reality is shocking.

This is the modern equivalent of, "Let them eat cake".

We know what comes next.
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