hello everyone, my name is Julian, i live in riverside california and am 19 years old, my three passions are guns, cars, formula one racing, making models of cars, fishing, basketball, and many other things as well. i am proud to have a beard and i am also as straight as an arrow. i fallow the law diligently and try to never break it, even when it comes to jay walking and speeding. my love for guns started when i was about 2 years old. i was watching a war movie, and something just atrracted me to guns, espcially a fully automatic M16A1. then as time whent by i became more and more into guns. at age 5 i was so intrested in them that i tried to by gun magazines but was often told i had to be 18

my love for guns at such an early age lead me to really be into anyting that shot projectiles. naturally this ment i would take up the sligshot at the age of 5. damn did i become a great shot with it, rember at this age i didnt really see the true value of life. this ment many a bird, lizard, gopher, rat, raccoon, etc... saw the end of its life by my hands. even today i am a damn good shot, not as good as i used to be, and i still shoot my sling shot often. my love for guns only grew and grew. my mom was always freaked out about the idea of me owing a gun or bb gun and didnt like me even having my sling shot. my dad, who often had to follow my mothers rules, was willing to let me have a bb gun at age 10 for christmas. did i also mention my brothers were into guns aswell, but not as much as me

so for chirstmas me and my younger brother both got bb guns which we were able to pick out. of course we had our fun and then the invetiable happened.here in riverside, the majority of the houses are urbanized, one next to the other, thier isnt acers betweens us and the neighbor, only feet. eventually a neighbors window ended up being broken

and it was blamed on us

, i still have my doubts today as if we actually broke it, it look like something other than a bb hit it. that ment the bb guns were tooken away

and something happen to me. i was afraid i would break another window, so even when we got our bb guns back afte a year, i only shot it rearely when we were in a very open feild with no possiblity of breaking a window. eventually the gun fever kind of died and even our bb guns broke. so a period whent buy from about age 11 to age 16 where i didnt shoot anything, not even my slingshot for fear of breaking a window. but my love for guns was faustered by otherthings. seeing movies with schwazanger, like preditor and his M16A1 m203. also the history channels tales of the gun. i began reasearching guns, it always amazed me how automatics worked with out batteries. and i expanded my knowledge to the point where i could sit with other gun lovers and talk for hours about designes, calibers, actions etc... then my love for guns hit a fever pitch, i was 18 had a car and wanted to shoot again. i told my mom how i felt, that i was resposible enough to have a bb again. so i decided to buy me a nice 1000 fps bb gun. thats when i noticed the price range $150-$300

i figured whats the point in buying a bb gun for that price i might as well go for a real gun

i knew that my first gun would always be a .22 rilfe because of the factors i still beleive this is the best starter gun anyone can buy. i began reasearching .22 rifles but none that i saw suited my taste. this is kind of funny, then i saw the eposide of king of the hill where bobby is great shot and him and hank enter the shooting contest. there is one scene when hank says boy i cant remeber the last time i shot a rile, but i bet it was a marlin and a texan was in the white house. so i looked up marlin and like what i saw. the Marlin 795 especially appealed to me and lucky for me the local big 5 sold them. so i somehow convinced my mother that i am responsible enough for a real firearm. i said mom, a .22 in infamous for being a varmit killer and really nothing more, just think of it as the most powerful bb gun

i told my dad that i was going to buy the rifle. then my dad suprised me. he told me about how he had a love for guns as strong as mine, but my mother was always aganist him having one, and with having children in the house, my dads love eventually died

so i whent and bought my marlin .22 in agaust 06. that is one of the days i will never forget

than i finally picked up my gun on the 14 of agaust 06 and shot it with my brothers for the first time 2 days later. my dream had come true, and all my suspeions were proven correct, guns are simply amazing

about a month later i took my dad shooting and told me how great it was and about how he always dreamed of shooting with his boys. he said it was funny because he thought no one in the family would ever own a gun. at the shooting range we also rented and shoot a glock 9mm and a 12 gauge shotgun. all of these guns at first frighten me

because of how much more power they packed than my .22 my mom still dosent like the idea of me owing a gun. unforatnley for her i have already bought another one. a yugo mauser m24/47 which i will be able to pick up on friday

fyi my favorite guns are M1 Garand, M16, the Mauser bolt actions, M14, Colt.45, HK MP5, Thompson 45, MP44, and many many more. my arsenal currently contains my Marlin 795 .22LR and my Yugo Mauser m24/47 trust me this collection will only grow