New Orleans Begins Confiscating Firearms (merged w/ "You're all gonna love this one")

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Shame on you for attempting to insight the masses.
The wordplay here is absolutely stunning.


Language is not only the vehicle of thought, it is a great and efficient instrument in thinking. -- Humphrey Davy
Voltron must not have ever read a dictionary. I bet he's the type that hangs out in coffee shops, listening to people use big words (which explains why he cannot spell any of those words worth a damn) and their opinions. He then picks some of this up and comes here to spout the oral droppings for our enjoyment. I doubt he even understands the content of his message.

Martial Law trumps amended rights in times of national emergency. Don’t take my work for it, ask any Japanese American who place in an interment camp

Hmm. There has been no declaration of martial law, since it isn't permitted under LA state law. As for the internment camps, you do realize that such actions would be illegal under current interpretations of the law (and should have been outlawed then except the Supreme Court was under the same post-Pearl Harbor anger as the rest of the nation), were completely useless, and resulted in reparations?

Learn about the law and history before you argue from them.
Voltron said, "To Art (viiolent looter)?

I have survived nearly a dozen hurricanes, countless snow storms 2 F-4 and 1 plains flood. However all of those experiences pale in comparison, in scope."

Sorry, but your own experiences, while notable, in no way respond to my comment--which I'll repeat:

Voltron, if you and your house had survived a storm, and you realized that you could survive comfortably in your house, would you have any resentment at some arbitrary confiscation of a firearm for which you relied on for self-defense against some possible viiolent looter?


They hate you. Keep up the good work. And don't worry about the personal attacks they can't help themselves.
They personal attacks are just a way for you to know when you have struck a nerve.
Posters here don't like the open exchange of ideas. And well your idea's throu vaild are against the grain, sort of speak.

Some times the moderators condone the comments of others by ignoring them. Or my personal favorite, they delete the thread.

most posters are here to live out there fantasy dooms day life senerios
um better checj my stelling

nope I dont care

I like you point about tring law enforcement.
Posters here don't like the open exchange of ideas.

While I will be the frst to admit that some of us here are not too keen on the rapid acceptance of new things, the open exchange of ideas is fine. But when one of those ideas is:

A. Completely wrong
B. An attempt to troll and cause a ruckus
C. An insult
D. Goes against the very grain that runs throught the character of RKBA supporters

..of course you're going to see some heat on that.

If one were to go to an Elton John fansite and say his music sucks and he's a filthy homosexual, well, one would expect some serious fallout both from a musical (the die hards) and a cultural (the homosexuals or supporters) standpoint. Reacting negatively towards someone who did that is not acting against the open exchange of ideas, it's smelling the feces and knowing when it's time to flush.
See those are good comments and points

I see heart in the voltron posts, infact I see a LEO. I read all 15+ pages I see a lot a bashing of law enforcement and it is inaprorpate.

Thats Sir elton, god I cant even finish that one cant stop laughing
I read all 15+ pages I see a lot a bashing of law enforcement and it is inaprorpate.
Perhaps you weren't reading the same thing I was. We...well, I'll say, I, I can't speak for everyone, oppose any law enforcement official who would forcibly disarm a legally armed American citizen. I oppose an law enforcement official who would remove an American citizen, who has commited no crime, from their home, when that citizen has stated that they do not want to leave. Period.
Voltron said:
but to suggest that disarming citizen has something to do with a government injustice and not a securable safety measure for relief workers is simply idiotic.
The old saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions is so appropos right now...
Be men go to your local academy; see if you got what it takes.

I assure you sir, I am more than man enough to take down old ladies in their own home. I am man enough to lack any meaningful job skills whatsoever, other than kicking in the doors of elderly people and dragging them from their homes. I am man enough to seek out a job that gives me power over others who are in reality my betters.

I'm also man enough to understand what motivates certain people to seek a career in "law enforcement". And I am damn sure man enough to stand up for myself and take a few of these scumbags out with me.

Without getting quote-happy and responding in like to a point by point dialogue, I will simply zoom out and respond in kind to your premise.

I fully understand in the disaster and epic destruction that occured. Many people here are connected to them in some way. I am not sure you have seen the full picture this discussion is specifically about. Many people who had their doors banged on and guns pointed at them in their own homes, were on dry land - homes fine. They were doing fine; many didn't want help. Yet they were demanded to be stripped of their firearms. Some were not even evacuated, just stripped (illegally mind you) of their legal firearms they legally possessed. If you do not see an issue there, I suggest moving to North Korea where the government will take care of all your needs.

You speak of LE officers. I can tell you many LE officers found the order of confiscation of weapons by entering people's homes and stripping them of them offensive. So you speak for yourself, if there was any doubt of that.

Saying this, we all know most all LE was there to help and they themselves suffered a lot. This topic is not about that; again it is about an order by the powers that be to break the 2nd Amendment, for their own convienience. You will find a lot of strict Constitionalists here, with those who fully believe in our Liberty. You try to sanitize your argument that we are just simple gun-people, but I for one support all causes protected by our Constitution.

You mentioned Martial law. I have heard no solid evidence of or press coverage of that ever being officially declared. If you can provide sources for this, I am interested.

As I and other have said before; liberty, freedom, and civilization are but a thin veneer. When breaches of this occur, even when society is tested with such a disaster, one needs to voice loudly and strongly when violations against the Constitution occur. Sure, this is debatable. Hopefully it will be in our courts in the days to come.

On the general attitiude of the board as you have replied. You can't expect to paint a broad brush calling people anarchists and talking down with spite, without getting a bit back for it. I read some of the replies to you and felt them fairly silly and not well thought out. There certainly is a lot of big talk too. Well that's here nor there. It certainly doesn't represent this board as you put it, although you seem to want to define it as such for your own convienience.
Nuremberg was full of people claiming they were just following orders. If you still feel it’s a lawful order than the Constitution and Bill of right is just toilet paper to you and there is no point talking to you.

Wilhelm Frick, testimony at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial in 1946.As far as the charge against me is concerned I have a clear conscience. My whole life was service to people and the Fatherland. By the fulfillment of my legal and moral duty I think I have earned punishment just as little as the tens of thousands of dutiful German officials who have now been imprisoned only because they carried out their duties.Wilhelm Frick was found guilty and executed on 1st October, 1946.

Is it the same?
You betcha.
赤悪魔, if you are in accord with Voltron's views, would you care to answer my question in Post #404, above?

And please note that I have disagreed with his ideas; I've made no mention of anything about Voltron, himself.

As for your own views about comments to or about Voltron: When someone exhibits trollish behavior on any Internet forum, please note that it tends to be "Open Season". This happens because of behavior, does it not? Aside from the written rules of THR, there are the commonly-known but unwritten rules of behavior on Internet forums.

As for things like grammar, spelling, punctuation and the use of paragraphs, I see no reason for pride in ignorance of these facets of written communication. Further, given the resources available in any computer--the Word program, e.g.--there's little excuse for improper usage.

As to the people who are left in New Orleans, they are on an island. With more the 80 percent of the structures suffering flood damage, the risk of life threatening infectious diseases or other incurable long term heath risks are putting them in preeminent danger. Antibiotic reentrance strains of otherwise easy curable infections put all of us at risk.

I-10 is the major life line for all goods into that city. I-10 is for the most part gone. When the air operations slow, the people still in there homes will become more desperate, anyone on the outside looking in will be relatively helpless to assist those individuals.
If that were true, the Mayor would not now be trying so hard to get people to COME BACK to the city's undamaged areas. The decision to evict people from their undamaged homes in unflooded areas was wrongheaded and everyone knows it.

For anyone here to suggest some one in New Orleans can securer their homes and remain comfortable is just ridiculous.
"Remaining comfortable" is not a prerequisite for staying in your home. We just rode out hurricane Ophelia yesterday. Our power went out, and it was uncomfortably hot. But no one kicked in our door and tried to evict us from our home as a result, and no one used it as an excuse to try to rummage through our gun safe, either.

to suggest that disarming citizen has something to do with a government injustice and not a securable safety measure for relief workers is simply idiotic.
Barging into people's undamaged homes, pointing loaded guns at the lawful occupants, and illegally confiscating their firearms was far, far more dangerous than, say, waving hello to said homeowners while heading elsewhere to actually rescue people still trapped in desperate situations by floodwaters. Not to mention illegal and unconstitutional.

Neither the United States Constitution nor the Lousiana state constitution have a hurricane exception clause. The U.S. constitution allows the suspension of the writ of habeus corpus during time of war, but does NOT allow the Second and Fourth Amendments to be suspended at the whim of some municipal official.
I just want to vehemently and categorically state that I have nothing against otters, nothing whatsoever. I have been misquoted. :D

An inherent part of making a point is actually MAKING it. This requires, in a text-based format such as a forum, some care and deliberation. Otherwise you're flailing about and before you know it, you're killing otters...

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