Hi all,
At a local gun show this past Sunday (12/9) I purchased a new PC 9 carbine. I`d been reading about them since they were first released and had been wanting one ever since. Got it home and felt like a kid at Christmas. Got familiar with it by giving it a thorough cleaning and oiling and couldn`t wait for it to quit raining which it finally did today, Tuesday.
Took it to the range and proceeded to set the sights then get down to some serious shooting and had my first jam at 65 rounds. Wasn`t too worried about it and attributed it to new gun/breaking in and continued shooting. When it jammed again at 79 rounds, warning bells started going off but I wasn`t too worried...yet. At 84 round mark another jam. I knew something was up at this time as they were now happening every magazine or so.
Separated the barrel from the stock and all looked OK so I wiped it all down with a rag and took a closer look at the barrel nut. I noted that it was very loose and I knew that I`d tightened it down per the owners manual that I actually did read. Tightened it down again and fired another couple of rounds and yep, you guessed it, another jam.
After some serious gnashing of teeth and rending of garmets, I recovered my wits and again took a close look at the barrel nut. I`d tightened it up as much as I could previously but had noticed a slight gap where the nut should, I thought, tighten against the receiver. It remained no matter how hard I tried to tighten it, finger tight that is. (I wasn`t about to put a pair of pliers to it) The very slight gap bothered me and I thought that it was perhaps the way it was designed so shrugged my shoulders. I noticed that it also started loosening up a lot upon firing a mag full. I knew that it shouldn`t loosen up so quickly since I`d seen no mention of this happening on various forums.
Between the slight gap and loosening nut I knew something was up so I went back to the offending barrel nut and started twisting it back and forth to see exactly how far it would turn in each direction.
Lo and behold, it suddenly started turning freely and I was able to then tighten it up fully against the receiver.
Loaded another couple of mags and the thing shot just like it should without the nut loosening so I was literally dancing with excitement! Glad nobody was near as my little chicken-dance would`ve been embarrassing at the least...and maybe even illegal.
Fired another 50 rounds without any problems thus concluding my range session. Figured that a sliver of metal had gotten into the threads on the barrel nut which jammed it and kept it from seating fully against the receiver. Between my clumsy attempts and the heat from firing finally loosened it up enough to work it out. Took it home a very happy camper as I realized that I wasn`t one of "those guys" who were just unlucky enough to get a lemon from the factory that wouldn`t shoot right. (you`ve all seen them and was glad it wasn`t you, haven`t you?)
At any rate, all`s well and I thought I`d pass this little missive along to all of you who may have or am thinking about getting a PC 9. Make sure that barrel nut is fully tightened against the receiver even if it doesn`t want to move as it`s NOT the way it`s designed.
At a local gun show this past Sunday (12/9) I purchased a new PC 9 carbine. I`d been reading about them since they were first released and had been wanting one ever since. Got it home and felt like a kid at Christmas. Got familiar with it by giving it a thorough cleaning and oiling and couldn`t wait for it to quit raining which it finally did today, Tuesday.
Took it to the range and proceeded to set the sights then get down to some serious shooting and had my first jam at 65 rounds. Wasn`t too worried about it and attributed it to new gun/breaking in and continued shooting. When it jammed again at 79 rounds, warning bells started going off but I wasn`t too worried...yet. At 84 round mark another jam. I knew something was up at this time as they were now happening every magazine or so.
Separated the barrel from the stock and all looked OK so I wiped it all down with a rag and took a closer look at the barrel nut. I noted that it was very loose and I knew that I`d tightened it down per the owners manual that I actually did read. Tightened it down again and fired another couple of rounds and yep, you guessed it, another jam.
After some serious gnashing of teeth and rending of garmets, I recovered my wits and again took a close look at the barrel nut. I`d tightened it up as much as I could previously but had noticed a slight gap where the nut should, I thought, tighten against the receiver. It remained no matter how hard I tried to tighten it, finger tight that is. (I wasn`t about to put a pair of pliers to it) The very slight gap bothered me and I thought that it was perhaps the way it was designed so shrugged my shoulders. I noticed that it also started loosening up a lot upon firing a mag full. I knew that it shouldn`t loosen up so quickly since I`d seen no mention of this happening on various forums.
Between the slight gap and loosening nut I knew something was up so I went back to the offending barrel nut and started twisting it back and forth to see exactly how far it would turn in each direction.
Lo and behold, it suddenly started turning freely and I was able to then tighten it up fully against the receiver.
Loaded another couple of mags and the thing shot just like it should without the nut loosening so I was literally dancing with excitement! Glad nobody was near as my little chicken-dance would`ve been embarrassing at the least...and maybe even illegal.
Fired another 50 rounds without any problems thus concluding my range session. Figured that a sliver of metal had gotten into the threads on the barrel nut which jammed it and kept it from seating fully against the receiver. Between my clumsy attempts and the heat from firing finally loosened it up enough to work it out. Took it home a very happy camper as I realized that I wasn`t one of "those guys" who were just unlucky enough to get a lemon from the factory that wouldn`t shoot right. (you`ve all seen them and was glad it wasn`t you, haven`t you?)
At any rate, all`s well and I thought I`d pass this little missive along to all of you who may have or am thinking about getting a PC 9. Make sure that barrel nut is fully tightened against the receiver even if it doesn`t want to move as it`s NOT the way it`s designed.