New suppressor, trust question

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I wasn't trying to criticize all lawyers. Apologies if you were offended. I always purchase as an individual anyway, so the trust issue doesn't affect me either way. I considered setting one up as a convenience, but I was getting quotes that costed more than items that I wanted. One of the lawyers said, "well you need to have money if you want to get in the NFA game". It left a sour taste in my mouth.
Not offended at all; just trying to help people understand where some of the costs come from. People who think that all the lawyer does is type their names into a blank form naturally tend to think $600 for that is outrageous; but they aren't seeing the costs of becoming a lawyer in the first place, normal business costs, investment costs (research time), costs of doing a low volume business like gun trusts, and costs from theft of services. All of those contribute to higher prices.

And again, I think people often underestimate the potential problems in copied or form trusts because they are only focused on whether or not the ATF will approve it.
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