Newest cell phone gun

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My wife doesn't think that is a real cell phone. The nice thing is she wants a new cell phone bad, so maybe I could get the Glock/Nokia model. If it isn't real, then maybe I can get a Glock and a Nokia instead! :D
thorn726 wrote
real or joke?

Joke, of cause ;) This has been photoshopped by my young brother about three or four months ago on my idea. He's got quite a name as a 3D computer artist here, and also really good with Photoshop :cool:
Alot of good that is going to do ya. Especially if you have Cingular service.
Your gun will stop working about every two miles and won't work indoors.

A Glock with a battery. well... so much for dependability. :evil:

Almost all new phones have some sort of camera. Where is it on this particular model? Say CHEESE... :D

"911 dispatch! I'm heading south on I-75! I was just passed by a lunatic in a convertable holding a gun to his head!"
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