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News flash - NJ Governor to resign later on today!

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Dec 24, 2002
Central Indiana
Just heard on Hannity's radio program! The governor will announce his resignation later on today. There is allegedly a sexual component to the decision. We'll see what the scoop is as events unfold.


Are you sure it's not just wishful thinking on Hannity's part. (Of course, it would prevent Schundler from running a "See, I told you so!" campaign.)
If he resigns, it'll be Richard "women should walk in groups in well lit areas rather than be armed" Codey who will get the governor's office.

Escape while you still can, guys.
Well, I can't say I'm sad to see McGreasy go but he will be replaced by senate president Richard Codey.

Here is what Codey had to say about us (2nd amendment rights advocates) after the Can the Ban rally in Trenton


Released on: July 16, 2004


Senate President Says Gun Advocates' Message "Outside the Realm of Reality"

TRENTON - Senate President Richard J. Codey, the driving force behind New Jersey's recent law to require childproof guns when the technology becomes economically viable, issued the following statement regarding today's assemblage in front of the Statehouse of the Second Amendment Sisters, Inc., an organization that advocates for the dissolution of gun control laws under the guise of "a woman's right to protect herself:"

"It may just be that I've been a little preoccupied with the recent enactment of the FY 2005 Budget, but I wasn't aware that, as the Second Amendment Sisters claim, society had gotten so bad that a woman's only hope to avoid violence is to carry around an Uzi and not be afraid to use it.

"That statement isn't exactly true, mind you, but gun advocacy groups, like the Second Amendment Sisters, would rather that the general population believe otherwise, because it's through misinformation and fear that their cause actually gains any footing. Regardless of the actual facts, they're willing to push a bleak world view where a woman's only chance of survival is to have a bigger gun than the next person.

"Call me naive, but I'd like to believe otherwise.

"I'd like to believe that there's enough common sense left in the world that disputes don't have to degenerate into a Showdown at the O.K. Corral. I'd like to believe that most women will choose to use basic common sense, such as traveling in large groups and only in well-lit, heavily populated areas, before resorting to violence on their own.

"The presence of a firearm rarely defuses a potentially violent situation, but rather, escalates violence to the breaking point. Rather than advocating for more guns on the street, we should bring attention to the need for more policemen in high-crime areas. I may be out of line here, but I'd rather see the decision to use lethal force being made by a highly-trained safety expert.

"While I don't disagree with the argument that women's safety issues are very important in today's society, I think it's downright unconscionable to use scare tactics to advocate for diminishing gun control laws, and allowing more weapons on our streets.

"When the Second Amendment Sisters are willing to have a rational discussion of how to improve women's safety in a civilized world, I'm open to that discussion. If they'd rather live in the Old West, where gunfights on street corners were commonplace, I have a time machine I'm willing to sell them that will go nicely with their unrealistic world views."
I just checked Bloomberg

sexual harassment allegations made by a male former aide, Golan Cipel

Wasn't Golan Cipel the state's $10k/year Poet Lauriet who blamed Israel for 9/11 and wouldn't step down when people were offended?
Well, the press conference is just over. He is resigning due to a homosexual affair. He should have resigned due to the fact that he is a traitor, and has violated his oath to the people of NJ. So now we get Codey, an even greater traitor. God, have mercy on our souls.
Well, if he resigns because he's gay, he's a victim, he's persecuted because of his sexuality. If he resigns because he didn't uphold the office of governor it's all his fault.

Call me a cynic, but in the next few days the media will be feeling sorry for him
Very, very sad. I was just thinking today how New Jersey has been so raped and pillaged enabled by the corrupt politicians that were bought in the first place (I'm too tired to go into it).
Having just escaped I can say without any agenda that New Jersey deserves so much better. It's gonna be a very long and difficult task for those willing and able to take it on - their numbers are growing.
It's really extremely refreshing to live in a state where the legislators conduct themselves honorably to include trusting the law-abiding, tax paying, honest citizens. It's so great, in fact, that Pennsylvania is safe as long as I'm alive. I will absolutely step forward if PA starts to erode like New Jersey.
In the mean time, McGreevey and your ilk, you are a total disgrace to the sacred Oath of Office. May you burn in hell.
Whoops. Just saw the homosexual thing. My post had nothing to do with that at all. I'll take an honorable homosexual anytime over McGreevey.
Hannity has gone on to say that there are indications that there will be a sexual harassment suit filed in the near future against the governor. He has also just talked to Bret Schundler, who stated that he is interested in getting into the election if there will be one.

Hannity also mentioned that the timing of this announcement and resignation is critical due to some stipulations within New Jersey law if there are less than 60 days before an election. I didn't have the chance to listen to all of that, since I had to turn off the radio to take phone calls. Darn clients! You'd almost think that I like positive cash flow!! :D


For those who remain: Do what you can to make Bret Schundler your next Governor. He knows all of the issues better than anyone and is "in it" for all the right reasons. Don't bust his ***** on the gun issue. He's the real deal. Offices won't be won in New Jersey on the gun issue, but they might be on the principles of personal responsibility, accountability and self reliance which transcend all issues.
OK, here's the explanation.....Hannity stated that if the governor resigns more than sixty days before a state-wide general election where he/she is not standing for re-election, then the successor will be chosen via an election. However, he said that McGreevey stated that he will resign effective Nov. 15th, which negates that. It's my understanding that this would then result in his being replaced by another current officeholder, which Stebalo said would be Codey.

I think that I have all of this correct....I hope! Good luck to all of NJ THR members!


Yes! He came out of the closet to say he decided he was gay. He said he had been fighting it since High School. I wonder why he married twice and had one daughter by each wife? Sounds more like lust to me. I think he is trying to gain support from the gay community and the Democrats.

Also there will be a civil suite of sexual harrassment filed against him. That is the real reason for stepping down. His wife stood by his side, she is a beautiful blonde. She just stood there with a smile on her face. I don't know how she did it, unless she wants to be rid of him.

Mrs. Toro

Job 34:20to23
In a moment shall they die, and the people shall be troubled at midnight, and pass away: and the might shall be taken away without hand. For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings. There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves. For he will not lay upon man more than right; that he should enter into judgment with God.
He showed a great amount of courage.

If courage = nerve then I guess he did.

Bottom line: super corrupt state government in NJ and he was right in the heart of it. Speculation is that he was told he was a liability to the party for the November elections and that it was in his best interests to step down. They made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Again speculation is that they have more than the harrassment case and that he is trying to avoid spending time behind bars.

His being gay is really not relevant. Frankly, who cares. Depending on how this washes out, he may be using that as a shield, in which case he is a double lowlife.

And him having an affair: He's a lowlife and everyone knew that when he ran. Clinton proved that for the most part the American people don't care about that either.

So no reason to step down on either count, hence the above speculation.

I might add, I heard the whole thing on the Fox XM feed, and he did sound good but my wife watched the video as well and said that they were focusing on his Dad who kept rolling his eyes.

Pity the parents and the family for having a piece of crap like that in their lives. Especially with sing-sing looming for them.

Re Schundler - my Aunt worked with him on Wall Street, she's a typical liberal leaning New Yorker and said he was a good man (his political views aside of course)

And on guns, I believe he is pro right to carry:

From issues2000.org:

- Opposes gun control. (Jun 2001)

- Looser gun laws; allow concealed carry. (Jun 2001)

Here is the link: http://www.issues2000.org/Bret_Schundler.htm#Gun_Control

So from your keyboard to God's ear!
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