NM shoot ~March 12-19th

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Well, I'll ask the other two, but sampling the local flavor sounds good. Of course, BBQ is also always good, but that goes without saying. :p

Best of both worlds... hmmm... sampling the local BBQ. :D
Erich, I can't believe you have never been to the K&I diner.

Home of the "Travis", quite possibly the largest burrito ever! :what:

It is on Broadway, near Rio Bravo.

We need to eat there sometime.

If you don't mind a place that serves alcohol, Cervantes is a very good restaurant.

Is the new Los Cuates serving the original food?
OT: Yeah, but . . . you know. When Frank Barela died and the twins sold out to the Little Anita's people, part of the deal was that the LC recipes couldn't change. And . . . maybe they haven't. But folks agree the experience is somehow different than it once was. (Dos Amigos, btw, on 4th just S of I-40, is run by LC refugees - the food is different, but okay.)

I will say, that LC is certainly cleaner nowadays than in days gone by. The new one on Menaul is actually nice (or it was a couple of weeks ago).

I'll go to K&I (I rarely run around down in that part of the world anymore) sometime soon - sounds good. But you've got to come to Leroy's (on Old Coors) and the original Mac's (on Central, just E of new Coors) sometime! :)

Getting back on topic: Dionysusigma, BBQ is not really a NM thing, though we have good stuff here. Let us know which you prefer: NM food or BBQ, and we'll figure out a place.
Honestly, anything would be great. I get BBQ here all the time, and this will be the first I've ever been in New Mexico. Let's go for local. :)

I don't mind places that serve alcohol, but my travel companions don't drink. I personally won't because I'm doing all the driving for the week. :uhoh: :D

Tell me more of this mythical "Travis"... :scrutiny: :uhoh: ;)
Ahh, the "Travis". Now there is some gastronomical lore for you. It was invented in the 1950' by a fellow named Travis who worked near the diner. One day for lunch, he ordered a burrito with "EVERYTHING", and got it. Other folks started asking for one them "Travis" burritos, nad it became the diner's trademark speciality. It is a meat and bean burrito with red and green chili, and is covered with french fries. It is also available in half an quarter sizes. A quarter is a full sized dinner plate piled about 3 inches deep in the center. A full Travis comes out on a large metal serving platter with handles on each end. :what:

K&I is only open from 07:00 15:00 Mon.- Sat. Saturday hours are a recent innovation by the new owners.
Well, we're shipping out in a couple of hours. :) Next time y'all hear from me, it'll be out on the road somewhere.

Let's go for Friday around 1200-1300ish, someplace with local flavor. Then spend the afternoon shooting.

I'll try to post again sometime Monday. Till then, slainte'! :cool:
Well, I'm not going shooting (working), so machts nichts to me.

But as far as the food goes: do you guys want to meet at the new Los Cuates on Menaul (just W of Moon) or at the Dos Hermanos on N 4th (just N of Guadalupe, a couple blocks N of Montano)? Friday at - let's say - 11:30?
Los Cuates definitely the better of those two.

Shooting afterwards.

You can follow me out there, I will also have room for a couple folks.

Erich, the whole thing? Wow, me and a friend managed (just barely) to finish a disaster between the two of us, and we were hungry! 1/8 is a good size for most folks. ;)
NMShooter: Yep, I was quite the rump roast in those days.

Skyviking: I trust you're a member, then? :) 11:00 would be too early for lunch for me - I have to maintain the image of someone who's around the office. If everyone else wants to go at 11, though - that's cool; I could certainly miss one of these meet-ups for once.
Skyviking, how many guests can you bring these days, because I am not a member, nor are Dionysusigma and his friends?

Erich, 1130 for lunch at Los Cuates sounds good to me. We can hold a table for Dionysusigma and party if they arrive late. Could you post a street address so everyone is on the same page?
Back when I was a member at Zia, the rule was 1 guest per member but it was never enforced and frequently ignored. They seemed a lot more concerned about frequent guests who refused to become members than they did about 1 time guests.
I can bring five. Maybe we can talk another Zia member into joining the festivities, but there's always the City range out past 98th St.

I've got three... Anyone else got any target stands?
Well, we're here in Alamogordo... and there's been a slight snag. Funds are running low (although we are heavily loaded down with ammo, guns, the three of us, etc.). :)

Somehow there was a miscalc, and what was supposed to be a 6-day trip (2 days of ingress/egress and 4 days of being here) got turned into eight. We're not sure what we'll do, although I wouldn't be surprised if the Mossy 590 didn't make it out of New Mexico (there are worse fates, though... it's never been used, and I know somebody here in Alamogordo would give it a good home). The scenery is beautiful, but bad planning has a bad way of ruining an otherwise good time. :(

So... details for Friday: 1130 at Los Cuates (an address would be most excellent), then shooting afterwards? A PM'ed/emailed phone number would be nice too, just in case.

Well, see y'all on Friday...
Conditions worsen. :(

We're not going to be able to make it. We are running much lower on money than previously thought, so we're going to have to cancel. :banghead:

Believe me, this is not what I wanted to have happen. Just to get home, we're going to have to leave a few days early. The plan for Wednesday is check out of the place we're staying, find a local range (since this ammo is an extra ~100lbs. that's lowering my car's gas mileage) to go enjoy, then grab some lunch. Then head home.

Please accept my apologies for this disasterous turn of events, but staying this far from home, for this long, is no longer doable.

:banghead: :banghead: :( :(
Are you passing through Albuquerque at all?

Shooting or not shooting, makes no difference to me, but if you can make it up here for lunch I can buy if you are broke.

I hope you at least got to meet the Alamogordo folks, they are good people.

Whatever happens, good luck!
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms... We'll get the chips at Los Cuates Friday. If everyone else is up for it, we locals may as well do lunch.
I've got 10" of snow up here in the backyard of my house in the foothills of the Sandias. I hope they're doing better down in Alamogordo.

Hope you guys can make it. I don't have a street address for the new Los Cuates (they just opened this branch, so they're not in the book, and the stores aren't open to call), but it's easy to find. Get off I-40 on Wyoming. Go N to Menaul. Go E/right/toward the mountains on Menaul. Los Cuates is on the S (right) side of the street before you hit a street called Moon. It should be less than a mile on Menaul.

You know, if the Okies can't make it, I may just take a pass on lunch, too. I'm getting killed at work right now. :(
Erich, you can probably see my place from your house. We're across Tramway, in N. Albq. Acres. We got LOTS of snow yesterday, didn't we? To think I was shooting a match on Sat. in near 70-degree weather. On call for work, standing by for emergencies.
Was it that IDPA match at Zia? Finzel invited me to it! :) Let me know if you want to go hiking and have lunch sometime, neighbor. (I'm actually in High Desert, a bit S of you.)
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