No Matter What Happens March 18th

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Hooray for liberty!

I actually heard a really good piece on NPR yesterday around 5:30ish, they had one DA or someone from San Francisco and the Solicitor General from Texas on, each taking a different side, and the host really wasn't giving the SANFRAN guy any slack, and it was quite clear that he was in his own little world as far as defending the "youcan haven a gun in DC, it is only subject to "reasonable restrictions". I hate that term with a passion generally reserved for the worst people on earth.

Never mind that you can't actually assemble it or load it. and if you did need to use it to defend your family from home invaders you would be nailed to the cross on the D.C. courthouse steps.
No Matter What Happens March 18th

Let the blessings of Liberty ring forth!

Thank Heavens for The High Road and our common ideals...

I agree.
But we are going emerge the winners when the SCOTUS delivers its decision.
But we are going emerge the winners when the SCOTUS delivers its decisi

I agree, I have come to the conclusion that We, the American people, not the United States Gov, are the the main element that prevents the mankind as a whole from being thrust into some type of global tyranny...

Once we are disarmed as citizens, between overbearing governments, the UN, religious fanaticism and leftist extremist ideology, there will be nothing in the way any more.
We are the ones that refuse to submit to serfdom and control...
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I agree, I have come to the conclusion that We, the American people, not the United States Gov, are the the main element that prevents the mankind as a whole from being thrust into some type of global tyranny...

Once we are disarmed as citizens, between overbearing governments, the UN, religious fanaticism and leftist extremist ideology, we are the ones that refuse to submit to serfdom and control...
You hit it right on the head.
<political redacted>

And apparently C-Span will be running video of Heller on Saturday. Guess I'd better get cable!
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As tempted as I am to go off on a tangent describing in no uncertian terms the dept of liberal idiocy, I am restrained by the good fortune that has brought and kept me here at THR, being the restraint and control of my political and religous opinions to favor the discussion of firearms and place they have in our lives. So with that in mind I offer a stern warning with a hardened brow, keep the political ramblings and religon bashing off the fourms, and back on topic, please.

(So let it be said; so let it be written. -- ArfinGreebly)
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<Sorry, Wes, had to edit out the politics.>

The battle against gun control is the only thing being decided in the Heller v. DC case, and it is the only topic of this thread. Find somewhere else to bitch, please. You're unnecessarily muddying the water.

I don't give a crap which side of this political mess you choose to blame -- this isn't about right vs. left, it's about individualism vs. statism, and that is about as morally and politically alarming as it gets. Now if you're done sticking needles in your [...] voodoo doll, we'll continue the original discussion.

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Guys, my original point was that every freedom robber from all walks of life want control of others (no matter what their ideology).

My point is, somehow I believe that we, as firearms hobbyists, 2nd ammendment believers, and I mean what we all know the true meaning of the 2nd is, will steer our ship right somehow, some way.

I firmly believe we are approaching the slope Tueday.

Yes I know no decision will be handed down Tuesday,but Tuesday is still the day...
Gun control isn't the only key issue that the left differs from me on. There's also taxation, education, foreign policy, economic policy, environmental policy, states rights, freedom of speech, personal responsibility, and the condescending tone they tend to use. So to say that I'm fixated on the gun control issue is a bit simplistic since I don't agree with them on ANYTHING.
The right at least gets a couple of things right from time to time.
I do believe we're going to be alright.

When 80 million people ~with~ guns unanimously assert their right to ~have~ guns, they win.

Each, and every single time.
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Zen & The Art Of Politics

Deep breath, everyone.

I just waded through the thread and redacted the political and religious commentary.

We're not going to discuss the evil right or the evil left or the evil religion-du-jour.

That stuff all lives over on APS now.

Oh, and BTW, some o' youse guys need to seriously get a grip in the ranting-at-the-drop-of-a-hat department. The posts in question are gone now, but y'all know who you are.

Let's keep it on topic, polite, and free of politics and religion, shall we?
There are a LOT of posts on here that bash liberals / leftists.

Yet you choose to cleanse this thread in particular of rants against either political polar end.

Why is it okay to bash leftists / liberals the rest of the time?

There is still a post on here that makes reference to "the dept [sic] of liberal idiocy." Shouldn't that portion of the post be excised?
Thanks, Arfin. I get so tired of this "rabid left" stuff. We all like guns, the role of personal firearms in the US has been changing and will continue to change.

The sun still comes up, the birds sing, there are people we love and people who love us. Take a breath and enjoy your life. It doesn't start and end with guns (at least for most of us).

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