NO Top Cop Says He'll Confiscate Guns - Again!

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The Second Amendment Foundation teamed with the NRA in the lawsuit against the NOPD earlier - now it looks like they're taking action against the Chief's latest idiocy. See here for the source document.


BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is calling upon U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to investigate New Orleans Police Superintendent Warren Riley over his announcement last week that police in his city would once again confiscate privately-owned firearms in the event of another catastrophic storm like Hurricane Katrina.

During a live interview with a New Orleans radio station, Riley acknowledged that citizens may, under state law, carry firearms. He said, however, that police will confiscate firearms, and may arrest people, arguing that “During an exigent circumstance like that, we cannot allow people to walk the street carrying guns.”

Last summer, SAF was joined by the National Rifle Association in a federal lawsuit against post-Hurricane Katrina gun seizures. That successful lawsuit in federal district court resulted in a restraining order, and subsequent injunction.

“We believe Riley’s decision is a flagrant disregard of the federal court action, Louisiana state law and both the Louisiana and federal constitutional protections of the right to keep and bear arms,” Gottlieb said in his letter to Gonzales.

“We’re writing to General Gonzales in an effort to prevent Riley and officers under his command from committing the same egregious civil rights violations they did last year,” Gottlieb explained. “It is outrageous that Riley would plan such actions when he knows they violate both state law and the state and federal constitutions. His claim that ‘exigent circumstances’ would allow such confiscations is preposterous.

“We are forced to address this issue to Attorney General Gonzales because we know that anti-gun Mayor Ray Nagin would never tell Riley to belay that order, nor would the mayor fire Riley for willfully violating the firearms civil rights of his constituents,” he said.

“Misuse of police power is a serious matter,” Gottlieb said. “Nowhere in America can a police official violate the civil and constitutional rights of citizens within his jurisdiction under the color of law. We find it necessary to keep reminding administrators like Riley that this is still the United States, not a police state.”

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nations oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 600,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers and an amicus brief and fund for the Emerson case holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.
I think that if disaster strikes NO again soon, at least a few right thinking citizens will refuse to surrender their guns with extreme prejudice. :D
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is calling upon U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to investigate New Orleans Police Superintendent Warren Riley over his announcement last week that police in his city would once again confiscate privately-owned firearms in the event of another catastrophic storm like Hurricane Katrina.

Good luck with that. I'm surprised Gonzales hasn't repudiated Ashcroft's opinion on the Second Amendment being an individual right. Or maybe he has and I haven't heard about it?

Anyway, I'd probably pass out from shock if the feds intervened on the side of the (gasp) law.
It will be harder to confiscate the second time around.

Weapons will be better hidden.
People, once bitten, will be less forthright with information to the authorities.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Conceal. Conceal. Conceal.
If I find myself in a SHTF scenario, I will post a signs around my house stating "Do Not Enter, any Trespassers will be shot without warning!" And I will shoot anyone who walks through my door. If I'm lucky, the flood waters will wash away the trespassers and I won't even have to clean up after myself:D
okay, my pulse is down now

I would like to reiterate that I do not and will not condone people shooting at LEO's. Sorry if I came across that way in my rant thread. Even if they are trying to confiscate my firearms. Sorry if I came across that way in the thread. I am stating that I suspect some of the police that were shot at, were not shot at only by criminals, but may have been shot at by law abiding citizens protecting their homes while the police were making confiscation rounds. I was not there, I cannot speculate too much here. I just know the media twists the message to fit their agendas, not necessarily convey the truth.

When I stated I would go home and arm up, I meant for the protection of my personal property and life, as well as my law abiding neighbors. Not to organize a well armed looting mob, but rather hold our ground and prevent something of that nature from ravaging our neighborhood. Or at least discourage them from selecting my neighborhood. My neighborhood would be more like the u-loot we-shoot picture. An assembly of neighbors that are pro-gun and want to preserve their property and protect themselves.

And let's face it, when the SHTF like it did in Katrina, everyone is pretty much pro-gun by circumstance....or at least pro self-preservation when a looting mob is working its way through the area.

I remember a movie I saw as a kid. There was a guy holed up in his apartment and everyone thought he was a whacko gun nut. (sorry, can't recall the movie) But then a huge earthquake hit and the SHTF in a big way. When the authorities were checking the building for survivors and found this gentleman holed up and well armed with a few neighbors, he stated something to the effect.

"When everything was hunky dory, these guys all thought I was nuts, now that the SHTF, they're suddenly my new best friends."

That's what I think the Katrina situation did to a lot of antis.

Used to be that uniforms elicited respect or fear...the fear might still be there but the respect isn't.
Of course the respect isn't. Public perception (whether or not it reflects reality) is, as magnified thru Katrina, NOLA police ignore criminals and oppress citizens. They just made sure nobody got hurt during the looting; some cops even joined in. Those minding their own business were disarmed by police (either NOLA or those acting on their behalf) through threat or act of violence.

What's to respect? Maybe public perception is only of a few bad apples - but that's all we have to go on.

how is an LEO supposed to recognize, on the spot, between an armed group of community watch members who stayed behind to protect their neighborhood and an armed band of thugs rummaging through a neighborhood?
Um...the the community watch guys are protecting the neighborhood, while the armed thugs are rummaging through it? Seems pretty obvious to me.

...and ideally, the latter would be assuming room temperature thanks to the former.
One thing I wanted to add was that the national guard, both local and those from other areas, were briefed on Louisiana laws and told that open carry was legal. They were told that they would encounter people with weapons and that they were not to take their weapons unless those persons were a threat.
According to todays web-cast on NRA news today,6/6/06,
Chief Riley backed of f by saying, paraphrasing, 'If we see you with a gun we are going to check you out and see if you are legal to be carrying it and see if the gun is legal' or something like that.

I would guess you better have a good ID and CCW if you are seen by them.
I see them doing it their way, no matter what. Carry a gun and get arrested, since they cannot just confiscate your firearm.
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