New Orleans Warren Riley at it again!

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May 23, 2006
This morning on WWL radio, New Orleans Police Chief Warren Riley stated that he would not confiscate guns during any future Katrina-like emergency. However, he assured listeners, his officers would question anyone found with a firearm and confiscate the weapons if that person could not prove ownership.

There is no gun registration in Louisiana. Apparently the Chief expects citizens to carry bills of sale with them. (Must they be notarized? It's pretty easy to fake a bill of sale.) When an officer finds someone carrying a weapon, he can check to make sure that person is not prohibited from firearms ownership and he can run the serial number to be sure the gun has not been reported stolen. He does not have the right to demand proof of ownership of a gun any more than he does of a piece of furniture, power tool, or any other item--unless there is some probable cause to suspect theft.

Governor Blanco recently signed a bill clarifying Louisiana Emergency Powers law. Guns cannot legally be confiscated from lawful owners. I hope the NRA will continue its efforts to curb the ignorant politicians and political appointees of the City of New Orleans.

(This man does not belong in public office.)
Screw new orleans. If another katrina hits they are on their own. They re-elected the same scumbags, let them deal with it.
Think about the simple mechanics of this...That bill of sale is going to look a little soggy after wading through chest deep water. Or even walking around in New Orleans humidity.
While they're at it, they might as well confiscate any money the people have until they can prove ownership - THAT certainly wouldn't surprise me in N.O.
CarKnocker, I hate to break it to you, but the FedGov already DOES confiscate large amounts of money if the owner can't prove how he or she came to possess it.

I believe it's part of the RICO statutes.

It's criminal, and basic piracy. But it's done routinely.

They re-elected the same scumbags, let them deal with it.

A large percentage DIDN'T vote for this group of politicians, and even those that did, didn't have a whole lot of choices to pick from. Additionally, some of us live in the surrounding area and occasionally have to venture through Orleans Parish. And letting any jurisdiction get away with this kind of thing makes it more likely that someone in your area will get bad ideas.
I'm still trying to figure out who they let vote.
If you ran to Houston and you're there for almost a year how could you get to vote in the NO election?

Talk about election fraud.


I'm aware that the feds do that. I believe that some local LEAs do that too. My comment was in reference to the N.O. police shaking down citizens for firearms. If the N.O. police is going to steal weapons, they might just as well steal whatever cash those citizens have in their pockets too (unless, of course, the citizen can prove ownership of that cash). The way I see it, they're no different than bandits in some third-world country.
Well, that's one way to get to a "Police State" I guess... start small, with a city, then infect and expand outward. With multiple cities in strategic locations and overseen by confederated authorities, the resulting fungus-like growth will spread throughout the land unless stopped. Let's just hope there's enough "Lysol" to go around!
This may be a little Off toppic but , If i had been in NOLA dduring the first Confinscations and had guns i would have played stupid somewhat like this

Cop: Police!, we are hear to confinscate your Guns!
Me: Why Officer If you had told all us you were so short on Guns we would have bought more than enough Guns to donate to you.
*hands the cop the crappyest POS gun I have*
Cop: Is this all of them? what happened to the others we sow you listed as Owning?
Me: Oh! them? house was broken into while I was taking some supplys to some friends & the thiefs stole them, that one's all that was left.:D
Cop: When did this happen?
Me: Oh about 6 hours ago...
Cop: Why didn't you Report it?
Me: *Looks at cop like he grew another head* How? you do know the Phones are down don't you?
Cop: Uh, ok I gess that'll be it then...Goodbye...

Joking asside, Naggin & Rilley are begging for a BAD Situation...
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