non lethal / simunition gun

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Jun 15, 2011
Is there any kind of pistol that can only fire non lethal cartridges?

Im looking for a rubber bullet / simunition gun that isn't just a conversion kit, and can't fire any "real" ammunition.

Does such a think even exist?
Does such a thing even exist?

Not really, no. There are certainly less lethal options out there, but even "non lethal" projectiles can kill if the conditions are right. For training, airsoft and simunition-type markers are usually the way to go though.
I was looking for something like Russian OSA pistol, rather than a semantic debate between non and less lethal, but I see that such guns are not available here in the US.

I found a thread here on THR that clears it up - under US law they are still firearms because the use an explosive to throw a projectile.

i guess a taser is the equivalent option.
There's PepperBall, which fire what are basically paintball rounds filled with powdered OC instead of paint. If you've ever been shot by a higher quality paintball gun with the velocity tuned up, it's a solid whack that will leave deep bruises. A little cloud of noxious pepper make it even more disabling. One drawback to the pepperball line is some of their models are hard to obtain for non-law enforcement, though it can be done.
maple city - I have had pellet guns, which are pnuematic, that would kill a human with the perfectly placed shot. Maybe a .203 with beanbags?
There aren't any available in the US that I'm aware of and I don't think you can import the Euro models out there.
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