Northfork Tactical SPP Unis Ginex import

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I sent an email to NFT Sat the 31st, Recieved an email back on Sun the 1st, there is a pending credit to my card today Tue the 3rd.
I guess I commend Noah for setting up the refunds to us rather quickly when we asked for them.
But.......It would be a pretty hard think to ever do business with him again....
I probably ruffled some feathers here because I stood up for the man when some were doubtful of his intentions,
I apologize to those, and I'll humbly eat my crow....!
I agree with @Buzznrose about showing grace in return, I can't throw any stones from my glass house.
But... fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice-----well------that just makes me an idiot....!
My gut says we funded his endeavor from the get go but there could be some silver lining. If "our" primers were used for ammo that means more inventory for the market potentially relieving the demand and creating an opportunity to put more primers out there from the well known manufacturers.

Only a few folks know the real truth, sadly we will probably never get the true story. Either way I knew there was a chance this could flop but at least I'm not out any money nor is anyone else it would seem.

Without the real facts all we can do is speculate and as mentioned earlier I am choosing to wish him well with the hopes his actions were in good faith. Time will tell and karma always has no menu - you get served what you deserve
My gut says we funded his endeavor from the get go but there could be some silver lining. If "our" primers were used for ammo that means more inventory for the market potentially relieving the demand and creating an opportunity to put more primers out there from the well known manufacturers.

Only a few folks know the real truth, sadly we will probably never get the true story. Either way I knew there was a chance this could flop but at least I'm not out any money nor is anyone else it would seem.

Without the real facts all we can do is speculate and as mentioned earlier I am choosing to wish him well with the hopes his actions were in good faith. Time will tell and karma always has no menu - you get served what you deserve
Some don’t have 0% interest on their credit card, and if you didn’t pay balance = FAIL
The sportsmanlike thing would be for NFT to offer those they stiffed the priority and a discount when IF actual primers come in.
You know, what the internet calls "good customer service."
I received notice of the credit on my card this AM. I commend his quick response to issue the credits to those (like me) who decided the last change was a bridge too far. Do I think he conned us into financing his operation? maybe we did. But I'm not the one to judge....
I judge.

In this instance, back in March I guess it was, I preordered primers. A month later, my judgment was this outfit wasn’t one I cared to interact with so I canceled and got a refund. And that judgment has stood the test of time.

Now we find ourselves applauding refunds for a product never delivered. The cast never comes on stage, but gets applauded anyway? Don’t think so.

I judge everything and everyone I do business with. Performance and results are the only thing I’m interested in. (And I visit Yelp, etc, to get the judgment of others for consideration.)

Bad food served with a friendly smile gets sent back. Good food served brusquely, well that depends (Seinfeld’s soup Nazi still had a line). Food that’s potentially good but never delivered, well that’s at least as bad as bad food. It’s all still a judgement.

I don’t however judge ones intent nor character unless it impacts the performance and results. I can say I would not befriend someone who was untrustworthy or undependable in their business dealings because it is my judgment that’s how they’d eventually treat me.

I want primers at a reasonable price given the circumstances. Nothing else matters.
I have no dog in this hunt, but have followed with interest, as few years back did have an encounter with an actual con man. He responded to a WTB ad I placed in Craigslist for a hard to find piece of equipment. He had a plausible story, but the story fell apart when I had to act quickly and wire him the money. Could also produce no evidence the equipment existed. Not even a texted photo of it.

Do an internet search on con jobs and there are dozens of them. Many have a common theme that revolves around the mark's greed or lust for something. Mark does all the work.....they just have to be guided through the process. Also finding some humor in the responses here. Am reminded of the scene from movie Animal House where girls were walking home after being stranded in a bar....after having been conned into going to bar in the first place. A few of the girls still finding empathy for the con man.

Where this differs is refunds are being issued. If not, I'd say you had been conned. Having said that, what would have been better is once the problem surfaced, announcement should have been refunds would be issued and process started, without having to ask.

But as for the rest, if primers existed in the first place, would have been simple to snap a photo of them......most cell phone photos would include the meta data to ID exact location of the primers (lats and longs) that would pin point them to within a few feet in some warehouse. Would also have been able to produce copies of the permits. Not sure if anyone asked for either, but would have been reasonable to have done so. Lack of ability or reluctance to do so would be a red flag.
Who here will order from him the next time?
Sure, why not? Like I said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And, when doing an after-the-fact cause-effect analysis of any event involving people, I always FIRST apply Hanlon's Razor, "Never attribute to malice what is most logically explained by stupidity." Or, in this case, maybe naivete or wishful thinking, a lack of planning, a failure to correctly assess and mitigate risk, a failure to properly assess one's business partners or read the contract... Who knows but, malice? Nah. Criminal intent? Not likely.
I received notice of the credit on my card this AM. I commend his quick response to issue the credits to those (like me) who decided the last change was a bridge too far. Do I think he conned us into financing his operation? maybe we did. But I'm not the one to judge....
and if he didn’t make a profit or lost his money, he could have just closed shop (p.o. box) and open another shop (p.o. box)
But as for the rest, if primers existed in the first place, would have been simple to snap a photo of them......most cell phone photos would include the meta data to ID exact location of the primers (lats and longs) that would pin point them to within a few feet in some warehouse. Would also have been able to produce copies of the permits. Not sure if anyone asked for either, but would have been reasonable to have done so. Lack of ability or reluctance to do so would be a red flag.

Sure, why not? Like I said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And, when doing an after-the-fact cause-effect analysis of any event involving people, I always FIRST apply Hanlon's Razor, "Never attribute to malice what is most logically explained by stupidity." Or, in this case, maybe naivete or wishful thinking, a lack of planning, a failure to correctly assess and mitigate risk, a failure to properly assess one's business partners or read the contract... Who knows but, malice? Nah. Criminal intent? Not likely.
I don’t attribute criminal intent nor malice to all this but don’t need to...the results for me were the same. I would buy (or attempt to) from him provided others were successful first and the price was right. I’ve never been an early adopter as a general matter and as I age I wait even longer.
I don’t attribute criminal intent nor malice to all this but don’t need to...the results for me were the same. I would buy (or attempt to) from him provided others were successful first and the price was right. I’ve never been an early adopter as a general matter and as I age I wait even longer.
A wise position to take. I've worked my whole life in industries where taking BIG risks was the only way to get things done - aerospace, computing, health care - and in all of those ventures I've always accepted the fact that I'm the guy who's going to get beat up (figuratively and literally) collect the scars so other people can take the resulting benefits for granted. I don 't get the t-shirts - but then, I don't wear them either. ;)
A wise position to take. I've worked my whole life in industries where taking BIG risks was the only way to get things done - aerospace, computing, health care - and in all of those ventures I've always accepted the fact that I'm the guy who's going to get beat up (figuratively and literally) collect the scars so other people can take the resulting benefits for granted. I don 't get the t-shirts - but then, I don't wear them either. ;)
what industry physically beats you up? that crazy
A wise position to take. I've worked my whole life in industries where taking BIG risks was the only way to get things done - aerospace, computing, health care - and in all of those ventures I've always accepted the fact that I'm the guy who's going to get beat up (figuratively and literally) collect the scars so other people can take the resulting benefits for granted. I don 't get the t-shirts - but then, I don't wear them either. ;)
Haha. I worked in the federal government for 34 years much of it was law enforcement and security related—various disciplines including IT. So, I was/am doubly risk and liability averse and the bane of your existence.

You can be anyone you want on the the internet .
Apparently my post was misinterpreted—all I meant was people like me were afraid to let people like @GeoDudeFlorida succeed. We’d often put arcane security controls in place that impeded business operations because we were risk averse. That’s all.
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