Now that I'm on the mend from my first sciatica attack, how do I equalize the load?

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I have multiple degenerated disks (L5-S1 since age 20!), multi-level facet joint arthritis, spondylolisthesis at L5-S1, and osteoporosis. I strongly second the recommendations for exercise therapy but DO NOT DO EXERCISES RECOMMENDED FOR SOMEONE ELSE, THE RIGHT EXERCISES FOR YOU DEPEND ON WHICH WAY THE DISK IS PROTRUDING. I personally for example have to *arch* my back, not curl it.

The best thing you can do is make your abs really strong. I am an old lady in generally not great shape but I have abs you wouldn't believe... PT told me your abs can function like a brace for your lower back, it's true. Don't try to do the old crunches etc, rather push OUT, it helps to exhale and do a hissing sound while pushing, put your hands on your abs while doing it to feel the muscles. For me it works best to do this standing, feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent, YMMV.

One shooting-related result of the condition of my back is that I found in the class I attended that the isosceles stance was fine, I even did ok with a .45 and this was the first day I ever shot anything in my whole life, but I could not do the weaver stance, it was painful.

Re carrying all the stuff you mention, I agree with everyone who said it's really important to balance the load. Always face anything you need to lift and do not pick things up from ground level if you can possibly avoid it. Figure out how to use your abs and biceps to keep the weight off your lower back. And don't be ashamed to let something else (wheeled or four-legged) carry stuff as the latter part of the thread discusses.

Hope that helps. :)
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