NRA Files Lawsuit in Louisiana today, 9/22

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 16, 2003
Ft. Worth
OK, everyone saying GOA is the only one fighting, and NRA is laying down doing nothing, here you go.

Again, join and support BOTH groups, gonna be a long fight.

NRA Files Suit in Louisiana

Also, an audio interview with Wayne LaPierre on the Cam Edwards show, very beginning of today's show. Interesting interview.

Wayne says confiscations are continuing but he didn't offer details.
...makes me furious! As if the police were available to protect against crime and looting! The Mayor and police should have been LOANING guns to needy homeowners and business owners, not confiscating them!!! :cuss:
Go over the . Play last episode. Wayne LaPierre just confirmed that:

a) The confiscations HAVE *AND* are STILL taking place to this day, and
b) The NRA HAS filed a lawsuit in the E. Distr. of LA, asking for immediate relief - an injunction against the confiscations. They have found the proper plaintiffs to do so (though I don't think they needed them).

No explanation as to why a (bunch of) days late and dollar short. Better late than never however. So good to see NRA actually DOING something.
Well, there is long standing legal precedence for the need of "standing" and until NRA could find a "victim", it would be pointless to file suit and have it thrown out for lack of standing.

So, they looked for a victim willing to sue, and apparantly have found "several" to quote Wayne LaPierre.
Ok- as of right now the court has not granted relief. So my next question is does anyone know what the State of Emergency Laws are in Louisiana, was State of Emergency Laws in affect when these seizues occurred and if so has the constitutionality of the law (or similiar laws) ever been challenged?

Hopefully the outcome of these events will provide greater protection for gun owners, although I fear the Court will side with the local and state authorities given the circumstances. I hope I’m wrong.
Good for them......glad to see that they are stepping up on this one. I guess all of those letters made a difference.
It's good to see them taking action, they'd better fight this tooth & nail.
The current state of our court system makes me very nervous and losing this case would set a precedent. I'm glad they're fighting, but they'd better not lose. It might just turn out to be a lose/lose situation for us all.
has anyone yet refused to surrender their firearms?

If not I really wish someone would.
Hey, I just remembered.

LA (and Texas, with Rita coming on) are in the 5th Circuit, where there's a specific personal right to arms...

Have we forgotten Emerson?
They're getting a check from me for this one; but only about 1/4th as large as it would have been had they filed it when the worst was taking place, and likely people dying as a result of disarmament, 10-12 days back.

Jim, yup.
NP34 posted:

Ok- as of right now the court has not granted relief. So my next question is does anyone know what the State of Emergency Laws are in Louisiana, was State of Emergency Laws in affect when these seizues occurred and if so has the constitutionality of the law (or similiar laws) ever been challenged?
They got posted on Free Republic, along with links back to the LA govt site originals-
All it says is

Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles.

That's stupid. According to that you can't buy gasoline during an emergency.
Isn't it combustible?
Someone wasn't paying attention when that was written I think......
Cox sort of mentioned it way down in the bottom of the piece linked above. It's funny how nobody here has mentioned it though. Could that Alan Gottleib be another of those ruffian gun nut extremists?

I snipped the most interesting part of SAFs news release.

I wonder if NRA would have filed the suit by themselves or did they jump on the SAF wagon like they did in DC.

The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 600,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers & an amicus brief & fund for the Emerson case holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.
has anyone yet refused to surrender their firearms?

If not I really wish someone would.
Sure they did. If you want to find out who, just make out a list of whose houses were burned down by "looters" in the days after the confiscation started.
Sure they did. If you want to find out who, just make out a list of whose houses were burned down by "looters" in the days after the confiscation started.

come on now, do you have anything to back that up?

but besides that, if all is says is to 'suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles.' then they don't have a foot to stand on. no one was selling, dispensing or transporting any firearms, they were just asked to give them up.
logically its a slam dunk, isn't it. I doubt it will be that easy tho :rolleyes:
The NRA has regained a little of my faith. I'll be mailing them some money and I will specifically mention this legal action.

And SAF will be receiving 3X as much as I am sending to the NRA.
Well it is good to see the NRA is reading THR. This topic has been discussed here. It takes 3 hours to write a Brief and file a Motion NOT 3 weeks. Maybe if they spent less time fund raising??????????????????????????????

>> It takes 3 hours to write a Brief and file a Motion NOT 3 weeks. Maybe if they spent less time fund raising?????????????????????????????? <<

That's what some people seem to think. But considering that this suit will probably be opposed by a substantial number of State Attorney Generals who want to preserve their police powers, as well as lawyers representing various anti-gun organizations - maybe it might be a good idea to carefully research your motion and carefully document it before jumping into the fight???

Then too, lawsuits of any kind don't come cheap. This one is going to be especially expensive, because both sides will appeal as far as they can go. Maybe the NRA effort to raise some money isn't such a bad idea ... Just maybe?? :scrutiny:
Well it is good to see the NRA is reading THR. This topic has been discussed here. It takes 3 hours to write a Brief and file a Motion NOT 3 weeks.

It is my understanding, which I have stated before, that the NRA had to find someon whose rights were violated, who would also agree to participate in the lawsuit. The NRA has been on the ground in New Orleans for only a week or so. I am not sure why people are claiming the NRA was slow to act.

The NRA couldn't have entered New Orleans any quicker than they did, in my opinion. What makes you think this could have been taken care of sooner?
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