NRA giving up on NY?

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Well said, except that when you quote the 230 million who are not gun owners, you are missing that a good number of these people are underage or otherwise prohibited from owning guns due to felony charges, etc. maybe a more interesting number is how many American households have guns? I think that is closer to 3/4.

True that.

I didn't consider it much in my posting because a percentage of those 80 million gun owners are also "underage"...and own shotguns and rifles. The minimum age for long guns in the following states is below 18 years of age:

Alaska (16)
Minnesota (16)
Montana (14)
New York (16)

Federal law prevents FFL's from selling long guns to people under 18, but it does not make possession illegal for them. States have taken it upon themselves to legislate that.


How significant is this? Probably not very when compared to the total overall numbers of people of that 230 million who are children, like you said. I just didn't consider that.

Buuuuuuut...many of those minors have opinions of their own, which we saw President Obama take political advantage of when he made his national announcement on the stand his administration is taking on gun control and gun violence yesterday. So they can't realistically be entirely discounted either.

Those children of today are the adults of tomorrow. Consider that another chess move in the long term political game of gun control.

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There is a chance that NY overreached so far there will be a backlash.

No, because New York gun owners will not do what is actually necessary to clean out their government. They will comply because they've been told to do so.
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