NRA Telemarketing Scam

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Dec 25, 2002
I received a telephone call from a NRA telemarketer this morning. He first started by thanking me for being a loyal member of the NRA (which I am). He then went on to tell me the following:
  1. The President of the NRA, has written a book titled Shooting Straight: Shooting Straight: Telling the Truth About Guns in America , which the telemarketer alleged has been blacklisted by booksellers and the media.
  2. The NRA is working with the "National Library Association" to get the book into libraries.
    I stopped the telemarketer at that point and told him that I had worked in a library for seven years, had a M.S. in Library Science, and worked for a leading producer of library management software. I also informed him that I had never heard of the "National Library Association", and asked where the organization's headquarters are located.

    The telemarketer said that he didn't know and that he would transfer me to his supervisor.

    The supervisor then came online and admitted that there is no such organization as the "National Library Association", and stated that the reference to such an organization was designed to reduce the amount of explaining that was needed to get NRA members to take action.

    I asked the supervisor exactly what action it was that I was being asked to take. The supervisor said that I was being asked to donate $45 so that an autographed copy of the book (Amazon price is $19.57) could be donated to a public library in my public area. The supervisor went on to explain that library "x" had already agreed to accept the book.

    I responded by telling him that my experience with libraries is that they never agree to accept to donated materials, and that they only agree to consider a donation.

    He then admitted that that statement was also part of the script that was given to him.

    I told the supervisor that based on the last several days of events in Washington in which NRA actions were being called into question, that it is important for the NRA to tell the truth to its members, because when the NRA is caught in "little" lies, that everything they do cannot be trusted.

    The supervisor said that he agreed and would bring this issue up with his supervisors.

    I did not donate money to the NRA today.
I used to donate books to local libraries. "Used to" being the important thing. Then I happened to drop by one of the libraries I'd donated to, and found the hardcover Hugo winning novel printed on acid free paper, autographed by the author, that I'd donated a month previous, in their fund raising sale. For a dollar. When I complained they changed it to $5. :banghead:

The current NRA leadership has, so far as I can tell, a very low opinion of the membership, seeing us as mindless cannon fodder, and a source of revenue, but god forbid we have any real impact on NRA decisions. I'd be angrier if every other largish organization didn't behave the same way. I think it's a basic facet of human nature.

Got a fund raising call myself last night. They're anticipating a big jump in Democratic efforts to get the AWB reenacted, and would I please donate $75 to fund a publicity campaign to fight back? Sure, but please don't send me yet another silver bullet. Bet I get the bullet anyway. :rolleyes:
My guess is the NRA had nothing to do with this and this guy was trying to suck money from you. Call enough people and you are bound to get some NRA members. I got a call a few months back and they said they were from NRA but had my name wrong. My guess is someone is going down the phone book looking for suckers. Somehow they must be able to cash the checks they get. Maybe they are really called the National Ripoff Association or some other name similar enough to get the checks or better yet debit your credit card.
I sent an email to the NRA complaining about all of the junk mail that I received from them a few years ago. They said they would put me on a "do not promote" list. I still receive renewals and an occasional letter requesting money for some special thing, but most of the garbage stopped. Maybe that's something you could try.

I question my membership every year when it comes up for renewal, but so far I continue to stomach it.
This post reads like something the Handgun Control (or whatever they're called these days) would post in an attempt to divide and conquer. There are a lot of NRA members here - has anyone else gotten this call from the NRA pushing this book deal? I'll believe it if some others step up and say they've gotten the same pitch.
I have never had a telemarketing call from the NRA. That's a fair number of years--over 40, anyhow.

I've had some calls with a taped Heston or LaPierre message (two?) and the usual mail promotions for ILA. But no effort, ever, to "sell" anything or ask for donations of this sort.

I think I got that same call last year.

I committed to buying the book, but said I'd pay later. I kept putting it off. Eventually I got a letter in the mail asking for the money... I think it was only for 27$ or something like that. I donated 30$ online and never heard any more of it. I never got the book but I don't really care; I just count it as a donation.

I don't remember anything about a national library association.
I fell for the scam. I just got a signed copy of "Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism" in the mail. Its a pretty good book, though it doesn't have any material in it that I wasn't aware of already. I also made the order so 2 other books would go to high school libraries. If they manage to get there, good then maybe someone will read them. If the library dumps them in a fire sale, someone might buy them and read them anyhow.

People who b*tch about the NRA and its mailings or telephone solicitations I have little time for- they aren't the ones who are going to spend an extra $20 to support the fight for their rights anyhow.:rolleyes:
People who b*tch about the NRA and its mailings or telephone solicitations I have little time for- they aren't the ones who are going to spend an extra $20 to support the fight for their rights anyhow.

cracked butt, you are simply flat out wrong in my case.

I object to being lied to by the NRA, and I'm a NRA member. I sent them an extra $40 bucks a couple of weeks ago. I would have given them some more money today if they had simply asked. By lying to me, they not only got $0, they pissed me off.
When I was an annual member, I used to get promotional stuff all the time. When I became a life member 10 years ago or so, they hardly ever send me anything except the magazine. One time I donated to the video they were putting out in the PRK and actually got a thank you letter with Wayne's sig stamped on it!

I don't give to anyone over the phone unless I made the call to them. You just don't know who is really calling. Before my elderly mother passed away several years ago, she used to get calls from all sorts of scam artists. She would agree to things and get ripped off. We finally changed her phone number without her knowledge and unlisted it. I wish I could remember some of the outfits that scammed her. I know how to make their lives miserable now. Oh well, water under the bridge.

There are a lot of NRA members here - has anyone else gotten this call from the NRA pushing this book deal? I'll believe it if some others step up and say they've gotten the same pitch.
Count me in that group. I got the same book that cracked butt did. The book was unremarkable to me, but would be a very good thing for a fence sitter to read.
I used to frequently get calls from the NRA-ILA to donate money. Since getting caller ID, haven't heard from them except for junk mail.
Rick: Are you suggesting that I am a member of HCI?

I don't know who you are or what you're a member or supporter of. In one of your earlier posts you admited to having been an "anti". "I am living proof that education DOES work. I used to be an "anti" until I started reading about articles and books regarding the importance of self-defence. Now, I regard "antis" as stupid and evil."
Subsequent posts would make me doubt you're into HCI - but your telemarketing post raised some flags.

The portions of your post that look suspicious are the exchange with the telmarketer. I've NEVER had a telemarketer confess that everything they were saying wasn't truthful. When pushed, they hang up. I would also expect that NRA members would be flooded with these calls, and that some of those members in greater numbers than the 2-3 I've seen would be stepping up to the bar and saying they'd been called with the same pitch. I haven't seen this (yet).

It's a good time for the anti-gun forces to attempt to spread untruths about the NRA. There is an important vote coming in the Senate next week which they will probably lose - and who knows what they will do when cornered.

"The supervisor then came online and admitted that there is no such organization as the "National Library Association", and stated that the reference to such an organization was designed to reduce the amount of explaining that was needed to get NRA members to take action.

I asked the supervisor exactly what action it was that I was being asked to take. The supervisor said that I was being asked to donate $45 so that an autographed copy of the book (Amazon price is $19.57) could be donated to a public library in my public area. The supervisor went on to explain that library "x" had already agreed to accept the book.

I responded by telling him that my experience with libraries is that they never agree to accept to donated materials, and that they only agree to consider a donation.

He then admitted that that statement was also part of the script that was given to him.

I told the supervisor that based on the last several days of events in Washington in which NRA actions were being called into question, that it is important for the NRA to tell the truth to its members, because when the NRA is caught in "little" lies, that everything they do cannot be trusted.

The supervisor said that he agreed and would bring this issue up with his supervisors.

You are outright claiming that I am lying and that I am a member of HCI. Why don't you go over to FreeRepublic and try telling some of those people that they are also liars, and members of HCI?

I've gotten a call like that recently from them, and one asking me to email them every time I see a negative story about firearms in the press. I told them to put me on a do-not-call list and haven't been bothered since. Pissing off members is a bad long-term strategy.

I got the same call about 5 minutes ago. I wasn't offended and would have bought the book/given the money except I'm tight on funds right now.

Rick, maybe you would be happier if I had reported this sleazy crap to the AG of my state (Lisa Madigan). She wants to grab all guns in Illinois. Perhaps that would make you happier, than reporting the sleazy telemarketing crap on this board.
Perhaps that would make you happier, than reporting the sleazy telemarketing crap on this board.

My course of action would have been to report the "sleazy telemarketing crap" directly to the NRA and tell them what I thought of it. Bad-mouthing the NRA on this board really doesn't do anybody any good.

I don't remember ever getting telemarketing calls from the NRA. That doesn't mean it never happened, I just don't remember it happening.

I would just ask them to send the info in writing. If they're legit, and they represent the NRA, they probably would. (and they'd already have your address)

I've never been able to get a telemarketer to volunteer any information about their client. I've asked for names of the company that is selling me the product and phone numbers to contact the company and ask questions about a product - no dice. They won't tell you anything. They usually hang up by then. (I have a little fun with them every now and then).

Let's not waste our energy on this..
If there are questions.. go to the source..
Go HERE...

And while I was at it - I asked them not to waste my membership money on sending me membership info. I'm going to stay a member and I'll give them some extra money when I can just to save myself some time and effort at the mailbox.:cool:
In my 60+ years I've never run across any large organization, profit or non-profit, whose management doesn't see its #1 prority to be the raising of funds to pay the salaries of management. If any funds are raised above this level then they may be used to increase its membership for next years pool for fund raising. Am I just old and jaded? Probably but still :mad: about it.

By the way I'm a Life Member anyway.
Brent sent me a bunch of documents - he's not in the pocket of HCI or any other anti-gun group. I'm convinced of that...

I think he - and others that have gotten that call from the NRA should tell them to stop. It's incredibly sleazy.
I'm not at all convinced at the truthfulness of the conversation as posted.

When I was called, there was no mention of a library association, nor of any preconceived notion that an agreement was worked out between the NRA an any library.

I was given a choice of having the books donated to a Military Academy, University/college, or a high school.

The item on my credit card bill was for "NRA Membership" not a telemarketing firm.

Once again if you don't like to get phone calls for solicitations, you can hang up the phone- noone is holding a gun to your head and demanding that you listen to the marketer. Same goes for mail solicitations- if you don't like them, it takes less time to toss them in the garbage than it does to go on a internet bulletin board and whine about how the NRA is burying you in junk mail. If you are unwilling to put up with a small inconvenience of tossing an envelope per week in the trash, let alone giving an occasional donation, maybe you should start to question yourself on why you became an NRA member rather than bash the organization at every turn.
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