NY Times Anti RKBA Editorial--the first to run on page 1 in almost a century.

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I'll not argue this any more other than to tell you to read some of the KGB defectors books and educate yourselves. Tactics have not changed.

I trust that you do realize that the now defunct KGB was the Soviet Union's main security agency from 1954 until its demise in 1991.

Suppose you give us some book titles to choose from that expose their recent endeavors to undermine the Second Amendment?
I don't believe it. I thought everyone knew you don't do editorials on the front page.

Is the NYT taking a page out of Trump's play book? Just attack everyone that has a different opinion and shame them anyway you can. Am I going to see some rant about Megyn Kelly on the front page next?

Apparently someone went off the deep end and shot the place up with a keyboard.
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Some among the more fanatical at NYT came out from behind the smoke and mirrors (Caitlyn Jenner, Adele, and all that other pop culture flotsam and jetsam) for a second and let slip publicly what most of us have known for decades: They want to disarm the American public, " for the good of all" , to create their Orwellian State. What the demented fools don't realize is they think once the Second Amendment no longer applied, somehow the First still would.:rolleyes: Apparently, they've never read Orwell, or heaven forbid, Ayn Rand.

HKGuns, the current crop of pseudofascists probably aren't on any foreign intelligence services' payroll. It would be a waste of money. Their parents and grandparents might have been, their college professors almost certainly were, but they are so steeped in the Kool-Aid, payment is not necessary. Yes, Putin has operatives in the US, (FSB, not KGB, BTW) but toppling the US isn't high on their agenda, if it is at all. We are doing such a good job on our own, why mess with success?

But, I digress. So, the cat is officially out of the bag. We live in interesting times.
"It is not necessary to debate the peculiar wording of the Second Amendment. No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation."

Does that go for freedom of the press?
Indeed, the Kalashnikov Concern eagerly sells their AK-47 rifles to the American civilian market!
Kalashnikov Concern USED to sell guns to the U.S. Now with Obama's executive order in place it will never go away like the Chinese ban.

I agree with you though I see our government as way more of a threat than some outside power.
The only thing that scares me about the Times is the amount of people with large amounts of money who read it as a status symbol, kinda like those Starbucks coffee cups everyone walks around with. I read it once, never again after I found out it didn't have a comics section :rolleyes:
Does that go for freedom of the press?

There is proven science for three areas

1) when suicides are published, in that area suicides go up. This is well proven and called the werther effect. Now that the media is 24/7 international news, copycats of shootings are inevitable. The news actually causes the mass murders. The answer is clearly to ban the media reporting on mass shootings of any kind

2) The US army conducted studies as to why soliders were not shooting. Using more lifelike simulations during training they increased the shoot rate from something like 20% in WW II, to 55% in korea to 95% in vietnam. Clearly video games are doing this for our mass shooters. Probably 100% of the mass shooters played video games. Violent video games that enable the player to act out killing someone should be banned

3) People have become densensitized to violence. This doesnt make them more violent, but reduces the kill inhibition. All hollywood movies portraying shooting and other violence should be banned

There you go.
Violent video games that enable the player to act out killing someone should be banned. People have become densensitized to violence. This doesnt make them more violent, but reduces the kill inhibition

A long-forgotten study commissioned by the Nixon administration in the early 70's documented the above is true.
We all remember the real-life network of bumbling and hapless Russian illegals (made famous by the knockout Anna Chapman) that was busted by the FBI in 2010.

The source you referenced really does nothing to buttress your claims of anti Second Amendment activity. Please try to come up with something besides hearsay, speculation and innuendo.

By the way, AIM is also calling upon Congress to impeach the President and remove him from office on the grounds that he is currently mentally incompetent due to excessive use of marijuana when he was younger.
Whatever, you discredit the source, when the source has nothing to do with the event. Typical.
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