NYers to NYPD: 'I Do Not Consent to Being Searched'

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Here's a hint: if I were 5 times more likely to die due to terrorism than in an auto accident (think 200,000+ deaths per year due to terrorism on US soil) I'd still prefer to live in a world without the TSA, and the PATRIOT act, and profiling, and a US Govt that uses secret courts, secret evidence, secret searches, and secret detentions without charges and trials.

You and me both, Derek.
The USA isn't based on "safety", nor "security". It's based on the concept that men have a right to be free. That men have a right to live without undue interference from their government, that the rights of the individual outweigh the rights of the state, the collective.
I know we no longer live in the country our founders envisioned, but I'd like to do what we can to move toward that ideal, not away from it.
3,000 Americans died on US Soil on September 11, 2001.
Over 3000 died, that's right. But this trying to pin blame on America for bin Laden is utter nonsense. Saudi sells us oil, and they're rich because of it, fine. But that in no way makes us culpable for the religous fanaticism of these muslems. We supported them in the fight against the Soviet's invasion of Afganistan - so what? How does that translate into a deep and abiding hatered of those who helped them? Are muslems somehow incapable of gratitude?
He claimed his reasoning was that he wanted the US out of Saudi soil, as that's too close to Mecca.
That's his excuse not his reason. Here is what he actually says:
You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator.
In other words, he wants American to withdraw all support from Israel, so the muslems can slaughter the jewish people, and for America to become a muslem country under islamic law. Is this something you agree with?
In response, our leadership decried "they hate us for our freedoms!,"
Read the full letter from bin Laden, and then tell me that they don't hate our freedom.
that of Saddam Hussein, another guy we used to equip.
That's a lie, Saddam was equiped by the Soviet Union, his Iraq was a Soviet client state, and to state otherwise is pure crap.
The rationale was originally that he was building WMDs, but after that lie fell apart it because because Saddam was a "really bad guy" and used to make people disappear. Now, it turns out the Iraqi Interior Ministry is stepping up their rate of torture/murder/rape, but at least there's a "democracy" in effect over there, and we're still there for the Iraqi's freedoms.
Nonsense pulled right out the Al-Jazeera propaganda machine. Saddam did have WMD, do you deny he murdered 10,000+ Kurds with poison gas, 100,000 Iranian troops with gas? And the Iraqi election, do you deny that happened?
I ain't following along blindly, especially when it looks like your "fixes" to the problem are going to do nothing other than make it worse.
The fixes are not going to be effective, that I agree with. They're not going to be effective because they're not directed to where the problem is - the islamic community which is supporting and hiding these jihadists.

And this nonsense about auto accidents and drownings: those are accidents, the Islamofacists are trying to murder us, and destroy our way of life. Big difference.

And it's ironic, you mock the amount of people who have been murdered by these maniacs, yet you decry the very measures that have kept them from killing more.

You might consider the following: if American muslems were more willing to accept the fact that the problem is within their community, and actually helped ferret these maniacs out rather then find any excuse to throw blame elsewhere, then these measures wouldn't have been necessary in the first place.
Coach A. ALL the people have been screened....Coach B. NONE of the people have been screened. your choice ?
Obviously, Coach B. The terrorist will go where he feels safe, which is in Coach A.

You say everyone was screened, but just consider how many guns get through screeners at the airport.

The truth is that there's no difference between the two coaches.
But this trying to pin blame on America for bin Laden is utter nonsense.
I'm not placing blame on the US. I'm placing the blame on: a sect of Islam that was created by a Saudi, finds its power base in Saudi Arabia, seems to be taught in a number of fundamentalist Saudi schools, is used as the justification for a Saudi national (Osama himself) to form an organization that then uses a number of (mostly) Saudi nationals to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

When I say "Saudi Arabia," please don't read "the United States of America." Doing so just kills communication.

We supported them in the fight against the Soviet's invasion of Afganistan - so what?
So, if it weren't for our backing in the first place and our providing them with equipment that they needed to win against the soviets (I'm referencing the shoulder-fired AA missiles that seem to be a threat to us today as well), then we wouldn't be dealing with them now.

Something a lot of people that describe themselves as "conservative" seem to miss is that most of the time we meddle in foreign lands, it turns around and bites us in the ass. After a while, you'd think our leaders would say "I know we mean well, but most of the time we mean well it ends up causing more harm than good. Maybe we should just sit out a couple of innings..."

But of course, no-one wants to make the link between past interventions and current problems.

In other words...
I see no relation between what you've written and what you translate it as.

wants American to withdraw all support from Israel, so the muslems can slaughter the jewish people, and for America to become a muslem country under islamic law. Is this something you agree with?
Hrmmm. This sounds suspiciously like "if you're not with us, then you're with the terrorists. DO YOU AGREE WITH OSAMA'S GOAL TO SLAUGHTER THE JEWS, Mr. Dissent?!?!?!?!?!?"

Just because I think we're making huge mistakes in this "war" doesn't mean I'm an Al Queda sympathizer. Please try and see the difference.
Read the full letter from bin Laden, and then tell me that they don't hate our freedom.
Here's an interesting OBL quote for you: "I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed," bin Laden said as the U.S. war on terrorism raged in Afghanistan. "The U.S. government will lead the American people in -- and the West in general -- into an unbearable hell and a choking life."

Looks like we're doing what he wants.

That's a lie, Saddam was equiped by the Soviet Union, his Iraq was a Soviet client state, and to state otherwise is pure crap.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Saddam did have WMD,
Sure, 17 years ago. It's quite a stretch to go from
"Simply stated, Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney asserted in a speech before the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention on August 26, 2002. "There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us. There is no doubt that his aggressive regional ambitions will lead him into future confrontations with his neighbors, confrontations that will involve both the weapons he has today and the ones he will continue to develop with his oil wealth."
to a statement that "yeah, well, we know he had them over a decade ago, even though all of those are chemically inert.
They're not going to be effective because they're not directed to where the problem is - the islamic community which is supporting and hiding these jihadists.
I hate to imagine what you think would be justified. Maybe we could put a fence around Dearborn, Michigan the way the Nazis sectioned off the Warsaw ghetto - maybe that'd be justified because you'd feel safer...
And this nonsense about auto accidents and drownings: those are accidents, the Islamofacists are trying to murder us, and destroy our way of life. Big difference.
The biggest difference of all seems to be that an auto accident is 50 times more likely to kill you than a terrorist incident, but you're willing to sell our rights down the river over that minimal risk.

I doubt you'd go for a patriot act, real id, and the rest in order to prevent the accidental drownings which are 4x more likely to kill you than terrorist action though, are you?

No, because you're not scared of drowning. You're scared of dark-skilled non-christians on a jihad. :rolleyes:

And it's ironic, you mock the amount of people who have been murdered by these maniacs, yet you decry the very measures that have kept them from killing more.
I've seen no evidence that the PATRIOT act, or the TSA, or any of the other things I've mentioned has done anything to prevent more terrorism.

Here's another hint though: even if they had, it still wouldn't be worth it. My rights are worth more than that.

You might consider the following: if American muslems were more willing to accept the fact that the problem is within their community, and actually helped ferret these maniacs out rather then find any excuse to throw blame elsewhere, then these measures wouldn't have been necessary in the first place.
So it's the fault of the American Muslim comminity that a bunch of Saudis hijacked aircraft and flew them into the WTC. Riiiiiiiiight.
I'm placing the blame on: a sect of Islam that was created by a Saudi...
There's a lot more to it then that. Any reasonable reading of the koran leads to the same conclusion as this so-called sect did. And it doesn't even matter, what does matter is that it has already spread to all corners of the islamic world.
So, if it weren't for our backing in the first place and our providing them with equipment that they needed to win against the soviets (I'm referencing the shoulder-fired AA missiles that seem to be a threat to us today as well), then we wouldn't be dealing with them now.
Nonsense. Is America the only source of arms in the world? Hardly. Whenever I see an armed terrorist, he's holding a Russian weapon, why's that? And any AA missiles there didn't use up (which is doubtful), would be way past it's expiration date. And if they weren't off fighting the Russians in Afganistan, they'd be fighting somewhere else, like Israel or Bosnia. To blame the global jihad against the West, because we supported them in Afganistan, is absurd.
But of course, no-one wants to make the link between past interventions and current problems.
We intervened on their behalf! And you're deep into "blaming the victim" here, we helped them, they turned on us, it's that simple.
I see no relation between what you've written and what you translate it as.
And with that non sequitur, you completely ignore what bin Laden actual words mean, and what his goals are. And that quote:
I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed," bin Laden said as the U.S. war on terrorism raged in Afghanistan. "The U.S. government will lead the American people in -- and the West in general -- into an unbearable hell and a choking life."
Means that because we don't roll over and become muslems, we're doomed. It has nothing to do with civil rights, which bin Laden mocks. Nice try to reinterprete the mass murderer's words as if he gives a damn about our rights though.
Just because I think we're making huge mistakes in this "war" doesn't mean I'm an Al Queda sympathizer.
Perhaps not. However, you seem awfully eager to put blame on America where it is not warrented, and excuse some rather inexcusable actions. And the simple fact is, if we do what bin Laden wants, then we'd have to abandon Israel. What do you think would happen then?
Link 1...
It's a far cry from shaking someone's hand, and arming them. Look at Saddam's Iraqi army, did America sell him all the Russian tanks, the Russian BMPs, the Russian helecopters, the MiG jets, the AK-47s and other Russian small arms, the Russian uniforms they wore, the Russian artillery, Russian SAMs, or all the other thousands of Russian manufactured items the army was equipped with? Is that your position?
Maybe we could put a fence around Dearborn, Michigan the way the Nazis sectioned off the Warsaw ghetto -
Nice way to work the Nazi analogy in. Did we have to build a fence around the South to investigate the KKK? No. But we did know where the problem was, and took care of it. Good thing that was before the politically correct movement came into being, but because those were white men I doubt all the hand-wringing civil libertarians would give a damn anyway.
I've seen no evidence that the PATRIOT act, or the TSA, or any of the other things I've mentioned has done anything to prevent more terrorism.
Because you don't want to see them be effective, do you?
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There's a lot more to it then that. Any reasonable reading of the koran leads to the same conclusion as this so-called sect did.
And you have read the Koran how many times exactly?

Whenever I see an armed terrorist, he's holding a Russian weapon, why's that?
Most of their AKs and RPG-7s are Iraqi and Pakistani copies. It's all in the furniture.
And you have read the Koran how many times exactly?
Exactly four times. Plenty enough to read the plain meaning of it.
Most of their AKs and RPG-7s are Iraqi and Pakistani copies. It's all in the furniture.
Whatever. The point is, there didn't get those from America, did they?
Any reasonable reading of the koran leads to the same conclusion as this so-called sect did.
B.S. And I say this as someone who, I promise you, has read the Qur'an many more times than you have.
Nonsense. Is America the only source of arms in the world? Hardly.
You're deliberately missing the point. The CIA trained and equipped Bin Ladin's group at one time. My understanding of the way things went down in Afghanistan back then was that the Soviet forces were winning due to their ability to mobilize and use helicopters. Our AA missiles, given to the Mujahadeen, tipped the scales.

Do you disagree with this?
Whenever I see an armed terrorist, he's holding a Russian weapon, why's that?
Availability. You can make an AK in a hut in the desert for $14 or so.

To blame the global jihad against the West, because we supported them in Afganistan, is absurd.
<sigh> I'm not "blaming the west," I'm pointing out that there are unintended consequences involved. We didn't want the Soviets to get a foothold in the Middle East, so we found a bunch of untrained and ill-equipped fighters and gave them the training and equipment to hold off the Soviets. 30 years later these same folks are flying 747's into buildings on US Soil.

There is a connection here. That's the lesson of our foreign policy experiments over the last half-decade -- we're not capable, as a nation, of medding in foreign nations without later regretting the action. Most of the time, we made things worse.

The point is this: we're still doing it -- short-term decision-making that's going to haunt us for a long time in the future. Your point of view with regard to rights vs the thread of terrorism is in the same vein -- you're making a bad decision.
We intervened on their behalf! And you're deep into "blaming the victim" here, we helped them, they turned on us, it's that simple.
We empowered people that, in hind-sight, maybe we wish weren't so empowered. They are who they are. They act the way they act.

We're foolish if we think things will go otherwise.

And with that non sequitur, you completely ignore what bin Laden actual words mean, and what his goals are.
You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator.
OK, tell me how this translates into "get out of Israel and convert to Islam so we can slaughter the Jews<insert evil laugh here>.

This statement seems pretty straightforward to me. Maybe you're getting cconfused over terms like sharia?

Means that because we don't roll over and become muslems, we're doomed. It has nothing to do with civil rights, which bin Laden mocks. Nice try to reinterprete the mass murderer's words as if he gives a damn about our rights though.
It looks like we speak the same words, and read the same text, and come to two very separate conclusions. I wonder if meaningful discussion is even possible with you.

See also: blaming Saudi Arabia (our "ally") versus blaming the US ("us").

However, you seem awfully eager to put blame on America where it is not warrented, and excuse some rather inexcusable actions.
Saying "9/11 was our own fault" (your interpretation of my words) and saying "these problems are greater than they would have been had we not meddled 30 years ago, and should serve as a warning against some of our current actions" are not equivalent.

But you don't see a difference, do you?

And the simple fact is, if we do what bin Laden wants, then we'd have to abandon Israel. What do you think would happen then?
Ummm, we'd see nukes used in the middle east as Israel realizes they're on their own and aren't capable of holding everyone off without US help, and their treatment of the palestinian situation has alienated every single one of their neighbors?

Let's not even get started on the Isreal thing though. Too much thread veer.

It's a far cry from shaking someone's hand, and arming them.
Did you read the links, or just look at the pictures? Here's a quote that addresses a few points that have come up :
the documents we recently posted on the Internet demonstrate that the administration had U.S. intelligence reports indicating that Iraq was using chemical weapons, both against Iran and against Iraqi Kurdish insurgents, in the early 1980s, at the same time that it decided to support Iraq in the war. So U.S. awareness of Iraq's chemical warfare did not deter it from initiating the policy of providing intelligence and military assistance to Iraq. There were shipments of chemical weapons precursors from several U.S. companies to Iraq during the 1980s, but the U.S. government would deny that it was aware that these exports were intended to be used in the production of chemical weapons.
Whassat look like to you?
Look at Saddam's Iraqi army, did America sell him all the Russian tanks...
If I had said that the US had provided all of his equipment, then that would be a valid point. You said US support for Iraq was "a lie...pure crap." I posted links that referenced declassified documents that showed that the US really didn't want Iran to win in the conflict, sent Rumsfeld to make nice, provided intelligence and military support, and looked the other way while US companies sold the ingredients for WMD's to Iraq.

I think I should get credit for the links. Maybe instead of a "total crap lie" it can be some other perjorative you come up with. Surprise me.

By the way, do you have any proof that the Patriot act, or TSA, or any other post-9/11 "security measure" has done anything to stop terrorism, or are you just putting faith in our leaders on this one? And does your failure to mention the WMD quote mean you're backing down on the "HE HAD WMDs!!!!" argument?
Exactly four times. Plenty enough to read the plain meaning of it.
Splendid! I'm glad to hear we have a Koranic scholar in our midst! Maybe you can help me out! I was translating some passages of the Koran and Bible recently, and the stacks of paper fell over and got mixed up. Which quote belongs to which book?

“If a member of your family who you love dearly asks you to join him in serving other gods [...] you must kill him; you must attack first and then bring the community to join you. [...] If you hear [...] a group of men [...] have enticed people of a community to serve other gods, [...] You must massacre all people of the city, destroy the community itself, and kill the cattle."

“When conquering a city, you must execute every man, and enslave the women and children. The city itself may be taken as spoils, but you must kill every living thing within it"

"If your enemies offer you peace, accept it and trust in God"

"As for adulterators, they should be flogged a hundred times, and show them no pity, and have a group of the faithful bear witness to their punishment"

"Make women keep quiet in religious services, for they are not permitted to speak, but only to obey. If a woman needs to ask a religious question, she must ask her husband"

NOTE: I am not criticizing either religion or anyone's faith. I am merely pointing out that both scriptures have moderate statements as well as statements that could be seized upon by extremists who wish to do so.
The announced searches in NYC don't have a thing to do with preventing terrorism. NO! Those searches are all about fear and POWER.

Anyone who gives the problem of subway bombings even 30 seconds worth of thought knows those searches are going to accomplish absolutely nothing to prevent an explosive act of violence. What the searches do accomplish is to further numb the populace to one more encroachment on their freedom and make the loss of that freedom seem normal and natural. AND loss of individual freedom equals more power for the collective.

63 years ago, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US rounded up all 1st generation and most 2nd generation Americans of Japanese descent on the west coast.

Until now it was impossible for me to understand why that could happen and happen with little to no dissent by otherwise educated and freedom loving Americans.

Thanks to things like 9/11, TSA, the Patriot Act, the recent London bombings, the recent declarations by the NYC police regarding subway searches and to an even greater extent this thread I now understand why the Japanese were rounded up.

Fear is the answer. Fear and power. Fearful people are easy to lead and people who want power, be they leaders of an enraged mob or leaders of nations, will take advantage of that fear each and every time it raises its ugly head.

That is what is happening now in the US. Those that value freedom more than security decry searches, decry racial profiling. Those that value security more than freedom cry out for more searches, for racial profiling and extensions of abominations like the TSA and Patriot act.

Guess which group government leaders fall into?

Americans have many thing to fear more deadly than islamo-terrorism as Derek correctly pointed out. Auto deaths, drownings, murder, even death at the hands of an incompetent doctor - those things are just statistics.

But terrorism has a human face. Right or wrong events have painted that face with a brown brush, it wears a beard, hails from the mid-east and has ALLAH as its GOD.

It's pretty hard to hate a car accident. It's easy to hate a human being who is different and readily identifiable. The powers that be know this; be they Osama bin Laden, Tony Blair or George Bush. They're gonna use that hate to expand their power and that of their associated group or respective government.

The times do change but People DON'T!
B.S. And I say this as someone who, I promise you, has read the Qur'an many more times than you have.
I'm sure you have. However, I stand by my statement. I won't get into some long-winded theological discussion with you, as the thread usually gets locked after you get the last word. But I invite any member interested to read the koran:
for one translation, I'm sure there are others, and decide for yourself.

The CIA trained and equipped Bin Ladin's group at one time.

So what? The CIA trained a lot of folks, yet only one is trying to kill us, and impose world Islamic rule over us. Hindsight is 20/20, especially when looking 30 years into the past through "America is always wrong" glasses.

There is a connection here.

A rediculously tenuous connection. 30 years is a long time, we helped them to stick it to the Soviets, and it worked. We helped a lot of people, none of whom are trying to kill us and impose world Islamic rule over us.
BTW, do you adhere to the Islamic goal of world domination, as a good muslem should?

We empowered people that, in hind-sight, maybe we wish weren't so empowered.

Yes indeed, hindsight is 20/20. Was foolish to think that, once the Soviets were expelled, they would go peacefully back to their farming and goatherding? I don't think so, Islam is the religion of peace, right?

OK, tell me how this translates into "get out of Israel and convert to Islam

It was in bin Laden's letter that I linked to, which it seems you didn't bother reading. Or did, but failed to mention because it proves the point.

I wonder if meaningful discussion is even possible with you.

I must say the same thing. Trying to interprete OBL's words in the context of American civil rights, to me, is insane. He wouldn't know a civil right if one fell on his head.
I also think it's insane to think that we'd be safe if we just pulled out of the middle east and leave those poor misunderstood jihadist alone.

But you don't see a difference, do you?

I have to say again - SO WHAT? If you have a time machine, please feel free to go back that 30 years and warn Reagan not to do whatever it is that you think triggered all of this. If you don't, then it's completely irrelivent. It is what it is, and what it is, is that we're in danger from Islamofacists RIGHT NOW.

we'd see nukes used in the middle east as Israel realizes they're on their own and aren't capable of holding everyone off without US help

So, you're willing to trigger nuclear war in exchange for the US pullout from the ME, on the basis that once we do they'll leave us alone? That's a pretty extreme position, and I doubt they'll leave us alone in any case.

Whassat look like to you?

It looks like we aided Iraq with some very minor help when they were losing their war with Iran, because we didn't want Iran to win. I hardly call it "arming" them. If someone has a million rounds of ammo, and I gave them one single round of ammo, did I "arm" them? No reasonable person would say so. Not to mention, so what? If America did provide everything to Saddam from gunships to shoelaces, how does that impact on the Islamofacist threat to America and it's allys? Zero, that's how much. It's a red herring to draw attention away from the Islamofacist threat we face today.

do you have any proof that the Patriot act, or TSA, or any other post-9/11 "security measure" has done anything to stop terrorism,

There is no way to measure how effective these measures were, or are, in deterring terrorism. Can you prove that they don't work? Of course not. Can you prove that if America unilaterally and totally pulled out of the entire middle east, that terrorism will magically stop?

Nope, they'll still hate us, they'll still attack us at every opportunity, they'll still fight for their goal - world Islamic domination. It's all right there in OBL's letter, it's in the message of innumerable clerics:

"I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world," he said.


We can either capitulate, or fight. You seem to have made your choice. That's your right. I choose to fight.
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I am merely pointing out that both scriptures have moderate statements as well as statements that could be seized upon by extremists who wish to do so.
Name one Christian country that today applies biblical punishments on anyone. Because I can name a few Islamic countries that currently applies koranic punishments.
Apologies to Rebar -- I edited his post instead of replying, so my post was listed as under his name. Oops. Returned to original text, though formatting may be a bit wonky

But I invite any member interested to read the koran:
If you're going to do the online search thing, this one seems to be the best searchable, readily available version.

But I've said it in another thread, it's one thing to read about how "the infidels" should be treated, with the Fox News understanding of "infidels" = us mentality. It's quite another to undertstand that the passage in question is referring to a couple of assassins who infiltrated the Umma and were caught trying to assassinate Mohommad.

Context matters. If you're reading a copy of the Qur'an that doesn't offer you a feeling for context, then you're not gonna get it.

Hindsight is 20/20, especially when looking 30 years into the past...A rediculously tenuous connection. 30 years is a long time...Yes indeed, hindsight is 20/20. Was foolish to think that, once the Soviets were expelled, they would go peacefully back to their farming and goatherding?...If you have a time machine, please feel free to go back that 30 years and warn Reagan not to do whatever it is that you think triggered all of this. If you don't, then it's completely irrelivent. It is what it is, and what it is, is that we're in danger from Islamofacists RIGHT NOW.
Again, a lot of words that miss the point.

Meddling overseas sometimes has results that are worse than not meddling in the first place would have gotten us. It's happened over, and over, and over, and over, and over again in US foreign policy.

It's happening now, as a matter of fact. I'm voicing this now, so I don't need to go to the effort to build a time machine in 30 years. We're blowing it.

You should keep "unintended consequences" in mind when you're pushing to give away civil rights to fight this looming terror in the distance. Decades from now, having given up freedoms you'll never get back, "hindsight is 20/20" isn't gonna cut it.

I vote we not go down that path at all.

So, you're willing to trigger nuclear war in exchange for the US pullout from the ME, on the basis that once we do they'll leave us alone? That's a pretty extreme position, and I doubt they'll leave us alone in any case

"What do you think would happen if we 'abandon' israel" suddenly translates into "tell us what you'd do about israel?" Don't think so. Different topic entirely though -- we should stick to what's in front of us.

I hardly call it "arming" them
Sigh. Misquote. Next.

There is no way to measure how effective these measures were, or are, in deterring terrorism. Can you prove that they don't work?
Nope. But your argument requires I surrender rights all Americans have had since the dawn of the Republic. Mine requires no loss of rights. Forgive me if I believe your stance requires more proof than mine.

We can either capitulate, or fight. You seem to have made your choice. That's your right. I choose to fight.
You'd better be careful who you fight against, or you're gonna make this 100 times worse than it is now.

But your mind is already made up, I see.

BTW, do you adhere to the Islamic goal of world domination, as a good muslem should?
I don't believe it's a goal of Islam to dominate the world. But then, I don't look to you to define "good muslem" behavior.
Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.....

but politicians seldom respond to dramatic events that way. The public demands that something be done, and the media live to increase the tension so the public will become afraid not to watch. In the end, I am not sure that checking bags at subway terminals will stop suicide bombers, and I am not sure it is the best usage of resources. The problem is that the fear of being blown up is larger then the chance of being blown up, so the government decides to do things to make people feel safer, even if it doesn't really change a whole lot. If I were a terrorist, I would go where the police ain't, and if they are all monitoring the subway entrances, there are now more places that they ain't.

The thing that in the end will make a difference would be if the communities in which the terrorists seek to hide start to turn them in. If they choose not to, for whatever reason, the whole community will suffer everytime there is an incident. After all, some cowboy looking for payback will try to take out a member of whatever group they think the perpretrators are from. At least that seems to be the pattern so far. It's kinda like, "you can pay me now, or you can pay me later." Black males in the VA/ MD / DC area are pretty lucky that it was not known the DC snipers were black males until after they were captured. Otherwise life would have been rough for them (or rougher then normal).

Something to think about.
Carebear: Actually, yes:
1Corinthians 14:34
As in all the churches of the saints, 14:34 the women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak. Rather, let them be in submission, as in fact the law says. 14:35 If they want to find out about something, they should ask their husbands at home, because it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church
But it doesn't really matter. My point is that religious texts have to be read in a context of religious scholarship and by studying how members of that religion believe. Just as Christians discard the over-the-top stuff in Deuteronomy, mainstream Muslims discard the bellicose sections of the Koran.
Name one Christian country that today applies biblical punishments on anyone. Because I can name a few Islamic countries that currently applies koranic punishments.
Why should I? I never argued that they did. You claimed that, and I quote, "Any reasonable reading of the koran leads to the same conclusion as this so-called sect did." You decided that you understand Islam from reading the Koran outside of the context of religious scholarship and actual Muslim belief. My point is that if you read the Bible out of such context, you will reach similarly erroneous conclusions.

By the way, this one deserves special mention:
(Koran 24:2) (As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the last day, and let a party of believers witness their chastisement

What punishment did the Taliban actually use for adultery? If they are following pure Islamic law, why did they not carry out the wording of the Koran?
Meddling overseas sometimes has results that are worse than not meddling in the first place would have gotten us. It's happened over, and over, and over, and over, and over again in US foreign policy.
Sometimes. Sometimes, however, it has helped. America's involvement in WWII, especially it's aftermath and the Marshall plan, is one example. We "meddled" with Germany and Japan, and now there're fully functional democracies. Just as Iraq will be. Like I said, hindsight is 20/20, we can only make the best choices we can with the information we got, and hope for the best. You nor I can tell if planting the seeds of democracy in the Middle East will bear fruit 10, 20, 100 years from now. I think it will, seems like you think it's doomed to failure, either way it's way too early to tell.

As far as civil rights today, and the impact current policies will have later on, is again something that cannot be foretold. I will state that in times of war, much more onerous policies were put into place in America, yet the republic survived. It's hard to compare the internment of Japanese, German, and Italian-decent Americans into camps, to having the FBI look at the books someone checked out of the library. Lincoln threw newspaper editors in jail for writing anti-war editorials, if Bush did that we'd have to open 20 new prisons. As long as these laws are struck down when the war is over, then I don't think there is anything to worry about.
I don't believe it's a goal of Islam to dominate the world.
Then you are a radical muslem.

In my mind, there are two broad categorys of muslems, "traditional" and "radical". The terrorists are the traditional muslems, who interprete the koran by it's plain meaning, and strive for world dominiation through the duty of jihad. Those I term "radical" are those who interprete Islam through the filter of Western thought and culture, where Islam fuses with the Western Judeo-Christian ethic into an informal ad-hoc reformation of Islamic thought.

If this process became more formalized, if a real enlightenment/reformation/modern rethinking of the Islamic faith were to become a movement, one that can challenge wahhabism for the soul of today's muslem, now that would be the best way of all to win the war on terror. But that can only happen from within Islam, and so far I've detected no movement of that nature, although it's very much needed.
Why should I?
The real answer is, you cannot, because there are none that do. As for how the Taliban dished out that old-time koranic punishments, you'll have to ask them. The did seem big on chopping heads and hands off though. As do the Saudis.
and now there're fully functional democracies. Just as Iraq will be.

Iraq will never be a democracy. Iraq is well down the road to an all out civil war that will rage for years. The minute the coalition forces pull out the country will explode.
"The state shall take responsibility for combating moral and behavioral depravity and encourage people and agencies to spread virtue, providing it help and support. The state shall ensure harmony between the duties of woman toward her family and her work in the society and equality with men in the fields of political, social, and economic life without conflicting with or disturbing the provisions of the Islamic shari'a."
"There is no censorship on newspapers, printing, publishing, advertising, or media except by law."
Wow. The worst thing about all of this is that we could have just written them a constitution. I doubt there would have been a tenth as much squawking about that as there was about Abu Ghraib. We wrote the Japanese constitution after all. But now that they've written it we can't take it over or we'll look like despots. Good job Bush :mad:
Coach A. ALL the people have been screened....Coach B. NONE of the people have been screened. your choice ?

hmmm... considering that i'm one of the passengers, i pick b. i don't want to be searched, i consider it a violation of my rights. i refuse to live on my knees. "we will not go quietly into that good night." - winston churchill, back when england was a free nation.

i think there are two issues here. first, i would say that we shoul not search anyone's person or effects without probable cause and race or religion does not count as probable cause. second, in our investigation of crimes.

i believe it is permissable to focus constitutionally sound investigational methods on groups most likely to be a threat. for instance, not muslim males, but groups of arabic males living together in a small budget apartment, with expired visas. it is not unreasonable to use the muslim faith or verifiable arabic or african backgrounds as PART of a profiling mechanism. we have well trained experts to pick the wheat from the chaff in this area. we DO NOT want the average beat cop to think it's okay to address extra attention to people because of racial or religious reasons.

other posters have touched on the idea that the bag screening thing is, at best, ineffective. i believe there is a deeper problem. the climate in america has become comfortable for those who would infringe upon our rights. bag screening is an example of how the sheeple will feel safer and go along with anything - "just don't blow me up." i loved the reference to the eloi towards the beginning of this thread, though i'm afraid it was lost to many.

let me sum this up by saying that bag/person searches and profiling on the street are just lazy police tactics at best and serious breaches of our civil rights at worst. i will not put up with it.
i don't want to be searched, i consider it a violation of my rights. i refuse to live on my knees.
Perhaps you can explain to me, how random bag searches are the end of the republic, when we've had airline security for decades?

I have heard almost nothing that bears on the Constitutional Rights of Americans.
I do not give a damn about foreigners , their rights or who is killing whom at this time.
I just want the sorry pols we are keeping in a very good living to support the Laws of the Land, in specific, The Constitution and the civil rights of the Citizens.
I have no interest in any alleged rights to criminal alien invaders or legally resident foreign nationals
I would spit on all foreign religious persons who are in the US under the guise of being a religious person, preacher, priest or iman .
We do not need any foreigners to tell us how to think.
If you love the foreigners , why not emmigrate to the countries where they have dictatorial powers and leave us alone?
If you do not, expect us to blow your sorry butts away.
Don :neener:
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