Oakland CA, Police advise store owners not to fight back.

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"In a statement, Oakland Police said it would be counterproductive for owners to arm themselves, but promised protection for merchants. And Oakland City Council member Desley Brooks discouraged merchants from arming themselves for protection, saying "It's the same type of behavior these (vandals) engage in."

So the police are going to provide an armed officer to sit in the back of all these stores!! What a great response. I also have some land west of the Golden Gate for sale if your interested. Of course since this was only a promise nothing will happen to help these people. And best case it will be ten days before any of these folks can arm themselves.
General Oakland PD Advice

I work in an office building in downtown Oakland, and the advice below is from the Oakland Police Department Comercial Security Unit, and the document also says it is adopted from the California Office of Criminal Justice Planning.:

* If you are confronted by a robber, listen to the robber's demands. If the robber wants your money or property...comply without hesitation. Don't try any tricks. If the robber has a weapon, he might use it.

* If a robber wants you to get into a car, enter a building or go behind a fence... DO NOT COMPLY! You really have no choice...you must RUN OR FIGHT!

* Wear good running shoes. Consider carrying a non-lethal, personal protection device.
Creeping Incrementalism said:
...the advice below is from the Oakland Police Department Comercial Security Unit... "Consider carrying a non-lethal, personal protection device..."

"a non-lethal, personal protection device"?
That would be either a French "Surrender Monkey" kit or just a standard "Piss Your Pants" paccifist response?
Azrael256 said:
You guys might have missed something here. The guy's name is Sam Wong. While he seems unwilling to discuss it, the Korean grocer types have been famous for defending their stores with a hail of hot lead since the LA riots. I would be willing to bet that Mr. Wong isn't worried because he has a 12Ga. behind the counter and a .357 under his apron.
Bingo! You mess with Sam, you'll end up on the *Wong* end of a dozen gauge!

Oakland Police... promised protection for merchants.

LMAO! The Oakland police can't even protect themselves! Haven't been able to in years. That city is lost. They've allowed the criminal class to run the place far too long. Every time the Raiders lose a game, the cops huddle in their cars and behind their desks, for fear of rioting. Besides, some of the cops there are some of the worst criminals in the city!
Oakland is a city I wouldn't mind seeing fall into the ocean.
Azrael256 said:
You guys might have missed something here. The guy's name is Sam Wong. While he seems unwilling to discuss it, the Korean grocer types have been famous for defending their stores with a hail of hot lead since the LA riots. I would be willing to bet that Mr. Wong isn't worried because he has a 12Ga. behind the counter and a .357 under his apron.

That was my assumption.

"Yeah, yeah, no problem here. Move along. Have a nice day! idiots!"
The best way to stay clear of crime in Oakland is not to go to Oakland. I guess I'll always miss the sandy beaches and good weather...oh who the F am I kidding, Oakland has neither. There is no compelling reason I can think of to live in Oakland.
Azrael256 said:
You guys might have missed something here. The guy's name is Sam Wong. While he seems unwilling to discuss it, the Korean grocer types have been famous for defending their stores with a hail of hot lead since the LA riots. I would be willing to bet that Mr. Wong isn't worried because he has a 12Ga. behind the counter and a .357 under his apron.

You KNOW it! The Koreans I know follow the mantra of speaking softly but keeping large arsenals handy.

The Oakland PD has long been on the take from the major crime outfits in town, so of course they don't want civilians fighting back. They're even more corrupt than the late lamented NOPD.
Black Muslims arrested in store attacks
2 suspects surrender -- Oakland police urge 4 others to turn themselves in
But wait...didn't this lady tell us it wasn't Muslims who did it?
Brooks said she hopes the vandalism, which was initially linked by some to the Nation of Islam, sparks discussions about race relations in Oakland. Police said Monday that the Nation of Islam was not involved in the vandalism.

"I'm sitting here looking at e-mails from citizens who haven't found out that the Nation of Islam wasn't involved," she said. "Clearly there needs to be a dialogue."

She added, "The hype was that the Nation of Islam was caught doing something wrong. If a white man in a bow tie and suit had committed the crime would they have associated this with the Nation of Islam?"

If a white man in a bow tie did this, people would have been laughing so hard they'd never have caught him. Or asking him for some free popcorn.

And yeah, there DOES need to be a dialogue. It can go something like this:

"If we see you around here again you're a dead man. Get it?"



That's about all the dialogue they need.
Wong country

Wong sound Chinese. If his name was Kim, Lee. or Rhee I would expect a shotgun on premises!!:) :) :)
Biker said:
I said it once and I'll say it again. Anyone who would break a bottle of perfectly good Jim Beam should be takin' the Big Dirt Nap.

That's lower than whale crap, and that's at the bottom of the ocean!:cuss:

Hell yes. Just because some folks don't want to imbibe doesn't mean they necessarily have the right to stop those that do

:banghead: :fire:

EDIT: Oops, totally screwed that last line up.
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Phyphor said:

Hell yes. Just because some folks don't want to imbibe doesn't mean they necessarily have the right from stopping those that don't

:banghead: :fire:

If you don't want people to drink, then go out and convince them to stop. The moment they do, you will have the satisfaction of seeing the liquor store go out of business and the owner having his home foreclosed on. And no one gets hurt, physically, and you don't go to jail.

Of course, if people don't stop drinking, you might realize that you can't singlehandedly solve this problem, and move on to something better. Maybe you could campaign to ban foie gras or something.:p
ArmedBear said:
Maybe you could campaign to ban foie gras or something.:p

I can see it now:

12 men come into the nice eatery and trash the place,

"Don't you sell foie gras to any African Americans!"

Heck, I would PAY to see that videotape, and I can't stand foie gras (don't like liver of any type).
dasmi said:
No, it is not, you digusting human being. Defending your life and property is not “vigilante” behavior. It is not the same thing as robbing another man’s business. I am so tired of this “curl up and give the bad man what he wants” crap.…

That bears repeating. Thank you, dasmi.

Four years since September 11th, and we’re still being fed the same old lies.

~G. Fink :mad:
JJpdxpinkpistols said:
I can see it now:

12 men come into the nice eatery and trash the place,

"Don't you sell foie gras to any African Americans!"

Heck, I would PAY to see that videotape, and I can't stand foie gras (don't like liver of any type).

A state bill to ban foie gras was a major political issue last year in California, believe it or not. Meanwhile, the state was going bankrupt, but hey, that was no big deal.
Camp David said:
"a non-lethal, personal protection device"?
That would be either a French "Surrender Monkey" kit or just a standard "Piss Your Pants" paccifist response?
Yes, 'Creeping Incrementalism' write EXACTLY "Kilifoniya" law.
BTW, why you're not surprise by "If you are confronted by a robber, listen to the robber's demands. If the robber wants your money or property...comply without hesitation. Don't try any tricks. If the robber has a weapon, he might use it." :fire:
And everybody here in SF bay area know what does it mean go to west oakland area at 9:00p.m. - 5:00a.m.
And I saw somewhere on web - in bay area ONLY 56 or 58 people have permit CCW.
hjrocket said:
Wong sound Chinese. If his name was Kim, Lee. or Rhee I would expect a shotgun on premises!!:) :) :)
He's probably chinese.

My dad was a long time business owner before the LA riots, the week they broke out, I also broke out with chicken pox. So he stayed the week to watch me, while his parter stayed at the shop in LA. Into the height of the riots, the shop was robbed, raided, pillaged, and burnt to the ground, with the manager that was hired to watch dragged out and beaten. He would've been lynched had not been for the wig makers next door who was protecting their establishment with a couple of 12GA.

I think back sometimes and wonder what would have happen had I not gotten sick and my dad went to work.
XD_fan said:
"In a statement, Oakland Police said it would be counterproductive for owners to arm themselves, but promised protection for merchants. And Oakland City Council member Desley Brooks discouraged merchants from arming themselves for protection, saying "It's the same type of behavior these (vandals) engage in."

So the police are going to provide an armed officer to sit in the back of all these stores!! What a great response. I also have some land west of the Golden Gate for sale if your interested. Of course since this was only a promise nothing will happen to help these people. And best case it will be ten days before any of these folks can arm themselves.

I guess it's pretty easy to shoot off your mouth and make promises that you can't keep, all the while knowing that you can never be held liable for failing to provide the protection or even failing to respond.:scrutiny:

Oh well........It's CA and there's no reason to have expected anything else.:rolleyes:
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