Obama wants Fed CCW ban

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Feb 22, 2003

Buried near the end of an article entitled, Keyes backs law on concealed guns, the following quote outlines Illinois Democratic Senatorial candidate Barak Obama's position on concealed carry:
"In a February survey of Democratic primary candidates for the U.S. Senate by the Tribune, Obama said he opposed allowing ordinary citizens to carry concealed weapons and that a federal law banning concealed carried weapons except for law enforcement is needed."

I wonder what else he is against "ordinary citizens" doing? He has already demonstrated, by his vote in the IL legislature, that he is against homeowners being able to use 'self-defense' to defend themselves in court after they have defended themselves at home.
I wonder if the' "skinny kid with the funny name," considers himself an "ordinary citizen?" (Oh yeh, I almost forgot that IL legislators voted themselves the right to carry concealed.)
Another elitist hypocrite to be defeated. I've said it before, and I'll say it again-the more restrictive the law, the lower the rate of compliance. Leftist legislation inevitably produces a result opposite its stated intention.
Obama should take the advice of the old Dick Cheney proverb and 'go f*ck himself'
It really sucks that Illinois is stuck deciding between a couple of such big hypocrites. At least you guys get a choice though, whereas in MD "our" legislators have about as much chance of being removed from office as a king or queen.
Obama seems to be a big crackpot

he would put some of Monkey County's MD state legislators to shame for out-"progressive-ing" them . . . .:rolleyes:

-Fed Ban on CCW :what:
- won't vote yes-or-no on controversial issues (just votes "present":rolleyes: )
- is able to doublespeak himself out of criticism for supporting an IL retired LEO-only CCW system ("narrow exception only for the specially trained":rolleyes: )
- proudly states that "the public is better served" by more gun control :barf:

With more guys like this being shoved out in front-and-center, the Dem party will be doomed . . . .:uhoh: (saying this as a Democrat)
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I saw his presentation on TV at the DNC. I got the impression that he was a gold plated turd. Amazing how he generated so much enthusiasm on the floor.
Do what you want in Illinois, with your state laws. I'll make sure my Michigan laws are the way I like them. Federal govt is for keeping the states from fighting and dealing with foreign countries
It really sucks that Illinois is stuck deciding between a couple of such big hypocrites. At least you guys get a choice though

But we don't really have a choice.

Increasingly, all Illinois elections for federal office feature the candidate whom Daley owns (always rabidly anti-gun) and the (Republican who has no chance of winning).

Ryan had no chance, even before the messy divorce details got out. Keyes has no chance, either.

Obama is a foregone conclusion. He was selected, not elected.
A Senator's length of term is 6 years, correct?
It is a foregone conclusion that this a-hole will be elected.
I will make it one of my hobbies to harass this man and let him know that MOST of Illinois (other than ScHITcago) does not hold the same views on 2nd Amendment as Daley, Blagoia-bitch and their ilk.
(and help to ensure he will not be re-elected)

Everyone else on this board from Illinois (and even you that are not!) should do just about the same.
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