Odd happenings down the street.

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Dec 3, 2005
The end of the road between Sodom and Gomorrah Tex
I was out working as usual in my shop and in front of it today. However, having caught up with the work load a bit (I repair small engines, mowers, trimmers, etc), I was putting together a new tripod deer stand I bought the other night at Academy. I heard a couple of trucks/cars take off squalling their tires. Thought to myself, "Maybe there's a cop down there to catch the punks.", but didn't look up.

In a few minutes I looked up and there was a DPS Trooper's coming down the street slow and I thought maybe he'd been attracted by the noise, but then there's a city cop and he pulls into a drive down to a little house that's down by the bay just about 100 yards down the road. He comes out, the DPS pulls into the trailer park which is filling up with "winter Texans" this time of year. Then, the DPS comes out and pulls into the drive of the house across the street. I was finishing up the stand about this time. A couple of times the city cop and the DPS cruised by real slow looking like they were going to turn in here and cruised on. Guess they figured I was too engrossed in my stand to have noticed anything and they're right. Then, I see a constable's truck pull into the vacant lot where there used to be a motel down the street and sit for a while.

I figure must have been a robbery, rape, or something down there, perhaps domestic violence, but I guess I'll have to wait for the 2 times a week local paper to come out to find out. :rolleyes: Times like that you wish you had a scanner. I never heard any gunshots or anything like that. It's not that far down there and I likely would have heard such because I have an ear for gunshots. Whatever happened it didn't make the local TV news, which is in a larger town about 30 miles from here.

Anyway, further verification of my all day every day carry habits if nothing else. There has been crime here just next door at the car wash before. It's a small town, but things still happen and you just never know when they'll pick on you. That's why I put the gun in my pocket first thing in the morning and carry it all day long, no matter what I'm doing out in the shop, always armed around here. Maybe I'm paranoid, but it don't do you no good in the bed room when you need it in the shop.
There has been crime here just next door at the car wash before. It's a small town, but things still happen and you just never know when they'll pick on you.

The only safe neighborhoods are those criminals can't drive to in purchased, borrowed, or stolen cars.
Sometimes I'm tempted to go unarmed because it can be a pain in the backside. But I figure with my luck, that would be the time I get hurt.

My biggest fear is home invasion. It's becoming more and more prevalent in the DC region. I fear it because I fear for my families safety more than anything else.
That's one reason I like to pocket carry. It's the one mode of carry that really doesn't bother me all day long. IWB bothers me even with a light, small gun after a good day and I simply can't carry IWB while I'm working outside in the heat.

I carry a 9mm or a .38 in a pocket and feel pretty well armed. Today, when all this was going on, I was armed with a .38 caliber 2" five shot revolver.
You are right to carry "all day, every day". In the last six years I've missed very few days...and on two of those days, there was a "this is going to end bad" event...with me right in the middle. I carry now, all the time.
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