Officers rescue man from asphixiating

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Dec 22, 2002
Nemo sine vitio est
3 Cops drag man out of his own garage!

Three Cops Injured Pulling Man From Garage Full of Carbon Monoxide

North Valley Stream-WABC, January 21, 2004) — A nearly deadly twist in a domestic dispute on Long Island. Cops responding to the call found a garage filled with carbon monoxide.

They rushed in to save one of the residents, and it nearly cost the officers their lives.

It happened in North Valley Stream, that's where Stacey Sager reports from.

The fumes in the garage here were so severe this morning that four people were hospitalized, three of them police officers. This all began with a husband and wife fighting before their kids left for school.

But what police want to know is what happened next.

Investigators were here at the home on Edwards Boulevard throughout the day, just trying to figure out what happened.

What we do know is that 49-year-old Angela Harvey, and her 62-year-old husband Fitzgerald Harvey were having an argument. She ended up running to the Nassau County 5th Police Precinct around the corner to get help.

And when police arrived, he was found locked in the garage, with the car running.

Det. Lt. Robert Cuerbo, Nassau County Police: "The detectives and officers forced their way through the house, ultimately were able to get into the garage, and found a 62-year-old man in the car, in a semi-coherent state from carbon monoxide poisoning."

Fitzgerald Harvey is at Mercy Hospital, where he's being evaluated for carbon monoxide poisoning. Two of the police officers were treated and released for carbon monoxide poisoning. And one detective suffered a serious cut to his arm as he broke in to save the 62-year-old man.

Police are still investigating the case.

I don't think 3 officers should have to risk their lives in order to save someone who wants to die. Maybe suicide should be legal.

Hmm, I've never heard of anyone being charged with attempting suicide. I know its illegal here though.
TBO, I really dont mean to be rude, but are you on some sort of quest to tell of the heroic tales of police bravery and skill? Almost every one of your posts seems to be extolling the virtuous peace officer(s) who bravely did deed 'X', etc etc etc.

I agree that cops are good guys, but as much as we need to remember that cops do good, they are also capable of doing bad, wether of their own choice or from orders higher up.
Mopar, ive always paid attention to TBO's posts and it seems to me that he posts a pretty wide cross-section of LEO related material. He has his opinions and he makes them known once the discussion starts. Although i often dissagree with him i dont think he is cherry picking stories to make some kind of point. He's posted a number of articles that make the cops look like idiots as well (although he may not see it that way).
To get technical, here,

I thought modern cars had such good emission controls that there's almost no CO in the exhaust. Does anyone know the maker and date of making of the car, and whether or not it was in good repair?

Personal anecdote: A friend's mother did herself in not far from here, by car exhaust. This happened a few (7 or 8?) years ago. It seems she was fond of bridge, and even more of drinking. As far as anyone knows, she drove home from a drunken bridge game, shut the garage door with the car running, went into the house without shutting the connecting door, lay down on a sofa, and never woke up.

Her car was a modern one in good repair, as far as I know (She had LOTS of money). I wonder if the car just used up all of the available oxygen, rather than poisoned her with exhaust products.

This could not have happened, of course, had the garage been a separate building, as is normal in the south, or a carport, as used to be normal in Florida, before the people from Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and such places imposed their wrong ideas about domestic architecture upon us.

Oh, to try and get back on topic; my friend was interviewed by the Sheriff's detectives, seeing as how Mom was wealthy, he was the only heir, and it was known by all that they didn't get along very well. I thought this slightly amusing, as said friend had been an Atlanta policeman for a while until (I think) he was driven out for being a straight arrow. I believe they made him a turnkey at the jail, hoping he'd get fed up and quit so they wouldn't have to fire him. Their plan worked.

As it turned out , the lawmen were satisfied no murder was done, and my friend inherited.
Cops = brave, but stupid. The #1 rule in rescue is protect yourself first, always stand back and evaluate a situation befor rushing in.
to VNgo; Welcome,but please

try not to write things which other people might think rude. Believe me, I know whereof I speak, having been almost tossed from this forum for imtemperate literary criticism. (The less said about that business, the better!)

As far as the bravery and stupidity of cops goes, see my post on another thread, in which I deprecated the police chief in a New England state a few years ago who refused to hire a job applicant who got too high a score on an IQ test. I say here what I said there; If we have to have cops, they should be smart and honest, they should be trustworthy, loyal,helpful,friendly,courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent! Morally and intellectually deficient policemen should, of course, be sent packing to seek other employment.

Yes, that's the Boy Scout Law above.
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