Official 2A Sanctuaries List

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Good Ol' Boy

Apr 26, 2016
Mechanicsville, VA
Please let's keep this database oriented and not get off topic.

This thread is meant for all members who are living in or know of cities/counties across the country that have proclaimed themselves 2A Sanctuaries to list them.

I think in the long run this will be worthwhile information to folks.

Most probably know of the Virginia elections a couple of weeks ago. Two counties, Appomattox and Campbell declared just a couple days after the election. Tonight at 7pm my county of Dinwiddie also declared. I have no doubt there will be many more around VA.

So, if you live in or know of a city/county that's declared itself a 2A Sanctuary please list it.
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Is there a definition to follow. I understand “sanctuary cities“ to facilitate people in breaking Federal laws. Is this what you are asking about? Not trying to derail, rather understand.

Maybe just a link would help.?
The right to keep and bear arms is a constitutionally protected, God-Given/Natural right that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Gun prohibitions, gun confiscations, gun registration, ammunition restrictions, and so on, are violations of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 13 of the Virginia Constitution.

A Second Amendment Sanctuary is a locality that recognizes the constitutional protections for firearms and does not intend to enforce any unconstitutional restrictions created at the state or federal level. The locality could tell their chief of police, if they have one, or other employees not to enforce such laws. A Sheriff is independent of such a resolution, but could decide on his own whether or not to enforce such laws.

A Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution also sends a powerful message to the General Assembly: pass unconstitutional gun laws and we, the locality, are going to ignore them! The more localities that do this, the louder the message.
Is there a definition to follow. I understand “sanctuary cities“ to facilitate people in breaking Federal laws. Is this what you are asking about? Not trying to derail, rather understand.

Maybe just a link would help.?

What we are referring to here is locals within states that are adhering to the constitution in the face of state and or federal govt trying to dismantle it.
Grandstanding. This has no legal effect either at the federal level or at the state level.
That’s right. But it sure does at the county level. The sheriff can determine what laws they will and will not enforce. If a sheriff deems a law unconstitutional, they have the overriding authority to basically nullify the law in their county.
Grandstanding. This has no legal effect either at the federal level or at the state level.

So - better to bend over and take it? Such "grandstanding" may give elected officials in those locales something to chew on , maybe , come election time?
Better to be sheeple?
What an inspirational ray of sunshine you are.

Florence County , Wisconsin.
I think we are safe here in Alabama but the way the 2A climate is changing, especially in the last 25 years, leads me to believe all may be lost in the next 25 years.
The sheriff can determine what laws they will and will not enforce.

I have a problem with lawlessness at any level. If you are not going to enforce a law that is on the books, it should be removed from them.

All it does is open up selective enforcement, these folks get a pass while we nail others to the wall. Simply not justice. Same thing should apply to law makers. You want everyone to have socialized healthcare, they should not be allowed to exempt themselves, like they did.
While I do dislike the thought of criminality, I abhor the thought of I and my children being oppressed more so.

‘Tis a sticky wicket for sure.

Is failure to follow an unconstitutional law a crime?

If so, there will be open seats in many city councils of the lefty persuasion.

Any bets when their Grandstanding gets prosecuted?
But, I digress... my apologies @Good Ol' Boy.

I shall contact my sheriff to get his opinion on this. Though I imagine a form letter about the 2A, I never know.

Perhaps mine could be the first county in Michigan...:thumbup:
The OP wanted just info as to areas that have such. It seems to me that it can be assembled through internet searches. The OP didn't want a discussion of the usual pros and cons.

Thus, I suggest that if you have info of an area, PM it to the OP. I'm going to close this as it is off the rails already.

If a list is compiled by PMs or searches, the OP can PM me or other staff to post it. Otherwise, closed.
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