OH - Idiot cop fires blank in office prank

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Sounds like fun TallPine.
Sadly times have changed and fun is being slowly outlawed, either criminally or civilly.
Nowadays, the family of the hamburger boy would sue for emotional distress.
We are becoming a nation of wimps, who sue for everything they think will make them a buck. :(
Wahhhhhhhh, I am emotionally damaged. Gimme money. :p
Any prank with a firearm is a willfull unsafe act and warrants disciplinary action, up to and including job terminaiton.

The fact that these officers only got unpaid leave and an addition to their personnel files is probably due to the fact that they serve some useful purpose to the PD and that prior similar behavior on the part of others has not been punished. Eveyone in that PD now understands what responsible shooters have known all along.
Tallpine, that kind of running battle used to be a regularly scheduled event at Knott's Berry Farm (now part of the 6 Flags outfit.) Old time western town, employees in period clothing - it fit right in. It was good theatre.

That's a whale of a lot different than this stupid prank.
How about an apples to apples comparison? Same situation, an office worker has the same "prank" played on her. But she works in an office instead of a police station.

Does the prankster go to jail for brandishing or do you tell her it's just a joke and laugh on the way back to the car?
I wouldn't make an on the spot arrest.
I would write a report and refer it to the DA to see if they wanted to file charges at a later time.
I would tell them it was a joke, albeit in poor taste in that environment.
I would be giggling all the way back to my patrol car.
I would take my reprimand for not taking this situation as seriously as my bosses would have wanted me to.
Tallpine, that kind of running battle used to be a regularly scheduled event at Knott's Berry Farm (now part of the 6 Flags outfit.) Old time western town, employees in period clothing - it fit right in. It was good theatre.

Well, this wasn't a "scheduled event" - just a prank cooked up by a couple cowboys and another buddy of mine. Just for the record, I wasn't in it - but I knew it was coming and was there to witness the show.

This was an out of the way little seasonal resort, not a big attraction.

The cowboys rode from like 5am to noon or so, moving cows when it was cool, so they had lots of time to pull stuff like this.

Later on, they were chasing each other up and down the road in pickups, shooting back and forth. :)

It's hard to believe that only back in the seventies we were all so much freer than now ... we thought it would go on forever ...
Playing a joke on someone is one thing, but playing a joke with a firearm, is absolutely idiotic.

A swift kick to the a**, is what those dumba**es deserved.

[hammer--geez, I'm a moron]

Please, please stop leaving straight lines like this around!!! I'M about to have a heart attack from refraining to respond to this in a rude and inconsiderate manner!

(And the idiot cops are very lucky that the lady clerk DIDN'T have a heart attack or faint, striking her head on the desk. I'm betting there will be a lawsuit out of this, however.)
There's a Christian parable concerning stones and glass houses. I think a variation -- Let him who hasn't done something incredibly stupid in the name of amusement cast the first stone -- maybe applies here.

A certain LEO of canine extraction once came upon an officer fast asleep and snoring in a marked unit on the graveyard shift. Said officer may or may not have lit the fuse on a string of firecrackers and dropped them onto the passenger seat. Said furry officer may also have screamed: "Shots fired...officer DOWN! just before the firecrackers started going off. Allegedly. :evil:

A sheriff of my acquantance was driving a newly hired officer about the county, when he noticed that the new hire had gone to sleep in the passenger seat of the unit. The sheriff promptly drove out to the local lake, held his sawn-off 12 gauge out the window, squeezed off two rounds and bellowed: "Cover me, boy, I'M GOIN' IN!". :neener:

Apparently the prospective officer made it chest-deep in lake water before stopping to see what was actually going on. The sheriff gently advised him to go be a cop somewhere safer - Dallas was recommended. :scrutiny:

As far as never having done something incredibly bloody stupid in the name of amusement -- well, I kinda gotta bow out on the stone-throwing.

Hell, not just amusement -- I'm the guy who executed Santa Claus, and held a child's doll at gunpoint. :banghead:

And, having read some accounts here and on TFL concerning Members and experiences with high-explosives; shotgun shells/ball bearings; common household chemicals in the proper proportions; the shooting of various pressurized/volatile/spectacular items; high-velocity engineering; 12-gauge disposal of common household pests; or anything else that causes overuse of the bug-eyed emoticon, I'm not sure that more than a few maybe ought not to be getting in on the stone-throwing either.

Just two cents worth of flash-burned eyebrow, anyhoo.

Yanno LawDog, you reminded me of a story.

One night, allegedly, an officer was checking a business alarm, when at the most vulnerable point of his check, someone threw a firecracker at him. :what:
Now from what I was told, you see I wasn't there, honest. :evil:
The officer actually levitated into the air while drawing his weapon in a panicked, yet efficient manner.
Of course the laughter from the nearby bushes, quickly clued him in to the fact that he was the hapless victim of a pyrotechnic prank. :D

I do wish I had been there to see that one. :p
Still, these guys are overqualified to be on the Cookeville PD.

OK, I'm out of the loop. Just what is the deal with Cookeville? I know from comments on TFL that it was something last fall, and I MUST KNOW WHAT IT WAS!!

Uh, I was in that area last fall....

They should have been terminated immediatelly!!!!!

Yes Cops are held to a higher standard in some cases but hey they also have a greater responsibility to the public, if a person can not act responsibly with a firearm they do not need one let alone be one of the very few people deemed by a large masss of society as the only folks who should carry weapons.

For years it bothered me to get pulled over by a cop. Not so much because I was afraid of getting a ticket but because they were armed and I was not. Even now if you get pulled over the first thing they do is take your weapon. It makes me sick to hand over all the power to someone else. However I do understand it to a degree. I still don't like to be disarmed!!!!
Hell why not just ask to "do" my old lady I'd probably be less offended.

My point is I don't want to pay some idiot like this to "protect " me
My philosophy is I'll call the cops when I'm done shooting!!!

If someone is going to have the power that is granted to police then they need to be held to a higher standard. Idiots like this shouldn't be tolerated at Mcdonalds let alone a Police dept.

Scenario...Police show up to office prank ...One person standing with a gun over an injured or fake dead person. The officer around here anyway would probably shoot person holding gun. sorry but this action would be justified. Later sorry officer it was a joke.

Hey Delta,

How about instead of higher pay bonuses for nastier criminals. Maybe an extra bonus if you can save the public the cost of a trial legally of course?

Solve that catch and release problem. :D
Pranks are fun. Pranks with firearms not acceptable. It's not worth the risk. These clowns are lucky that they weren't fired and subjected to criminal charges. Any other job and they would have been.

I want Higher pay to go with the Higher standard.

I'd vote for that, Delta. I'd even vote to have my taxes raised to pay for it. Cheerfully. IF I could be sure the money would go into officer's pockets, NOT into administration overhead.
LOL Quartus.
I am happy with my pay, but appreciate your offer. :D
I just want to retire.

In the last 10 years, we have increased steadily in middle management, aka Sgts, Lts, Capts, but not in street cops.
So I doubt any new monies would be put to good use.
Aye, Delta, that's the rub. Same thing in publik edyoocashun. Too much overhead. To much administration. THe problem is not that we're spending too little. THe problem is that we're spending foolishly.

But I don't think you guys get paid enough. And most of the top brass gets more than is warranted.
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