Ohio CCW Vs Two thugs in gas station- shots fired

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The rounds incapacitated the perpetrator preventing him from continuing his attack.
I would say that they worked very well.

Maybe a couple of rounds of Pow'RBall followd by some JHP's would be a good idea?
Thug survives 2 45acp PowRball to the torso. Not what I'd call a good round for defense.
Something like 80% of gunshot victims survive. I'll agree with thump_rrr that stopping the attack was the (and is the only legal) purpose of shooting, and the shots did the job well.

And an interesting statement:
carrying with one in the chamber probably saved my life because i was holding myself in the car with my left hand as they were trying to pull me out of the car no way i could have racked the slide.
This is what we need more discussion on...job well done by the defender, and honestly, job well done by the round...as stated earlier, we are firing to stop an immediate behavior...as fast as possible...this unfortunatly is most easily done by shocking/interupting the CNS/Central Vascular system. We are not shooting to kill.
Best thread I have ever read on a gun forum was at the linked site.
Cant wait to see what the police do with the face book info they were supplied with.
There are some really scary people among us out on the streets.
Well the link worked at first but when I went back to read it again it was gone....
Yeah, the thread was hard to find. (Yeah, I hate those commercials.) According to the news, he didn't shoot the scumbag in the chest...he shot him in the stomach, which is probably part of why he survived. But other than that, things turned out as well as could be expected. And as others have said, all that really matters is that he stopped the attack.

Glad everything is OK.
Sam beat me to it. The objective is to stop the attack, and some 80% of persons shot with hand guns do survive. Also, had the actor not been carrying chambered, the outcome may have been different.

Note the advice in the other forum for the actor to clear any other postings or public comments with counsel. Good idea.

Some comments in the other forum refer to the Ohio castle doctrine. It appears to me that the actor was not in his car when he fired; I do not see how that law would apply.

It is pretty clear that the OP was attacked unlawfully by more than one person. So, the only question was whether deadly force was excessive. I would argue that under the circumstances, the actor had reason to fear being kidnapped. The dangerous nature of the assailants was illustrated when they continued to press the attack after the defender produced his firearm. He also had to be concerned about giving up his firearm to the perps, though that did not seem to matter to the DA in the Larry Hickey case in Arizona.

It is interesting that in the case of Larry Hickey, charges were filed and trials followed. One difference here was that the location of the event and the distance involved was never in question due to the video record.

The after-incident actions and postings of the associates of the wounded attacker are really eyeopening and frankly, are scary. I should think that they would prove helpful to the defense, should the prosecuting attorney change his or her mind and pursue charges.

Lessons? One that comes to mind is to not leave the gun in the car when you get out.
Lessons? One that comes to mind is to not leave the gun in the car when you get out.

Personal space management comes to mind...

There is NO reason to allow an individual to intrude on ones' personal space the way that criminal did.
1. The criminal was a complete stranger to the defender.
- Don't play the "mistaken identity" game. When they FAIL to acknowledge the fact that you DON'T know them, and yet they STILL stick around, they need to be called out about it immediately, and one needs to prepare for defense IMO.
- Your IMMEDIATE mood change and defensive positioning WILL be detected by the criminal, and they will need to either initiate their assault from a less advantageous position, or leave. Both are to your advantage.

Failure to identify criminal "uniform"
1. If an individual dresses like a low life ghetto trailer trash gangsta wannabe, they will be treated accordingly.
2. Like it or not, individual attire is often chosen to reflect the culture, values, and / or profession of an individual. The attire the criminal wore closely matched the criminal uniform of the day, and amazingly enough, it accurately reflected his culture and potential behavior. He was drunk, HIGH on crack, AND he attempted to assault a citizen. Go figure.
3. Be mindful of what people are trying to say about themselves with the attire they choose to wear. While behavior is the final factor, individual attire can often lead to the need for greater scrutiny.
PTL the gun owner is OK.
He should have kept them further away in the first place. Still a good shoot and a good man lives another day.
The Fox news story was very balanced.
Good example of how it can all be over in seconds. He probably had no time to aim like most of us do when we practice at the range. I think he was smart not to shoot the guy once he was on the ground. With adrenaline pumping, it would be easy to make that mistake.
Blows my mind...can't wait to get to TX where I can CC and protect myself and my loved ones
Good example of how it can all be over in seconds. He probably had no time to aim like most of us do when we practice at the range. I think he was smart not to shoot the guy once he was on the ground. With adrenaline pumping, it would be easy to make that mistake.

The perp's lawyer is done for; the not-so-defensless victim has video evidence that he just wanted to stop the attack inflicted on him.
After watching this video numerous times I concluded as others did that the gut shot perp was allowed to intrude in the space of the victim way too much.
I also noted that several times the victim momentarily turned his back on the guy who attacked him.
Not wanting to be a Monday morning quarterback, but for myself at least, I would try to never turn my back like that unless it was to attain full and fast flight away from the guy.
I also noted without surprise that the shot perps friend was all about coming in on the two on one but beat feet fast once the victim starts shooting but was in total wonderment that even though he was involved in the assault and his friend was on the ground with the victim standing there still with his gun that the idiot came back.
Drugs I guess.
Jagermeister and Cocaine... great combo...NOT crack as apparently one of the baddies protested in his facebook postings, saved by others thankfully to pass on the death threats to the authorities before they were taken down.

Well then, Cocaine? Thats MUCH better. Case dimissed.... Jail the shooter for shooting the innocent cokehead. :rolleyes:

One in the chamber... on my hip... NOT left in the console of my car.

One heckuva epic thread from Ohio, and a great lesson for anyone who feels awkward about carrying one in the pipe.

Edit- the one still walking around was arrested for misdemeanor illegal concealed carry on the 17th ... I'd have to say it appears that he's intent on being the shooter/stabber next time. (misdemeanor charge, "other than firearm" so armed but still not legally so....)
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The rounds did their job. They stopped the attack on the victim quickly and effectively. Props to the man for being a textbook example of how to deal with an attack.
Wow, that thread over at the Ohio CCW forms is quite a read. I went through all 40 pages of it this morning. The links to the various facebook pages are astounding. The whole situation changes my thoughts a bit on where I want to keep my gun on me and while in the car.
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