Ohio. . .West Virginia Veto. . . Legislation.. . .You. . . Side Note

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Gary Slider

Apr 6, 2006
West Virginia
Ohio now honors all other states permit/licenses. This brings to nineteen the number of states that honor all other states.

The West Virginia Governor has vetoed the Permitless Carry Bill. As for an override the Legislature is out of session until next January. Members of the Legislature stated they would pass it next year and leave time to override a veto. Let us Hope! Looks like Kansas and Montana have the best bet of going permitless carry this year. People are wondering why I call it Permitless Carry and not Constitutional Carry. Massad Ayoob tells all his students in his Mag 40 classes and has told me that calling it Constitutional Carry can open a can of worms in a court case. Mas has been in many courtrooms and knows the ins and outs of what can happen. Calling it Permitless Carry doesn’t allow that can of worms to be opened and that can only be a benefit to someone involved in a shooting. Vermont could be called Constitutional Carry as they have no law against it. AZ, AK and WY have a statute that says it is legal for us to carry without a permit. When he says to call it Permitless Carry and not Constitutional Carry then that is what Handgunlaw.us will call it.

Campus Carry is on the agenda in several states. Open Carry in Texas. Idaho is talking about completely rewriting their Concealed Carry Law. As in previous years many of them will not make it through the process. We will just have to wait and see what makes it through the process.

There are a lot of good bills still to be decided in State Legislatures across America. Your letters, emails and calls to your State Representatives will help and Handgunlaw.us encourages you to let them know how you feel on every bill. You Letters, Emails and Calls do make a difference. Do be nice in your contacts as screaming turns off anyone. Letters, Emails and Calls to the BATF and your Senators/Representatives in Washington are what got the BATF to drop the Green Tip Ammo ban at least for a time. Your contacts have and will continue to make a difference!

On a side note here are a few of the sites I check on when looking for changes in the laws you may find interesting. Handgunlaw.us is not affiliated with any of these sites just use them for research.
Keep and Bear Arms http://keepandbeararms.com/
The Gun Feed http://thegunfeed.com/
The Gun Wire http://thegunwire.com/
NRA/ILA Federal/State Issues & Legislation https://www.nraila.org/legal-legislation/
I also got on Stephen P. Wengers email mailing list. He sends an email about everyday with major stories on Fed, State and Defensive Gun use across the country. He is an Author/Firearms Instructor. http://spw-duf.info Might want to give all these a look if you are looking for stories/information on the firearm issues of the day. To access Mr. Wenger’s Digest sign up page go here: http://lists.pongonova.org/mailman/listinfo/duf-digest If anyone knows of any other sites that provide info on what is going on in the states concerning their gun laws please send me the link to [email protected]
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