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the 22 junkie

Feb 20, 2006
Houston, TX
OMYGAWD, IT'S COLUMBINE ALL OVER AGAIN! OH THE HORRORS! And it all started so innocently too... [/sarcasm]

Seriously, my spring break just got started on Friday, and I already had a blast. I invited my science teacher and his son up to my ranch in byooteeful Lee County, Texas, for a good old session of plinking and fishing. We arrived there at 12:30 on the 18, bringing along with us our Arsenal of Death and Destruction (A.D.D.)(Coincidentally, what makes me special :):scrutiny: ). We arrived, weather was cool and overcast, perfect shooting weather. And with that, drove through the wooded area out to the 1 acre field, and set up our cans and boxes we solicited from the caliche pit against the red clay embankment. And with that, we opened up our cases, and removed our A.D.D:

Marlin 925 w/ 800 rounds of Federal .22's
Ruger P89 w/ 250 Rem. UMC's
Ruger SP101 w/ 60 American Eagles nad Remington UMC's
Remington 1100 12 Ga.
Winchester 9410
Reminton 870 20 Ga.
Some Brazillian SXS
Enfield Marlin Model 60 Knock-off
The Doors/Led Zeppelin II
Pick up truck stereo system

And then, the carnage began. We shot 450 rounds the first day, and as soon as the dust settled, I expected the worst. I couldn't believe it! No one was dead or injured! Surley we must have been doing something wrong. Well, there's always tomorrow i thought, as we started on the last box of .22. And just then, I heard an oink. And another. And another. I turn around to see, PIGS! [Ps: not the police] Little suckling Javelinas, so cute and cuddly wuddly. Bu then something happened. I remebered. OH NOES! I HAD A GUN IN MY HAND! And suddnely the demon spawn high capicity tactical sniper assault weapon possesed my and drove to to open fire like Charles Whitman on these poor little pigs! When the dust had setteled[sp?] (it has a tendency to kick up whenever I need it too), again, three innocent pigs lie slaughtered! I couldn't believe it! AND what's even worse, my left hand and buck knife conspired against to trick me into putting three notches on the back of my super tacticool satan machine! OH THE FRICKIN' HUMANITY! I went to sleep feeling like a murderer that night :( . I hoped the next day wouldn't end up with the same bloodshed as the day before. We woke the next morning, and went out back to the field (of killing poor innocent bambi pigs). We shot the remainder of our ammo, but no one was dead! I figured something must be wrong, so I decided to put my crack edumacation to work:

guns + school = bad?


guns + the 22 junkie= bad?


guns + morons/emo kids = bad?


WAIT! Thats it!

(Moron * gun) + school = bad.


I have discovered why no one died. Cause not all gun owners gun owners are idiots. Of course, we knew that all along.

Ps: Of cousre, we still have the stupid socialist liberals at our school who cant hear me and Dante (My teachers son) talking about this, lest we be the anti-christ (again).

It was.
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