Online Public School Option In Light of School Shootings

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Jan 10, 2010
Northwest Coast
I didn't want to detract an existing thread but when home schooling option came up in light of school shootings, I wanted to post another schooling option - Online Public School such as K12 -

When our honor/gate/dean's list daughter entered public High School and increasing concern for bullying/drugs/sex/violence/weapons became an issue, we examined different schooling option and decided on K12 public school option at no cost to us.

Instead of being distracted daily of peer pressure and violence concerns, our daughter was able to better focus on class work and homework with personalized attention/feedback from teachers (How many teachers spend most of their class time with "trouble" students? ;)). We noticed an immediate change in her stress level and improvement in grades.

Another benefit was being able to travel as long as there was internet access to log into classroom each day.

And of course, no concern for school shootings.

So if you have school age children, consider alternate schooling options.
School shootings are statistically insignificant. Tragedies when they happen, but not a rational basis for making schooling decisions. (Just as they are not a rational basis for gun bans, etc.)
<-----school teacher.

A child cannot go through life encased in bubblewrap and be expected to survive on their own.
As I outlined in my OP, there are many benefits of online public school, not just school shooting.

And our daughter switched to online school during High School and the difference we saw, and reported by our daughter was night and day. And she is happily working full-time while she prepares herself for college and recently paid cash for 2019 Hyundai Elantra Value edition, car of her choice.

Online public school option may not be for everyone as there is certain level of self drive that's required to complete school work/projects.
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If school shootings are statistically insignificant, then why the big push from the gun community to arm teachers? If I felt that there was a need for a teacher to be armed, then I would deem that school too unsafe to send my child to everyday.
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