Ok...this wait is getting ridiculous...

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My first Form 4 took exactly one month to be approved from the date it was sent in. That was back in 2006 though.... The rest of my Form 4s and Form 1s have been much longer. I believe six months was the longest for me. And that was a Form 1.
Calling to raise some heck

When a retailer hasn't made good on an order you placed, you can sometimes get them moving with a sharpened phone call. If they aren't doing their job quickly enough, you have a right to be frustrated, even angry.

When you've given your money to a company that is dragging their feet in the completion of their end of the deal, you can ask for the manager and give him a piece of your mind. It can put things in motion, and you have plenty reason to become provoked there.

But when you pay the ATF the $200 and they take 6, 8, 11 months to approve your F4, what can you do? Call them up, raise some heck, tell them that they are obligated to send you the stamp posthaste? No. I think they hold all the cards here. I don't know that we can do anything other than bow down and plead for mercy from whoever has our paperwork on their desk.

If they want to work at a snail's pace, we have no place to be indignant. We are literally begging them to allow us the privilege of keeping and bearing these items. We can't make demands of them... can we?
If they get inundated with complaints, they will work harder just to avoid the thousand calls a day complaining about wait times. Sometimes, the best motivation for doing a job is to avoid getting yelled at for not doing your job.
And if they spend half of their days answering phone calls, the transfer times are probably going to increase. You DO remember this is the government with whom we are dealing correct?

There are currently 10 examiners assigned to the NFA branch. There is also a hiring freeze because the government is essentially broke. The examiners were all reassigned by state back in June, where they used to be assigned alphabetically by the name of the person submitting the forms. The idea was that this would allow the examiners to become more familiar with various state laws so they wouldn't waste time approving transfers that were locally illegal.

When you submit a Form 1 or Form 4, your submission goes into a queue for the examiner assigned to your state. When the examiner gets down to you, he/she checks the form and sends the fingerprints off to the Feebs. The check gets cashed and they (and you) wait. You go into another queue while the examiner works on other cases. If the prints clear and there are no other problems, the Form gets approved, the stamp is attached and out it goes. Current wait time...several months. And if by chance your prints were not up to FBI standards? Add afew months.

When I did my first transfer last century, it was taking about 8-9 months for most to come back. We were dealing with some of the indigenous population of DC, all of whom were on the General Schedule (GS) dole. Trying to get information from them was almost impossible.

Then the NFA branch was moved to WV (by God) and the work was taken over by contractors. The wait times dropped to several WEEKS in some cases. So more people started submitting Forms...and a lot were going the trust or LLC route to avoid having to send in fingerprint cards and photos...or simply because their CLEO was a butthead and they didn't know what else to do. And the wait times increased. And people started making calls and demanding to speak with their examiners...and the wait times increased.

In the meantime, the examiners were setting new records for the numbers of transfers being processed. I believe the current record is 1200 in one month for one gentleman. Considering that they work the same 20-23 day work month that most of us do (not counting holidays), that ain't too shabby. Works out to around 50-60 per day, or 6-10 each hour. So your application gets between 6-10 minutes of the examiner's time and has to meet certain standards/rules before it can proceed. If you want to call the examiner and spend 10 minutes on the phone complaining, that is your perogative. I would only ask that you don't use MY 10 minutes of his/her time.

Should we HAVE to ask permission to own or build something that is essentially a right under the constitution? Heck no. Nor should I have to pass along part of my income to someone who doesn't work for a living, or allow illegal immigrants to send their kids to my local schools at my expense when they are not paying school taxes while I am (and my youngest is already teaching school.) But that is the country in which we live.

Don't like it? Work to repeal the National Firearms Act of 1934. It will probably be a doomed effort since I don't know of a gun control law that has ever been repealed, but maybe you will feel better. OBTW...that onerous $200 tax that we pay? It was established back when $200 was a substantial amount of money; a new car went for about $500.

So give the examiners a break. Wait your turn. Or work for "change"...Mr. O will love you.

Of course, that is just my opinion; I could be wrong.
I've called them twice-once about a month ago and they said mine was "pending June 1 and it would be 3-4 months after this date". Just called 2 days ago and they said it was "pending Aug 11 and 3-4 months after this date".

What? 2 pending dates on the same item? They haven't contacted me or the dealer about anything wrong with the papers which were sent in about the first of April. Kinda makes me think every time you call they put you at the bottom of the stack again. Anybody had this happen besides me? I won't call and bother them again until about December when I can't stand it anymore.
OK, almost good news....

I got hold of a very nice lady today that said my Form 4 was approved....on June 17!!!:what:

So my next question was..."I haven't seen it, where would it have been sent?" Her response: "Call the dealer..." My response..."I bought it from an individual..." Her response..."Call him...."

Ok, this is my first one...but, who do they send the stamp to? I've got a great relationship with the guy I bought the SBR from, and he's done at least several of these things...and wants to close this deal as badly as I do. He hasn't seen it, so we might be on a goose chase.

What's next if we can't find it? I might have been a little too soft on her, but again, she was just telling me what she knows and has 1,000 more calls just like it. If the stamp is lost, how do I get a replacement? Can anyone tell me where it should have gone?
I dont know on form 4, but I think it goes to the dealer. Call them and ask. If they havent seen it ask if it should go to you.
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